— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 91 - ] Comment quote №7223
On the advertisement board of the company:
All requests for leave for family reasons, for illness, for giving
testimony in court, etc. must be submitted to the personnel department no later than 24 hours before the start of the match.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №7222
Dmitry Anatolievich, I have a request to you! I know you are reading right! Let Russia win the Euro 2008!
My girlfriend promised to shave me! I really want to see it! :)

People, bring to the top!

and more!!! to

We all dress up under the tanks!!! to


It’s me again, Horrible Cat Shredder Aperture O_O.

[ + 86 - ] Comment quote №7221
Examination at the Institute. I extend the prefix (p) to the following:
Q: Why didn’t you write the abbreviation of the subject?
I honestly forgot.
Q: And I forgot...

[ + 91 - ] Comment quote №7220
It was boring. I put a DVD image. On the tracker, when I learned that I had a 64Kb channel, the distribution was closed. I was not confused, I turned on the mode "to bypass the tracker". Now the image flows at a speed of 1 kb/s.
So it appears - kilobytes, one by one, clinging to camouflage and smashing the mouths with paint, crawling over the wire. Scrolling past the tracker, scaredly shut down, when the tracker is distracted - Scroll further. And with a breath of relief fall on another screw.

[ + 95 - ] Comment quote №7219
Old ladies walk around the city and offer passers all kinds of literature about God. So I sit like in the alley on the bench - I see these grandmothers (B) go and stick to the passing guy (P), dialogue:
B: Young man, do you know how to find peace of mind?
P: I am sure yes! In the grave!
B: Why are you so? Do you want to get it now?! to
Q: What do you think!!! to

[ + 95 - ] Comment quote №7218
How are you there, are you all alive? and ;)

of AAAA!11 fucking, the electricity has awakened.
You left yesterday in vain, it would have been better for Vienna to leave him now as the Negro swelled up!!))

Struggled with it?? to

Yes not. I have a gas boiler with a whisper, a good German, whispering like a steam car.

So you broke up I almost immediately cut off, and the boys wanted to cook a cup of green and sleep too. This is fucking.

The tea whispered, and this idiot whispered, instead of turning off the gas, began to blow back into the whisper.

The boys heard this cacophonia and also pulled up, and so they in turn suffocated him for a while until the morning.

Lech won his own, although visually the third place, but what place Vienna took I never understood, but the prize for the will to win he definitely deserved.


I happily found my old Soviet tea machine, also trained in silence, there is still so funny, when he stopped whistling in it, he blows, and he in turn is so complaining)))

Ah, get into our pedal bar, but it’s all shit.

As it turned out, they recorded their melodies on the mobile phone, and actually Wenia was just trying to play a "boomer" theme!!! to

There are no talents in the country.)

You can imagine what you did with your quote.

[ + 90 - ] Comment quote №7217
KNUT23-06-2008 18:09
Just drove a schoolgirl, a ten-class girl to the restaurant. A little girl, tall, big tits, lithos. At the end of the trip she gives me a type of guy-my, and could you not meet me in a couple of hours there?" I am in a shower, I say, and what’s the matter, and she drives me out such a car, ebanuccio simply. I typically go with these idiots all night, let your beer be laced, and I have my boyfriend (gggg) and a car. will meet, well, as a true gentleman, I went to ask for a further fuck. I didn’t really get the money, I guess what. Maybe a kidnapper.

Avatar23-06-2008 18:47
She is a plumber. Well, or you will come for her, and she with a brigade of minors will jump in your niibic tooth, take you off in the woods, dress up as a Russian teacher, and then I don't even want to tell.

[ + 129 - ] Comment quote №7216
No no no no!
Q: How about myself? As a light?
WOW: yes fucking... like in a fairy tale... we split up with the Light.
2 years ago, was it okay?
It was until I touched her.
ууу: found a gray fan in the closet, disassembled it and bit the wires from the fork and plates for the case)) and when she was in the bathroom
I went to her, turned it on the socket and threw the fan into the bathroom.She jumped out of the water faster than the bullet.In what posture she hanged over the bathroom I can not even say.
I couldn’t calm her at 1.5, then she picked up her things and left.
The fucking...
I know that fucking... I can’t say it.

[ + 86 - ] Comment quote №7215
-- = XakeP[sol]=
satri that I invented - if in Arshavin to change the first two letters, then it will be Rash vin

[ + 104 - ] Comment quote №7214
Am I a failure?
I didn’t smoke, I didn’t drink, I didn’t fuck. I didn’t even have a beer in my tent since morning.

You are the only normal person who has not yet degenerated.
and those who will now be in response to write * drink jade*, * fucking you fucking* and so on - SHOULD YOURSELF!!!!! to
There is no normal guy in the country!!! Everyone is kidding that they go into the ass drunk!!!!!!!! to

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №7213
An invention is an innovation that survives when implemented.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №7212
From the story of Plushkin.

It was a very long time when I studied at the Leningrad Institute of Engineers.

The railway transport. Do you expect me to write a great book?

For you, this is a bad taste!

And there was a train "Leningrad-Moscow" under the number 25 and c.

The name “Change”. Well, of course, not quite “your,” but guides

Students worked on it all year round. Not like the hookers.

Other schools only in the summer.

and here...

Here I have to make a small technical retreat.

There’s a “route board” hanging on the car, well, you’ve all seen it.

“Moscow-Leningrad”, “Leningrad-Vorkuta” (not about us said)

So here - hanging this board in Moscow, walking the peron for 20 minutes before

landing, suppose "left" in Peter you could have come "right", and that

To remove these boards, it was necessary to descend from the "unparalleled" side, to run away.

In the meantime, jumping and shooting it. Very uncomfortable, especially in winter.

Naturally, especially advanced guides, if in Bologom the train stood with

The "needed" side, walking on the peron, was comfortably taken this very

The board.

The end of the technical retreat.

As a harsh December time I was riding a tail car. From Peter

he was 15 (all rabbits were mine), from Moscow, respectively 1 (here about

The rabbits had to suck their feet. Meeting passengers, drinking them tea and

When I went to sleep, I did not go to bed, in spite of my usual behavior.

“Senders,” and remained in his wagon. I sat down and drank tea.

I read, I slept a little. Here is the Bollywood!

“Why did I get bored?” I thought. Not to join the

I wonder where they all gathered.

But I wanted to combine the pleasant with the useful - I will run on the peron!

And faster, and at the same time the route board! We stand on the “needed”

on the side!

And though I was not dressed according to the season, but in the "most conductive nightwear"

I decided to run on the snow. You ask, what is this “special” form?

Very simple - slats on a barefoot, old trailers, and (highest chic!)

A white tea jacket on the naked body.

Running out in such a stumbling on the peron, blocking the door and removing the board, I

Going on the peron.

The second wagon was closed...Erunda!

The third car was closed... Yes, I’m going in the middle.

The fourth is closed... the fifth... the sixth... It seems that everyone has gathered in

The tail.

and here!! to

The train stumbled. Rushed again. and went.

It is no-e!! to

I ran like a wounded man on the platform. In your car!! to

No to!! He is no longer on the platform! Instead of running to the 10th - the headquarters!! There in

The box should always be open!! Boom is not far away. This is

The door of the station wagon closed, and he passed by me...I even saw

The driver’s back. My friend WOW!

I stood on an empty snow-covered peron in sloppy slats, old

in a white tea jacket on the naked body, compressed in the hands

The route board. At the end of December, at the yard minus 25, and I am like a monument

The late passenger.

“But this is already a failure,” thought Stirlitz, “and the most important thing is that we have nothing to do.

They will know...”

Although at that moment I didn’t think about our own, or about our own, or about our own.

No guides, no passengers.

I thought what would happen next... The snow did not fall, it was very cold and

wet (the bottles began to slip out of the snow)

and here!! to

No, don’t think anything like that – the train did not come back after me, and I didn’t.

I woke up in my bed. I remembered!! to

“Red Arrow” – these are the magic words! The train leaves Moscow.

Later "Change", in Bolog we are almost together, and in Peter "Red Arrow"

comes the first!! to

Where are you?!!! Where is the red train? Here is!! On the contrary! I jumped with

platforms, and passing through the composition, falling onto the platform was

In front of the Red Arrow.

The car in front of me was closed.

I almost died on the spot. But gathering the will in the fist, he began to drum.

Through the door of the car...

Kolya was a driver in Afghanistan, father of three children, moderate drinking,

And finally, as a guide on a good account with the boss. And never, you

Listen to! Never lost consciousness. Not even when his car was struck.

Candagram, neither when he planted 1.5 liters of samsung, nor even when

My wife told me she was waiting for a trio.

But it all happens for the first time... Later he justified himself: “Well, imagine,

We stood in Bologoe - a little drunk - three hundred grams, a delicious snack - all

well well! There are rabbits, there are no audits. Suddenly knocking at the door! I think again in

Tickets for the train sold! I go to Tampere! I see what it is worth.

the monster in a white jacket with a iron in his hands and what is joyful

The Shot. All of! Here I realized what white heat looks like. and cut off...”

He broke up, and what should I do? Where is it?!! Where there is open

The door? → go out! Through the car! Sooner or later, or I hear three more minutes.

I don’t want to be a father – the eggs will tremble!

I enter the open door and then into the car. FU-U is! I am saved!

Someone is looking at me... Lovely Svetlana Petrovna described a nightmare like this

What happened to her:

"Well, imagine, we are standing in Bologoe - a little drunk - three hundred grams, wonderful.

Eat it, it is okay! There are rabbits, there are no audits. What do they have with the wheels?

They are the same... Are they not twins? I opened the passenger and stood by.

Titanium I pour tea and I remember I closed the door or not? As suddenly

From behind she heard a suspicious noise...When she turned around, she saw a zombie!

White skin (it is so tea jacket) wrapped on the red body (more

Not the red! It is cold, the legs are frozen.

It didn’t look very good, and cuddly! I didn’t understand, I see it anyway.

Svetlana Petrovna drank more than 300 grams) And in the hands of the oak! and eyes

They are burning the “fire of hell!”(This is from happiness. The zombies pushed her away.

I went to the hot titanium.

“Everyone,” understood Svetlana Petrovna, “will eat with tea!”

But then the zombie blissfully smiled and suddenly asked, “Is there vodka?”

I had to warm up!

And here Svetlana Petrovna couldn’t stand: “That alkashi has already shaken!

You, the shit, have done so well! I barely carried the whole car. Fi, what

words, and looks like a decent woman)"She decided that I was ordinary

A man looking for a place to squeeze.

“Free, I can only throw the coal in the ass, shit.

They write in the books "untranslated game of words") - it seems to be so.

It brought in order the distressed feelings of Svetlana Petrovna.

“Madame! I started my emotional speech, but I didn’t have time to finish it.

“You whom ‘Madame’ called,.... (well you understood) went on... here you are.

I also understood when I understood you... (and then you also understood)

Melting in the conduction coupe, Svetlana Petrovna flew from there.

The Squirrel! What a precautionary woman!“I had time to think.

“Go out!” What a bad! go out! I stayed!”

What?! Go out in the snow!! In the cold?! No is! Better than death.

Under the hat!! to

Luckily, the train hit at that moment and we went.

I am saved!!“I understood it.

Then I told Svetlana Petrovna my sad story.

She was barely described by laughter. Although it is funny! So little of it –

She brought all the conductors, including the awakening Cole, and I got to the bis.

I repeated this story 16 times. Everything is “nearly described.”

Of course, I was fed, drunk, laid asleep, awakened in the morning.

I waited for my train in the Red Arrow, but I also stormed.

Waiting in front of your car. So I waited in the car of Svetlana Petrovna!

He is in the middle! And my first! When the train arrived, I ran out.

the platform, boldly ran to his wagon with a route board in his hands. You are

I have not seen the stretched faces of my companions. Probably decided that

I am Gluck.

Overall, the story ended well. The passengers noticed nothing. I am

became a popular personality among conductors, and even auditors (which

By the way, I often helped during the audit - "And this is the same

The snowman!) The girls began to look at him as a polar hero.

The only victim was Kolya – he stopped drinking.

Friend of Plush

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №7211
Two sharks are talking. One asks, “You’re like a man.

Are you hunting?” I see a swimmer. I make a big circle around it first.

Following is small. And then I take.” You can’t start from small.

The circle?” “May be. But then you will have to eat it with the shit."

[ + 86 - ] Comment quote №7210
The blondes are happy. Yesterday on the TNT broadcast "Taxi", sits a typical representative, first just dumb, then the host asks "the most famous animated mango", the blonde has a stupor, the leader of her type tells the cat. The serpent suffocated, the brilliant response of the girl "Ilia Muromets what"...even the host did not expect this, the sputter was with him

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №7209
Graduate... soon dawn... graduates sit on the bench, think about something, look at the distance... wait for the sun... and no fox has guessed that it will rise from the other side.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №7208
You can’t do it with your hand...

You won’t make it with your foot.

NN: What are you talking about?

Q: Can you tell me what his name is?

Tagged with: ku

and no

Tagged: lin

See also: Gus!

NN: He is from whose collection?

by : - - - -

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №7207
<XXX> Prikin: G8 summit with Medvedev in baseball and Putin with a video camera:
Here are these guys!
No no no no! No is!

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №7206
I come to my mom to work to print the text, there on the wacht sits an untouchable wachter and asks me:
Where is?
by Ivanova!
Who are you?
and Ivanov!
to whom?
by Ivanova! I am her son!
from where?
Here I was lost...

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №7205
The royds have not struck me once in my life!
He is
By way of way, by way of way
For what?
He is
for prevention
I will give you prevention!
He is
Hm... I agree

[ + 155 - ] Comment quote №7204
Adding an anecdote to your nick doesn’t make it a quote.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna