— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №4413
I bought grapes yesterday. Looks badly washed.
But I know now what Bianca sings about -"Popka with a crane"!

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №4412
error on the second course sheet (in conduct)
I have the opportunity to spot...
The spring fucking

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №4411
I am so happy! ? ? ? ?! to

Give up
I wake up as drunk as a bicycle, I get up tormented by a bumper... I go to work... a bunch of people... the whole body is angry and there is no mood... I come to work and everyone has such eyes.
I fucking wonder who Yopta died? And I’m talking so quietly... and shit you’re doing here? I’m in a stupor...I’m saying fucking you’ve whipped everything? You came to work fucking... and I... You asked for today!! to

I am so happy! ? ? ? ? ?! to
c) the IMD

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №4410
XXX: (17:30:33 26/04/2008)
My mom asks: "And Andrei has a car with a transmission box? andquot;
I say " No! We, like in Flintons, put our feet in and ran to the universe! andquot;

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №4409
<eNotiK> what did they do? Are you drunk?
<Ksu> celebrated birthday birthday birthday girlfriend birthday royalty day no drunk I....

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №4408
Madonna's husband accuses Russians of raising housing prices

The husband of Madonna's pop star, film director Guy Ritchie, who became famous thanks to the film "Cards, Money, Two Stumbles", accused foreign wealthy in the fact that the indigenous people of England can not afford to purchase real estate in the center of London.
In an interview with Empire magazine, Richie said that housing prices are not falling, but only rising.

The poor.

Take a mortgage in Moscow.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №4407
xx> see here The ball, tainted on a rope, which is locked with a ring... I understand correctly that there is no way in nature to release the ball without breaking the integrity of the rope?
In the three dimensions it is impossible, but you can pull both into the fourth, split them there, and then push back into the third. Is there such a force in nature, science does not know?
zz> there, chemists call it lysergic acid diethylamide

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №4406
She: is it true?
He is: Of course! I love you!!! to
*Mult "Million red roses!" sent*
You have a flower!! to
She is Offline
He: I wanted to say "Here’s a flower!and "
He: Let’s go now...

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №4405
by 111
She thinks how lucky she is... she still sings and dances.

by 222
This is said loudly o_o
I danced as a child and sang until 9th grade.

by 222
Here is this.

by 222
He studied in art school.

by 222
And from the pearl.

by 222
and hanged

by 222
Then I got an injection...

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №4404
Exam in Geometry.
An inappropriate student:
Now we’ll prove it! Well, we draw a circle.We draw a caia-saturn to it.We share it in this...relation.Yes.And here is another touch.Yes. Between them too. The two circles.
(All this with a thoughtful look, without looking at the paper, inspired by drawing the course of the matter)
Okay, and here... a few more.
The Prep:
What kind of strawberries?!! to
The student slowly drops his eyes to the picture:
and oh. The Chicken.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №4403
One coward calls a whole cohort of heroes to life.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №4402
Nostalgia is tormented.

It did not start badly.

We met in a small town square – we haven’t seen each other for a long time.

I recently arrived after I graduated from the institute.

Kolka is my friend from school and his friend, seems to be Vitya.

Well, we need to celebrate the meeting - to remember school, friends.

And the weather was rarely ugly - snow with rain.

There was no money at the restaurant or in the cafe - we met by chance.

And then Vitya proposed to go to the hole of Kolka - she lived nearby.

And here, taking a bottle of vodka and a bowl of round bread, we head home.

by Zaz.

Colca felt something, but could not resist us.

A painting with oil, as Gothman said.

We knock on the door - the mother opens the door - in the eyes of surprise -

Nobody else knows except Colin.

And here Vitya gives – I apologize for the unexpected visit – we came.

Give the collar to your daughter. He extends her a bowl of round bread.

My mother stumbled, but let me in.

Father met us in the trainings and a little under the fly,

The girl looked out of the other room and closed down.

We sat down at the table, and my mother wept, and we got a bottle.

Then the father added - the sound came out - they sat well.

A couple of months later, we went on a walk at Colky’s wedding.

And as our mother thanked us, she said, How much courage would not have been enough.

Two boys were born - Kolka is a respected specialist at the factory.

Life turned around, but we just met and talked.

Remembering the past.

Cole - if you know yourself - hello!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №4401
When Kasparov filed a lawsuit on "Our" for the fact that they are in their poster

called him a spy, the court ruled that, said, it is impossible to

compare - did the "Our" mean in their letters exactly that

Kasparov himself or some other Kasparov.

When blogger Savva Terentiev wrote a post calling for "burning garbage in

The court immediately determined - "waste", mentioned by Terentiev

According to the staff of the IMF...

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №4400
xxx: Today in the middle of the night, I woke up with the thought that the pillow was listening to me... I got angry, made a cushion and pulled it out. He slept. It was a long morning...

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №4399
We have a server and a bunch of administrators administering it on SSH. And another admin technician, he is usually in the server room, deals with iron and axis.
Recently, he installed a children’s railway around the server, and a drum was wrapped on the train that runs on it. And some vibrating stuff. Then somehow there cleverly connected it to the comp...
In short, now if someone fails to do something, they pick in the shell "buben on" - and the drum, whispering, begins to slowly ride around the servo...

c) Programmaster

[ + 41 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №4398
I don’t drink vodka either.

jumping because of her at one time I had tough with the toilets (sorry for details)

Yes – this is called "white scare")))

or "edic call"

Why the edge? ?

Well because you try to pronounce this name while stretching the sounds strongly E and Y

Do not do it with your voice.

It doesn’t look like a whiplash? :)


In the villages by the way where the sort of push type is called not white a "green scare"))))

Who else is scared is a big question.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №4397
AsgotTM: I’m going to lunch in the kitchen
AsgotTM: without a comp
AsgotTM: Eating and looking out the window
mbgTM =-O
MBGTM: I forgot when I had this last time...
AsgotTM: UGU
AsgotTM: No light

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №4396
But is it true that if you do not lick the virginity before the age of 18, the vagina will grow?

Oh my mom!! to

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №4395
(found in the morning in the logs of ashi, brother alcoholic dead, could not stand, laid out)

Lenka: I chose the mouse and the seller offered me a laser and told him that it created radiation, well, I heard about it somewhere, and he screamed at me and said that I was stupid... and you tell me, is it true?
IronLex: I’m sorry I couldn’t hold the body, it’s his older brother. I don't know you, but judging by the fact that you ask this question, you're probably right, you're stupid and probably the last prostitute will get to go to my brother!
Lord, what are you?
IronLex: Yes 0_o
Lenka: I'll come home now, let's talk, degenerate the hernia, P.S
This is your mother.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №4394
How to adjust anti-isotope filtration in "il2"? There are special menus in the counter, but there are no ones here :(
You will get a Nobel Prize if you can.
xxx sorry, anisotropic

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna