— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №5013
I got smoked meat from the refrigerator to make sandwiches.Meat - in sealed packaging with label.
What caused me to forge this label, and I don't know why I glued it to the aquarium, where there is a sea pig.
Cut the butters and planned to leave... as he noticed such a picture...
tk. In the kitchen, it was cool, the pork turned into a bow and "dispersed"...and the label "NUTS OF MEAT" appeared on the aquarium!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №5012

But it would be cool if Putin came to the inauguration in a limousine and left in a trolley bus.
I think in 8 years he accumulated on his own trolleybus

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №5011
Wicked (12:57:39 3/05/2008)
I bought a washing machine. With her in the package went catchy bubbles, two on three meters in a developed form.... guess what I've been doing for an hour? and :-)

Wicked (13:08:48 3/05/2008)
I cannot break away.

Wicked (13:08:53 3/05/2008)
Five found at home.

Wicked (13:08:54 3/05/2008)
and :-)

FiM (13:09:12 3/05/2008)
Ended already?

Wicked (13:09:26 3/05/2008)
Who is?

FiM (13:09:32 3/05/2008)

Wicked (13:09:45 3/05/2008)
Not yet, but I think it will be soon :)

Wicked (13:09:52 3/05/2008)
One hour after three

FiM (13:10:23 3/05/2008)
Write how you get free!

Wicked (11:58:32 6/05/2008)
That Bush Senna does?

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №5010
Happy Victory Day!! to
We remember and are proud!

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №5009
What is the correct name of that program?
Anchorage to talk?
Nix: Eye... how do you tell...and how at first? Iran or Iraq?
Iran, of course
Nix clear...QIP it’s called:)))

[ + 52 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №5008
The Day of Victory, as it was far from us,
Like a burning coal.
There were verstones, burned, in dust,
We approached this day as much as we could.

and sing:

This Day of Victory
The dust is gone,
is a celebration
Grey on whiskey.
It is joy
With tears in the eyes.
Day of Victory!
Day of Victory!
Day of Victory!

Days and nights at the Martens stoves
Our country has not closed its eyes.
Days and nights struggle hard,
We approached this day as much as we could.


Hello Mom, we’re not all back.
I would run by Rose!
Half of Europe, Half of Earth, Half of Europe
We approached this day as much as we could.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №5007
We thank all those who fought for our country! He believed in victory and went to the end. Who did not surrender to the enemy, but gave his life for his country! Those without whom we would not be. And those who won! We remember...
Happy Day of Victory!

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №5006
<virus> Yesterday the Bear was even told live on the BBC.
<Pashka> Bibi - the Living Nature: The Bear. Tsar of the Russian Taiga. by %)))

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №5005
On Yandex in blogs: phalanster... think let me see, then I stumbled on the following:
For those who love to read,
Need to search urgently!
They know in Omnia,
The Edros don’t read.
They do not understand enough.
Pushkin where, and where "Lemonka"!

It was pleasant... I wanted to put a plus... long thought

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №5004
<Arlando> Co
<Hello to you>Hello to you>Hello to you>
<Arlando> How are they healthy?
<Onischuk> So far it is not so bad. Let us be optimistic. We will see the good in everything.
<Arlando> Clearly... it’s all pretty fucking, right? and :)
<Style> Yes

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №5003
by RENA:
Why don’t you let Rose go?
by YoR1k:
not fucking
by RENA:
Very convincing explanation! You can’t even argue (

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №5002
BB: Yes, in the universes on the inf tests, everyone was rotating as they could if they didn’t teach.
OpiumFP: Ugu, I remember we had a terribly bulky test threshold and each teacher could correct the test questions, view the answers and most importantly change the results of the test subjects. I tried to break this gap all the first semester, but it didn’t work. Then they found a hole.
BB: and where did the hungry laborers go wrong?
OpiumFP : well, each school had its own ack and a very smart password encryption system which to break for us green boys was no possibility, likewise with a 12-fold error set, the school pass put a block and changed the pass to a 12-digit which was recorded in a text document and appeared on the teaching desk...

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №5001
Hello to Dimma
He said, “Are we familiar?
She and I are studying in the same group.
What kind of light?
She says, “You don’t know her anyway!”Hi to

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №5000
How do you share it?

All is normal.

Electricity is cold

Do not argue with this.

And sleeping all the time...

I want to go all the time, I agree.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №4999
The call. I pick up the phone and a friend asks:
Do you have a suitcase for transporting animals? I need to bring the cat.
I answer honestly, because I do not.
A few minutes later, the same friend called again:
Is there a five-liter bank? It doesn’t run in a three-liter.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №4998
We have a buffet at the university where an elderly woman serves (the tables are wiped, the chairs are repaired). It is crazy. Always dissatisfied with something. Everyone in the universe knows it. Once we (3 group members and 1 group member) came to eat, stood in line, sat down at the table and wrapped the purchased food. The case approaches a break in the buffet, no new customers are allowed, and only we and another young man are left in the buffet. This grandmother walks wiping, cries about the fact that students are such pigs... She goes to our table. We have already prepared to hear about the fact that we are not rushing, at all ham, etc. Instead, she looks at us so affectionately and, smiling with a kind smile, says, “You eat, eat. You have not long left..." The appetite is gone...

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №4997
You guys, there is only one thing you need!
He: Do you have anything else?

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №4996
I download the article and find such an interesting line.
But the poet is above the crowd. He creates for people, not listening to their pleasures and blasphemy.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №4995
xxx: The child's wheelchair broke again ((I need to send him to Moscow until he arrives... again on the balcony he will have to walk in the bathroom ((
XXX: What is it? You are not driving, you are driving...
Yyy: And you wheels to the bathroom and bring the rope and ride there))))
XX: Did you accidentally work as a designer at VAZE?

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №4994
The head is round so that everything in it turns easily.

by konde13

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna