— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №4373
I already have a time machine – it’s my clock.
Zzz: Oh, and the TV is a transmission box, right?

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №4372
I want a silicone neck to sleep comfortably in class.
And everybody will chew him. The Head!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №4371
Apple Inc. Acquires P.A. Semi for $278 million. The company P.A. Semi is developing processors for mobile platforms. It was founded by Dan Doberpool, thanks to whose efforts such iconic and fateful processors as Alpha and StrongArm appeared and thanks to whom in February 2007 the world was introduced 2GHz, a 64-bit dual-core microprocessor.
yyy: Apple iPhone 2GHz 64-bit dual core 2GB RAM 160GB SSD
xxx: will you take our iPhone server to call?
YYYY : )
xxx: hanging on the racks of iPhones
YYY: Why the bell? The 5th generation network will allow you to carry the server always with you :)
YYY: and even making calls with him
The main thing is not to burn your ass.
At the DOS attack? O_O
from overheating? and :)
xxx: A new type of hack is to hit all of the Iphone wipes in the radius of the bluetooth. Successful hack is considered when the owner jumps up with a scream ;)
YYY: and the new brute force - to wipe out the iPhone from the neighbor’s pocket

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №4370
<Siberian> The most terrifying thing you can imagine is the INVISIBLE DOG. If it happens, the world is over!! You walk on the street - clean, entered invisible shit, came to work and smell, and it is not visible and it is not clear where it smells. Everyone thinks you’re crazy. And you strive, look around, look at your feet, feel yourself - here are your hands already in the invisible shit. Thus you will all overwhelm and get stuck under your nails,
<Siberian> Do not eat - hands in the fucking, wash without any reason - cranes in the fucking and door sticks... Horror and nightmare!!! Crash and apocalypse!! to

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №4369
<xxx> where does my hair dryer work?! to
<yyy> I am not the main component of pain relievers
<xxx> ooh
<yyy> not ibuprofen

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №4368
There are 3 stages of working with the comp:
1) when you remove progi and toys directly from HDD because you don’t know how to do it correctly
2) when smart and wipe everything through "install and remove"
3) When do you remove everything straight from HDD, and what’s the difference? Remove the window!


[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №4367
by William:
Vlad, say some smart expression (without matta) can be in Latin!

The Governors:
Everything is gone boss!! to

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №4366
xxx:I will never go on a date with girls from contact whose column "interesses" is written "photoshop"

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №4365
Tagged with: PRIV How is it?
The Fess:Daroff! Yes yes...
Zmey: What is it?
Fess: Well you know how often I get into awkward situations?
Zmey: Well, what is there?
Fess: I went to visit my aunt. She lives on 7. Arrived in the elevator. sat there for an hour. Well, I think it is time to roll on the house... Before going out I went to the toilet to suck...With a sense of duty I go and call the elevator, and there what kind of shit has already managed to STOP!!!! Well so here!! I approach the first, and I feel that something is wrong... I begin to tighten the width, the door slowly opens and there are two grandmothers!! to
Zmey: You are hot!!!!))))))
Fess: I’m not going to be there soon...Looking at two grandmothers running after me, and arming: a cock, standing!!! I remember it all my life. 😉

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №4364
The girl studied law in Moscow, passed internal exams like a bappie, came to take in the GAI at the place of residence in a small town near Moscow. She handed over the docks, waited for the first to hand over the venue, approached one of our instructors and asked without a burst, how much money is taken for hand over here. The instructors answer that we are not taken at all. She is shocked and calls on her cell phone:

and Pasha! Here is the unknown!! They don’t even get money here!!! to

Of the spectators- listeners who stood there, he sat there and laughed.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №4363
VeTaL (09:37:54 25/04/2008)
Nihera I shed fire myself without understanding it ))) the shorter in our sort of men's towel hanged... well, it happened somewhere... yesterday and toilet paper ended... I ask "There is a towel? Someone disappeared and the user’s toilet paper, and now there is no one..." They looked at me so strangely... I was confused and added "Well, wipe your hands out..."

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №4362
The electronic newspaper “”
Russia calls on Kyrgyzstan to respond
Russia tested new missiles

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №4361
Do we play?? From the words Sex, Love, Luck, Success, Wealth, Car, Apartment, Wedding, choose a word and leave me, and send it to everyone.

by Cromwell[2x2]
The Pizzeria.

and Cannabis:
by Fuck

by crome[2x2]:
Has the shit come back three times?

and Cannabis:
4 is

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №4360
The Idiot:

The Idiot:
I am here a girl botanist asks if it is possible to kill a fox.

by Amigo:
may be)

by Amigo:
Soak deeper into your mouth and let it go.

The Idiot:
Smile, you grieve in the agony of death.

by Amigo:
=) is

by Amigo:
I don’t think I’m going to kill anyone.

The Idiot:
The idea is generally dangerous.

by Amigo:
It is feasible =)

The Idiot:
The headlines in the newspapers "Dedicated by the penis""Dedicated by the eagle""The penis killer,truth or fiction?"

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №4359
We have a temperature below 36 and a mosquito.

Have you already appeared?

No is

Go to you

In Moscow there are not many.

It is expensive in Moscow.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №4358
Only an optimist with a great sense of humor can name female pads on "such days" - "Fantastic FLIRT"

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №4357
Here I am reading, and here the portrait of the IT-shnik is this: dirty hair, a beard, an extended sweater, friends with cats, speaks in Albanian...
We also have: all naked, in stylish pieces, on a steep car, shaved smoothly
What is the Chinese spy doing?

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №4356
The Comrades! Dear owners of nuclear buttons and suitcases! In connection with the publication of coordinates of House 2, please direct your missiles to this object, call them, and ultimately demand the following changes.
in the script.

1st All residents of House 2 are starting to REALLY build a house!
2nd Uncle Pasha 99 comes to the building. He will be engaged in live mental sex with all the participants, by sending those fuckers. And if the inhabitants of the house 2 start to fucking the brain again, then Prorab Pasha has the right to engage in anal sex as well through drill and perforator.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №4355
In the morning, 11 o'clock, the public, knocking on the door, I get up to wear anything I didn't have time in the cowards, I open...and here I was scared, there are three, two women and a man in the anti-gases and with balloon yellow))) say we cockroaches to poison))) such visual stress I have not experienced, especially in the morning)

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №4354
I saw such a picture.
We are celebrating my brother’s wedding at the cafe. We smoke on the doorstep, a taxi comes in, two drunk subjects come out, a third is pulled out of the taxi. He cannot walk, they hold him under the arms, and his feet roll behind him.
They drag him to the cafe, we sided, missed, we think the guys are little, they still want...
After a minute, they pull him back, one says:
Going in, going in, going in...
I brought him home 😉

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna