— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №17263
Talk about cars:
China has no security by definition. They don’t need it... it’s easier for them to make a new car than a safe car.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №17262
The strength lies in overcoming the momentary weaknesses.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №17261
At the crossroads stands a very beautiful long-legged girl and holds her hand.
Boy of 6 years. A car comes in and a guy comes out.
He stared closely at the girl. The green light turns on, but the man is not.
He goes. He looks at the girl. And then the boy says loudly to him, “Hey,
Ride to! The girl with me!”

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №17260
The director of the Moscow Zoo came to the capital many years ago with one puppy in his pocket.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №17259
From a smile, the mouth of a morjuwa... And an elephant, and even a little bitch.

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №17258
...and Iffrit is the most brave of us three. Yesterday I saw his new girlfriend when I thought I would get a heart attack. He is nothing, fucking.

[ + 72 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17257
Per it will be useful if there are more of these "unknown".
There is something like a pharmacy. It’s not just Gandalf that’s sold. The drug is called "postinor". or another, a little more expensive, "escape". Both cost about 250 rubles. Abortion is cheaper and easier.
And this is an emergency measure, broken - running to the pharmacy for 24 hours!
= is

could not withstand. "Take care of the girl". Postinor simply causes early drug miscarriage. Horrible hormonal failures. Results delayed in time. A whole bouquet,and such as you, men who do not understand pharmacology beyond the pills that a aunt in turn advised, and did not dream of.Women's health is very fragile, and I am upset by such advice of educated men. There are a lot of reliable methods of contraception - combine oral and barrier, so that a broken condom is not a disaster.
By the way, if such a panic about a possible pregnancy - there is nothing to do with sex at all, when small / unclear / not so loving each other, etc. Sex is always an opportunity to get pregnant. Think with your head.

[ + 146 - ] Comment quote №17256
With the tape “Zhyguli” Road Patrol service stood on the side of the road. “Mercedes”
The prosecutor crashed into the DPS car, and it was thrown into a group of people who stood nearby.

I’t be surprised if a group of people were found guilty.

[ + 64 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17255
and Sasha!! to


What did you do to my brother?! to

and I? Nothing, what about him?

We left you with him for two hours! Why now every time somebody knocks at the door, he screams: STOP PILLS, MILITARY!? to


What is it? He is four years old, sheep!! to

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №17254
If there are people here from Yekaterinburg with 2+ blood group and want to help, please go to the Yekaterinburg cancer center, donate blood for the 3 year old Vanetsky Avdyukov (in Google for details). very much need. Thanks for attention.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №17253
A bottle of vodka, like a mattress, opened one, followed by another and another.

[ + 85 - ] Comment quote №17252
11 May.
I go to a friend, look at the furniture stands differently - I ask:
Did my brother change?
He is UGU.
Am I Feng Shui?
He is drunk.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №17251
Are you sure we’re hitting you?? to
The water dropping from the ceiling is my favorite hallucination.

[ + 23 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17250
I will see this quote in the best - to masturbate in the eyes of my boyfriend, he has long been asking. and :)

[ + 64 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17249
PinPix: That’s shit, that’s what Japanese pervers are.

PinPix: Just stumbled on the hentai, so there the main character is such a cute little girl, who, for some reason, both parents are terribly sick and in turn die. Type "He had a softening of the brain, and he knew it." (C) A. Ivanov. And here, therefore, sores, tears, first over the corpse of the mother, then over the corpse of the father. This is Hentai. In comments fairy "I was crying over hentai for the first time in my life....thank you..T_T"

PinPix: Imagine if the Germans catch up with the trend:

PinPix: In the resuscitation room attached to the bed lost memory naked blonde with the fifth breast size. She suffered an accident in which all her relatives died. Here the door opens, and an enormous sanitary enters with a broken width. He has a brain dilution and he knows it, he has 5 minutes to live. He embraces her sympathetically and immediately fucking her. After that, she dies on her arms, having time to report that he is her last surviving relative. She fills herself with hysterical tears, breaks out a dropper and also dies. The end. And a faint spectator who shakes and cries. T_T

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №17248
If shit cost anything, the poor would be forbidden to have asses. and Tom Wates.

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №17247
by Solana:
A hot shopper. I went to the store, here nearby, 200-250 meters. The store opposite the bar and cafeteria, where usually all the weddings are held. I walk past these establishments, by the edge of my eyes I notice - some shit is flying in me. I will hunt. The bouquet. Above me are the bride, the bridegroom and a crowd of guests.
And I shout "Have me this happiness"throwing my crown back))) I have not seen such shy faces for a long time))))

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №17246
and Wikipedia:
According to the Spanish researcher Perdo Nipperdi.

So, I think, is it worth trusting the opinion of a person who has a contradiction in the name? O_O

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №17245
It was necessary to think about the words of the guy "I love you" thoughtfully answer with a characteristic intonation "This is what, Michalych..."

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №17244
by Vladimir (16:17) :
Did the sound and the balloon not die?

The Resurrection (16:18)
No is

The President (16:18) :
The fucking dream.

The Resurrection (16:18)
) )

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna