— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №11559
Monday the 13th proved that Friday the 13th is not scary at all.
Monday 20 showed that the number that falls on Monday :(

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №11558
Do you know how to prevent your car from being picked up by an evacuator? Just attach it with a chain for the pulling loop to the nearest pillar or shutter! and :)

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №11557
Don’t trust the girls in the chat.
They already have children and even grandchildren.
A beard and a sweater.
There is at least one litre of water.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №11556
Aydarkin: I want to find out if the swallowing pigeon is in the vacuum

Damir: the pigeon will die there -> reminds... the last time in his life! =) is

Artem: I disagree with the last opponent, it is not necessary to squeeze all the pigeon into the vacuum, it is enough to connect the pipeline (with the vacuum) to the butt of the pigeon, and the pigeon will go away quite normally, probably more than usual.)))

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №11555
In my opinion, the most unique place in the entire network.
You can read news here.
Popular advice and ways to solve household problems
Poetry, poetry and expression.
To find out what is happening in the world and what is being prepared for.

Well, the quotation of the quotation prokatilo: cat, shredder, odmin...

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №11554
Do you often go out with a girl at night?
YYY: Let’s do nothing here and do it...

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №11553
By analogy with the sovok you need to release canned "programmer's breakfast"

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №11552
XXX is
Fuck you 15.
What if it was 15?? to
XXX is
I could have seen you.)
XXX is
Then they will sit again.)
They will not land!! to
My mother is a lawyer. A Judge Aunt
XXX is
Here they will put me.)

[ + 55 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №11551
A long time ago, in my youth, I left the editor "vi" using the Reset button.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №11550
From the magazine "People", November 1997.
A woman came to visit her friend, both of whom were thirty years old. The clock came at nine in the evening, they sat down, consumed, drank something there, in general, went out at midnight. And their houses, although located within the limits of direct visibility, but between them a wild wilderness, grown with bushes. They decided to get together to the middle, and there to break up, saying, if something happens to one, it will scream, and her friend will come to help. Well, come, stand, say goodbye, shake at last. Suddenly a man rises from the bushes, catches one by hand and - into the bushes. Her arms and legs were removed from fear, she remembered that she needed to scream something, and she wept that the first thing came to mind. The man's jaw fell, he dropped it - and only the bushes shattered. She goes back, and her girlfriend holds her stomach, cosmetics are blurred, in general - hysterical with her from laughter. On her, you say, straw, I am a straw, and you are funny. A friend in response:
Did you realize that you were screaming?
– No...
You were shouting "Urrra-a-a!!! to

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №11549
When you're an old smashed grandmother - your tattoo will laugh the people)))

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №11548
I lie with my girlfriend on the couch. I read a book to myself. He initiates this dialogue:
Q: Will you buy me a gift for the New Year?
I (not breaking away from the book): UGU
I want a gold bracelet.
I: You already have one.
D: Well, I want one more.
I am UGU. How much is it approximately worth?
A thousand four rubles. Do you give?
I am UGU.
Q: What do you want for the New Year?
I: 4 thousand rubles, I can 4500.

2 minutes to 10 minutes :)

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №11547
Yesterday I burned up horribly in front of her mother.
YYY: Give it some time
I, my boyfriend and my boyfriend were curly and like usual I wanted to one- I go to the kitchen and drive to go to the kitchen, we go for her...
www: in the kitchen of her mom so smiles at us and hawarit-you that, smoked chili? We are so ugly...
Oh, and if you didn’t smoke, what fucking thing do you go in the building and in the legs!! to

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №11546
I have worked with the company for about 5 years in all directions. Same with iron. and caroche. I call Corbyn.
I - I
? to Someone from Corbyn.

? to Corbyn by Telecom. by Serge. Hi to
I am Hello. Question: What do you have in mythical district, so that with a fuzzy vpn traffic did not go when the area network?
? to Have you tried restarting your computer?
I – and why?
? to It helps with such problems.
I do not have a problem but a question.
? to Try it, it will help.
Do you have a higher authority? The engineers for example?
? to Can I help you?
I am good. I'll repeat: What you have iPishniks on the Mytin district, so that with a fuzzy vpn traffic didn't go when crashing from the district network. Tell me the route!
? to Press the left mouse button in the lower left corner of the screen. It is written "Start"
I opened the cmd. route add -p has prescribed. Tell me the iPhones!
? to and Eeee. Stay on the line.
? to Give up. Do you need mythology in the area?
I am yes!
? to Open the command line.
I opened it after half a second!
? to Is it true?... Stay on the line.
and?? Hi to you. Do you need a route for Mitino?
I am yes! Ept...
and?? for a minute.
and?? and 10.60.* mask gateway
I am Joba! thank you!

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №11545
Sitting on a pair in the universe. He wrote something on the board and then turned around and asked.
- But this number (shows on the board) will be more or less (shows again on the board)
There is silence in the audience, everyone is dumb.
One man wakes up and answers: More!
Prep is right! More than what?
Chel is more than less.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №11544
<Barcelona> People,where can you find a railroad, where the salary is paid not per month and per day (typically 4 hours 300 rubles)?except for payers
<RentaCoder> GIBDD

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №11543
15 minutes passed, are we going?
2: shake up, change my pants and go.
What do you do in your pants? and :)

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №11542
by M@luck@
Here I was staying with my boyfriend, and in general I had such a scam that I had a monthly, well they really had me, the second time I didn't run, what to do?
A fairy tale
by M@luck@
Idiot, I ask you seriously.
A fairy tale
I was joking.
by M@luck@
I fear you.
A fairy tale
Well, you will dress simple and he will dress up and it will not be scary.
A fairy tale
She cries.
by M@luck@
A fairy tale
Fucking seriously
by M@luck@
You could not even write all this for me in a soft form.
A fairy tale
I ride a fairy girl, take off his jeans, and then go down under his stomach with your hand.
A fairy tale
Take his letter in your hand.
by M@luck@
It is enough
A fairy tale
And in front of you, watched how in the militants of the shredders rolling on the trace of ammunition? This is the case with the member, sharply up, down.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №11541
xxx: I have seen a secretary at different times of the day in the toilet at work brushing her teeth. What could this mean? O_O

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №11540
Everything flows, everything changes.
And when they find out that it doesn’t flow, they also change, in the face.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna