— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №9154
>> I have a strange problem. I downloaded the first Fallout in ISO. Started
>> to play, and for some reason the computer from it warms up until
> > and > and > Does anyone know what a Houthi is?
The computer’s water chip is broken. Go get a new one.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №9153
This Chinese aunt just won in judo...

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №9152
I stitched Niibazo sauce which chupa chops
Hardly in the mouth.
As a fucking
In terms of size
In terms of approximately
I do not know ;)

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №9151
1: I listen to Frank Sinatra smell the cocaine putting my feet on the desk xD
I laughed... I barely missed the vein...

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №9150
If I ever get an orgasm from anal-you buy me a car)))))))

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №9149
The study also cited the most ridiculous, according to employers, reasons for dismissal of employees. Please note that these reasons were stated in the notice of dismissal. Here are they:

My boss smells.

A dog is constantly lying out the window. I am stupid about this;

A dirty green carpet. They put me in depression.

I was harassed by a cleaner. I cannot endure that shame.

I don’t have a stepler.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №9148
XXX: I decided to get up today.
XXX: Closed 30 times
I took a cold shower.
XXX: Come to work early
xxx: now as a fool I sit alone in the office, not sleeping, my arms hurt and on the go I relaxed.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №9147
A friend learned that he liked a girl who knew him very much, writes to her in the ASU:
He says: I want you!
She: I am very much too!! to
Oh, forgive me, don’t go there.
She: Oh and I.
He said, “Not you! I want you!
She: I am not mistaken either!
He: No, I was wrong...
The fucking shit is wrong. Go fuck me fuck me!

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №9146
Capricorn (18:16:56 14/08/200)
I have a computer printing big letters, how to do to print normally
$©®@TTM (18:17:15 14/08/200)
Are you serious?
Capricorn (18:17:29 14/08/200)
Yes help me
$©®@TTM (18:17:31 14/08/200)
There’s a button on the left side of the box.)
Capricorn (18:18:30 14/08/200)
$©®@TTM (18:18:49 14/08/200)
No guess, are you serious?
Capricorn (18:19:46 14/08/200)
What is serious?I’m not friends with computers, and with all the technology too.
$©®@TTM (18:20:07 14/08/200)
No, here is another. How did you print the little ones?
Capricorn (18:20:27 14/08/200)
I held the shift with my right hand.
$©®@TTM (18:20:34 14/08/200)
Capricorn (18:20:41 14/08/200)
The Left Print
$©®@TTM (18:20:43 14/08/200)
The day hasn’t gone wrong!!! to
Capricorn (18:20:56 14/08/200)
What does it mean
$©®@TTM (18:21:08 14/08/200)
Hm, it is not easy to explain.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №9145
A long time ago, it was not used, but instead it appeared.

Fall of sending.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №9144
From the protocol:

- I, the senior lieutenant Petrov, conducted investigative searches.

Declaration of disappearance of 5 (five) ducks

carefully inspected the shores of the colonial pond. The duck is nowhere.

They probably drowned.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №9143
I was on a ride this weekend...

And what did he there?

Just a quilt.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №9142
<iBot> Bonnpoos [216] -> Amer. Toughened Laminated Safety <- (6 letters)
<asdasd> Saakashvili
<Fatal> France

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №9141
~~999~~ (11:36:31 11/08/2008)
O light of my soul, why are you silent?! to

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №9140
I press on a new quotation plus - it gets ten or twenty, or even a hundred votes at once. Quotes per day earn several thousand of such "plus". I have no influence on the situation! and panic! Well though, I still have old BORovsky quotes, I feel like an archivarian...

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №9139
I love the last time at night, when almost everyone is asleep, to make coffee, to extinguish the light, to turn on the music in the headphones so that nothing but it is heard, to put in the file exchange a couple of movies on the lookout and in full tranquility, breathing the aroma of coffee, to watch how they compete in speed, overtake each other...
by O_O

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №9138
A girl worked in a motorcycle store. Enter the names of products in the database. After her departure, the following positions were found among the names:
"Sympathetic chromed shirt"
"Oil filter fuck it knows No20"

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №9137
She is:
Fuck, I have a problem with installing your program(( says that there is a missing file.

He is:
Nu togda sdelai abortion

5 minutes of silence

She is:
How do you know it?????????!!!!!! to

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №9136
The mine had a crab, she loved her, she ate a piece of mosquito, it was the last.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №9135
Aahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah You guys are quoting your quotes!
Popular wisdom in the Killing League... "The further into the forest, the less likely it is that the shale..." familiar.?! to
Don’t let your citations go on TV! Plus to...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna