— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №8027
In the news:
Drunk Drivers Go to Prison

This is what project "Accessible Housing"!

[ + 93 - ] Comment quote №8026
It was on the Samaritan coast. I sit in the cafe. Behind the shelf, two merchants, persons of Caucasian nationality, are talking to each other. A man approaches the shelf and says:
Two dark goats.
The Caucasians are angry:
What said?
Two dark goats, and he stretches the money.
They scratched their teeth, but the beer was sold.

[ + 85 - ] Comment quote №8025
The <fritz> legend tells about the legendary php-programmer, about his skill were legends
<fritz> he travelled from office to office in search of a decent salary
<fritz> interview: - I see a good ball, and how you like the taste of Zend Freemaker!!! to
<fritz> silenced the programmer, because when he interviewed, he was deaf and dumb
<fritz> but then he finished the test task and said
<fritz> – stop talking – let’s program!
<fritz> and was the programmer ruthless and blinded the entire team from the overdose of the screen radiation of his laptop
<fritz> – my eyes! (The Tester)
<fritz> - he is just going away (piem)
<fritz> - and how beautiful he is (secretary)
<fritz> - how do we thank you? (The accounting system)
<fritz> - for its agility - 4500, and for beauty - social package
<fritz> he alone could move an entire office
<fritz> because he was "no more"
<fritz> has never introduced such horror to code
<fritz> and such love
<fritz> and the most heroic heroes of the whole direction bowed their heads in respect to this great master
<fritz> are we going?
<fritz> to the deck!
<fritz> but it wasn’t time to tame, because when you face ten thousand online shit, only one thing matters.
<fritz> and this
Fritz has quit (Quit: )

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №8024
Democracy today, as it was under Aristotle, remains only

a system of awareness of a personal view of a new world in which two

The thief will steal more than one, three more than two, four more.

three, and so on, until the complete victory of democracy.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №8023
The story took place in the glorious city of Zelenograd in the year edak 2005.

I bombed then at night on my old "ten" a lot and a lot.

The account is not very successful. But let’s not be sad, let’s start. this

A tall and slim guy I noticed from a distance, he ran straight on the road.

The roadway is ridiculously shaking hands trying to brake the sidewalk.

Cowardly blocking the door and dropping down the right glass, I stopped next to it.

with him. It turns out that he was neither a suicide nor a maniac.

He needs to take his aunt and aunt home urgently.

The trauma point. No Questions! The test was solid, high and

intelligent man in perfectly tailored coat and beautiful fur

The hat, the aunt under becomes such, you know, the wife of Decabrist. She

She carefully held her husband under the pen helping him sit on the back.

The seat. On the right foot of the intellectual (hereafter TI)

The fresh gips. In the car the figures are placed (this is important!The following

“A young man from my right hand is behind him, you and I.

In the course of the trip, I almost understood what they had.

has occurred. The young man gave his wife's parents a washing machine.

She absolutely did not want to enter the bathroom door. you

He proposed to remove the door, and MCH was convinced that if the machine

A little up, she goes in. When I raise the laundry

She fell on her leg, and the test was inside, and the machine

stuck in the door intentionally, had to evacuate the wounded

The hands. All this I understood by listening to the monologue of the monologue that

The elderly need to listen, and so on, MCH shrugged his head, it seemed like this

The story had a great impact on his psyche. Here we have arrived.

The front and rear doors opened simultaneously. The bullet jumped out.

The car wants to help the test out. He jumped out with force.

The door did not close.“Strange,” I thought, “Surely the castle

freezing, it will have to be lubricated" Probably the same penetrated the brain and

He knocked the door for the second time. It all happened literally.

A second later, I heard a terrible scream behind my back.

I swear my hair on my head. Oral, no, not even oral, but

You whispered with a wild voice! And then I understood what happened.The doors opened

“It was hard to get up from the back seat and he

He made a terrible mistake taking his hand for the stand between the front and the rear.

The door. That’s why the front door didn’t want to close. of course!

My hand disturbed! And I wanted to smash... I had to go back shortly.

The Injury. Imagine a picture: behind a crawling test with a subwoofer

In front of him, in the tate of his aunt, I am, barely withholding laughter and entirely upset.

with a frozen look. No, this is not the end. The girl calls.

The phone.“Yes, Lennochko, no Lennochko, we go back to the trauma point. Why is? A is

Valer's father also broke his hand. I slow down, I fall off.

Car, I bump my ass in the Sugar and RJU! P.S Continued movement only.

After the son-in-law swore to me that they would continue.

and silence. I did not take money.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №8022
Dmitry Medvedev will now deal with corruption personally!

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №8021
In the computer store:

Girl, I need a flash, a very small flash.
This is the smallest! (showing a flash size of approximately 3x1,5 cm) They were even smaller, but finished.
I need the smallest one! The tax will come, how will I swallow this?! to

The entire department has broken up.

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №8020
My phone is very photographic. Very very figured.
I can’t call the camera at all.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №8019
Zed: Let’s go, we even guess each other’s thoughts!
If you sit next to her, I’ll even guess your thoughts.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №8018
A man must conquer a woman.

He is: I am

She: that
I will only take a man seriously if he does so.

And what about reciprocity?

She: reciprocity will be later, if a man can reach me.

It is O_O

She: You know... if I see that a man does everything for me, then he won’t be divided. And will swim in tenderness and attention.

It is a mortgage.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №8017
Kerpe Rahatlukum: What happened to you yesterday?
Dearka: Inet Tupil (
Kerpe Rahatlukum: I was wasting more: Dear with toilet paper status was worn from online to offline

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №8016
Shit, wait another hour. I sit in the airport waiting for the bus.
Zoot: becomes boring
Algonus: Come to the guards and ask, you did not see the prison here, accidentally erupted, the machine can now not assemble. It will not be boring
Zoot: no, I’ll say the rook on the stairs ringed when the ammunition was running
Zoot: the bullet fell into the gap to get or sadly a dozen bullets of money are worth
Algonus: And you don’t have Winchester by chance?
Zoot: ammunition is good trackers through three
Algonus: Generally enough to go out into the center of the hall and say. " No to panic! Stay calm "
Zoot: and add "I am unarmed!"
Algonus: aaaa, killed *ROFL*

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №8015
by Fer_re
Listen to
by Fer_re
You know how to sew?
by Fer_re
Could you cut me?
You’re funny, I can make sweaters. :)
by Fer_re
What about KISS? It is simple, can you?
I can, but I can make a towel. :)

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №8014
Garn: in Naftokamsk connected a Vietnamese with the name of Huiase.
Garn: Huiase to Hwang)))
KnZ is)
Garn: I am asking him...type:"Huaja?" he is:"ta ta Huaja To Hwang"))))
Garn: I barely chewed my tongue.
Garn: from laughter

Poor man, he’s still crawling, probably...

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №8013
At a time when all “computer-makers” are at war with accountants,
My head in the corporation feeds me from a spoon. To my comment on such a non-standard situation, she gives:
"You, shit, will not be fed, and then you will not do anything at all".
So is this =)

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №8012
This, ultimately, will change the resource ideology a little, but may partially revive the old good tower.
I suggest making two sections (or at least two abyss) on the tower:
1st Admin, programming, or even just AI-TISH humour
2nd Other Citations

I apologize in advance for the ugly act... but just interesting...
Bring it to the top. and plays :)

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №8011
Talk about the ill-handed installers of the LVS...

Silver MC: I remembered this... A couple of years ago I worked at the Peter’s provider’s sapport. I am addressed by one of the newly connected clients, saying that sometimes Inet disappears. I look at logs - and indeed, then here for an hour disappeared, then here for 2-3 hours, then here, then there - some fucking shit.

Silver MC: I handed over the application to the operating group, say, guys, you need to go out to the client and deal with it... They come a couple of hours ago - rju-gowns. What is? The monitors at the installation point of the end equipment did not find the lechtrical socket, the equipment, the question, and made it themselves, asking from the disconnector of the sorting (!)...

Silver MC: The monitors, of course, explained the mystery of the disappearing Inet to the client, or to those on the spot... But when other uneducated employees called me, I said:
Are you at the computer now?
and yes.
Can I ask you to turn on the light in the toilet?
E... why?
So be kind, turn it on. Check the availability of the Internet.

I would give everything to look at the face of the calling man, as he turned on the light in the sorting machine and knocked his mouse into the intranet spaces and said to me:

Emm... emm... thank you!

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №8010
<Dmitry>: Fisher was awake from a cell phone call, I missed the missed call from the boss, time 12 - apple slightly rattled sho again too late ear seriously... I call her - I say, from scuco, I slept again, in an hour I will be, mommy I swear! and she's me - Dimko-Cortinko, sleep calmly, I'm numbered, Sunday shit
I didn’t sleep anymore, haha.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №8009
We are meeting?

No, Wang, we’re not meeting, we’re not meat, I know what you wanted to say.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №8008
We have two flags dominating the word:
Can any word be correctly or incorrectly written? Well, write "electricity"!
It is great! And write "minet", even if we know whether it is written with a soft sign or not...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna