— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №7263
You can call me superstitious.
But when I was met in an interview with an absolute blonde dressed in pink, she presented herself as a manager and took me to the office No. 404... why then I already knew I couldn’t work there.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №7262
veZuk (23:02:43 23/06/2008)
God is
ICQ System (23:02:43 23/06/2008)
Godmode on

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №7261
Phone call at 3 p.m.:

I don’t have an injection, when will you fix it?
An hour after two.
Will it be a costly day?
Maybe maybe.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №7260
The psychic began to surrender when the Russian general accused of the explosion of our base... the Siberian separatists... Immediately a terrible picture was painted with bearded men in thistles and uchanks and bears on the bandage of those fighting for the separation of the Urals from Russia...

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №7259
Now in the department to us pieces brought type to sell...
At the department, I and 5 defiers work.
Does the keeper tell you?
The employee says yes. The dress starts! I think I rub my hands – striptease!!!! to
The man said, “Can the guy go out?
I quietly crack down and the employee says - this guy is not a programmer!
Insulting shit! Stretch was watching!

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №7258
Monterka Kun: Well, a lot of people have laughed at history.
Monterka Kun: Between the kindergarten and the first class, me and two friends took a washer
Monterka Kun: At the end of the camp we were all gathered in the pavilions and began to ask questions, well there: how you rested, who you love more dad or mom...
Monterka Kun: And there was a question about what you are dreaming about now.
Monterka Kun: One of my acquaintances said he dreamed of flying into space.
Monterka-Kun: 2nd said that he dreams of studying for five and constantly delight the parents and in the future to saddle the rich smart and other nonsense.
Monterka-Kun: I just thought about saying only "what would have been given a bucket on a half-day" fact then about my opinion about life all and understood...

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №7257
Myth of Oh! I walk shortly in the evening on the street, carrying a bottle of strong beer with me. Suddenly, two mints come out of the dark, stop me, one of them looks at the bottle and says thoughtfully, “Aha, beer means strong.” He says, “Let’s see now,” he takes a bottle from me, looks at it, then sharply gets the opening, buys the bottle and gives it to me. I take a beer on the machine, mint looks me in the eyes and says so seriously "Okay, we will not delay, but the bottle will have to be confiscated". I calmly took a beer and the law enforcers fled in the dark. I stood there a long time and thought about life. I decided I’t drink beer anymore.)

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №7256
XXX Go to sleep?
Go to learn (Let’s learn)
Go teach each other to sleep ;)
Which is the case? 😉

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №7255
<Df_Yz> I don’t drink alcohol 😉
<g_g> Do you do the heroes on drinks? O_O
<Df_Yz> I usually perform the role of DHCP server and syslogd)
<g_g> O_O How is it?? to
<Df_Yz> From morning I tell everyone who he is and what yesterday was... ))

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №7254
In school, the lesson dedicated to the structure of the human skeleton was started with the words:
"If you’ll ever be biting your bones...".

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №7253
My mom is a writer, my dad is a candidate of science, and I was born beautiful and broke both.

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №7252
<sorrow_in_september> just talked to an employee about flashes showing her in a rubber body, and says look throwing her on the floor, she jumps off the floor and flies out precisely into the fortress from the 5th floor, well what can be said she has endured such a fall and was not even a nice one.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №7251
Conscience is lost even more often than the wallet, but they suffer much less.

Nick Blue

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №7250
Speaking of publishers. I am not confident, maybe.

The Bike. But, knowing our system of journalists-publishers work, I am sure that

The Truth.

Thus, one o-o-o-o-o-very well-known newspaper, national scale (no

I’ll call it, I’m afraid to be wrong. There is a contest in the newspaper.

there there. Girls send a photo of themselves, a loved one and a short story about themselves

Yes is. So the situation: the girl Olga writes about herself that she is studying

The composer. Over her photo with large letters of the inscription "It will be Olya

One trouble, in the name confused the first letter...

On the “clave” the letter “b” is close to “o”. But it’s not cimes yet.

of history. Sims is that. The editor checked, lounged with "B", not

I noticed it and sent it to the press. But! Before printing the text should be checked.

The Corrector. And here they sit the corrector, see “It’ll be a fucking composer”... and,

It is fair to argue that the editors are more visible, and for the purity of the punctuation

We have to fight, they make “for” locked up!! to

Out Out

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №7249
If you start speaking only what you know, you will soon be told how

You know little.

If you begin to say only what you think, you will soon be told how.

You are wrong thinking.

If you start to say only what they want to hear from them, you will soon

They will tell you how much you know and think correctly.

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №7248
Sex by qip:

He is:
I lay on my hands and started fucking you.

She is:
I am all wet.

He is:
I slowly pick him up and get up.

She is:
Oh and where!! to

She is:
I have not finished!!!!! to

She is:
Where did he go!!!! to

She is:
A frog stands!

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №7247
I am :
I found out by chance that I still have a father.

I am :
• Couples

and Dad:
You should be more careful with mistakes.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №7246
He: If I were the last man in the world, would you marry me?
If it is the last... yes.
He: the base of induction is =) suppose this is true provided that there are n-1 men left on the ground. Prove to n.
He: assuming I’m better than n-1 men, thus the probability that another man will be better than me is 1/kn, where k is some coefficient greater than zero. If we aim n to infinity, then the probability that the next person will be better than me is zero.
Go out for me :)

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №7245
Judging by the number of quotes about Hidding and Blane, the second semi-final will be commented by Bocharik.)))

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №7244
What will you do if I leave you? 😉
Toilet paper with your photos.
She is Scuco!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna