— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №4453
What is it like a straw in the bathroom?
Like an erz in the toilet?
Irene is egotistic. The camel is silent.
He, the fucking man,
No family noise.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №4452
So I can't watch this advertisement, I begin to cramping on the buttons of other channels, one, the other, the third, and shit in my mouth advertising everywhere, I'm bumping on Culture, there is no advertising.
Pudded, 2 people sit and scratch with their tongues about spirituality. I mean with them too 2-3 minutes spiritually rested, even as if swallowed a little bit of the huge ocean of Russian culture and let’s look at the cinema further.

Therefore, I express my tremendous gratitude to those comrades who invented this wonderful channel, and now everyone, when advertising or cracking on the other channels, can have a few minutes to cultivate and even spiritually enrich themselves. I tightly shake their hands.

Hmel of Siberia

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №4451
Katka breaks, says, fasting, not until Easter.
What doesn’t matter before the wedding?

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №4450
I am 5 fucking.
Drugs 13
I have a stomach in my stomach and what?
Didn't you reach your head before the member??? :D

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №4449
The Hobbit is getting married

The lamp: what?

ClonDike: Can you read?

Lamps for whom?

ClonDike: on Anka B...

Lamp: Which is it?

ClonDike: This is the Lightning ex-girlfriend

Lampa: Pipet some

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №4448
Students are sleeping, books are sleeping. The bad guys are waiting. The harmful lecturer goes to bed so that we can dream at night. Close your eyes – take care!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №4447
Blade is a reduced form of blade, used mainly as an interdomain, as an element of complex obscene structures (usually for the "enforcement" of the previous obscene word or expression.

The element of a complex non-cesurary structure.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №4446
Jonny: I saw an unprecedented example of optimism... a shock!
Fucks: well
Jonny: A paid toilet in front of the McDonald’s.
Fucks :))))

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №4445

I went to work recently. From the first day, the boss greeted me every day by hand, for sure. I thought a good tone. Then it came to me that I was the only man in the department, the other women :)

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №4444
Demiurg: the most accurate way to determine what a person is often watching porn - in all the players he has the volume carefully twisted to zero

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №4443
Christ has risen
Really resurrected
He really resurrected.
Definitely resurrected?
Really resurrected, idiot

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №4442
I sit with my boyfriend at home, both in the ass.

XXX is
I smoked and I smoked.
Fuck, you fucking smoked, you sit next to me

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №4441
Inscription on the party in universe:
2 to 0
by AdskiyBobr

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №4440
Dear Admin, what’s going on at the tower? How long will everything now be repurposed without falling to the Main, where in essence should be the best quotes? Do you not notice yourself, by the number of votes on the main, that the situation was not very good. Please go back to the place of the names of Apruvshnikov and do not post on the main many quotes-average :(
With respect.

P.S Go up to the top, let them see.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №4439
Mario, Mario... and I jumped to another world (remember the big yellow monkeys?) I put it on the note. Graphics - grandmother EGA... jumped in a MINUTE, although the disgrace is not the biggest. In a minute, I downloaded and installed the game that I played with five-inch discs in my childhood.

This is all a prelude. What I am leading...

How do you go through that level where you climb the stairs, and there the yellow monkey launches energy balls on the floor? I had to do so that they burned the floor, but I forgot how.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №4438
xxx: 21 June 2008 On this day, the asteroid 2006HZ51 may collide with Earth, which remains among the largest dangerous near-Earth objects, called NASA (its diameter exceeds 800 m). If the place of impact is the ocean, it will cause a tsunami and release billions of tons of water vapor into the atmosphere. Otherwise, dust will rise into the air, which will make it difficult for sunlight to reach the surface of the planet. According to one of the hypotheses, a similar event 65 million years ago led to the extinction of dinosaurs. (c) Big City No. 6 (202)

June 21st, I have my last exam this day.
in this context "pass the session and the mountains it fire" acquires a new shade-)

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №4437
Russia is the only country where a person in a sports suit is not taken for an athlete, but for a racer.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №4436
From the Auto Forum:
Garbych: Recently, in the exhaust system, an interesting sound appeared. Pressing the gas pedal when switching the transmission, appears, sorry for the expression, a light, virtually unheard "popping". Once there was a flat bull, and now this is the sound. Is it gasoline or something else?

ponchik777: the shutdown
Wow, how ugly you are ?
ponchik777: ughu... let her loose well... awos and the sounds will disappear
But yes, it really is crazy...)))
ponchik777: what about the smell of exhaust? What special shades may have appeared?
Garbych: As you guessed... it really started to smell differently in the room...
ponchik777: Are you sure that the sound from the engine?

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №4435
I am a slave of Pon.

And I’m a gentleman from Wednesday to Friday.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №4434
Nekso: I all of course understand... my mother found a cockroach in the kitchen, struck it... well, she left me a carcass, say sonko, look, I’m not crazy that there are cockroaches in our apartment...
He was ordered to go to the toilet.
Well, I came to wash the dishes, looked at this body, lying on the back near the dishwasher...I started washing the dishes...
I understand everything...
But when this red dead hunch begins to move first with the cheeks, then with the legs, then turns to the stomach and, crumbling (!) I’m going to sink into the garbage...something took my soul straight.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna