— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №6413
Dialogue with the Director.
Call Katie to the project.
Katie – which one? The name?
Eve, I forgot the name. Blizzard is something. by "E"
He is Egorov. Jeremiah... I don’t remember.
I: I’m embarrassed to ask – and what is Blatskiy in the name of Yegorov, for example?
He said, “Why is Zinovyeva!”! to
I: associative series with the word "blatskaya surname" I understood - Zinoviev, Kamenev and...
He is: Yes! And "The Prostitute of Trotsky"!!! to

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №6412
Khao: today the case was... I go on the street in general... I wanted ice cream... I see a Nestle tent, from the window of which there is a lot of smoke... I approach, I lean and I see my grandmother, 60, smoking in the tent, in which only the window is open...
Me: Be kind to me.
B: What one?
I: And what are they?
B: It’s delicious to bake a straw in the ashes and he knows it.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №6411
I read on a radmin for a neighbor girl when she talks about an agent:

She is friends with him!
She gave him!
Don’t tell the electricity to anyone.
You are my grave.

very funny )
But when on the same radmin you read the correspondence of your girlfriend as she is engaged in a whirlwind with somebody.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №6410
My friend bought a piano, he lives on the seventh floor and also called us to help pull the entum.
stopped to smoke bored somehow sat short my friend for the instrument and started the blues splash...
And here comes the grandmother with such eyes O_O and says
"A ranch I remember young people in chariots on guitars played" makes sad eyes and leaves.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №6409
Quote from Wikipedia (Article "Primary"):
School No. 9 named after A. S. Pushkin with in-depth study of subjects of the physical and mathematical cycle
It is logical :))))

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №6408
A photograph of a man lying with his mouth in a salad is a portrait or a natural death?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №6407
Men are irrational in their logic, women are irrational in their logic.

of persistence.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №6406
Children go to kindergarten.

Yesterday I was called to the kindergarten accountant.

We have a debt to pay: Voluntary contributions.

I do not know how to do correctly.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №6405
During the sixth month of solitary sailing, Fedor Konyukhov was offended by the wheel.

I did not talk to him for two days.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №6404
...Sisadmin Lehi had a very speaking surname Neteva. How long we were angry about his service compliance when we learned that his wife is called Asya and his daughter is Clava.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №6403
I was not here because of my presence there)))

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №6402
Tagged with: tick tick. and. and.
The Tick Tick. and. and.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! to
You seem to be dead, my little girlfriend.
by: @
You are being ticked, and you are zero reaction.
Hm... what should be the reaction?
I mean, at least "wow!"
Oh yeah... yeah... yeah...
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh She still shows signs of life! Hm... to that it would not suffer - the reaction is weak, it will not stretch out...
A A A A A A A A!! to
The crying? A comfortable shirt and electric shock. rape and electric shock again. Repeat until it is normalized.
by 0_o
Please help... (
Inadequate response to treatment... sleeping pills, laxatives and vomiting should help... preferably at the same time...

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №6401
PPC to what the grass brings... here is what to smoke, what would the GPRS navigator call "SUSANIN"?!?! to

The GPS navigator is called GPRS navigator.

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №6400
I told one in the universe.
His friend travelled to France and came to Disneyland. On the bourgeois mountains he saw how before the children go on the way they shout the phrase "Papista - failed", interested, seemingly a word not French, nor English, approached the controller, asked what the children shout every time before the departure, what he was answered: a month ago here a Russian student worked, so here, every time pulling the lever he shouted - "PA-PIZ-DOVA-A-LI!"! to

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №6399
The cold:
Are you happy with Bilan?? to
and synthesize:
Is he dead? 😉

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №6398
My grandmother is constantly chewing.
I wake up with the smell of fried meat.
I smell the whole day what they chew.
They don’t eat so much and they cook everything.
I am in the kitchen just...
I have nowhere to go especially.
My sister said you are crazy.
Try to brush your nose.
1 And am I crazy?! to

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №6397
The Caregiver:
You Fucked Your Hujas, Cats, Shredders, Those Dumb Eyes O_O and Other Hujas!Your idiotic provocations, aimed at getting what can be hanged, are already across my throat! I want family, children, normal communication and a bright future!
You are 27 years old, and the main goal of your life is to get to this pebble tower!! to

Contact removed itself

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №6396
German (17:32:18 2/06/2008)
In other cities, hot water is turned off for the whole summer.

Nathanael (17:32:30 2/06/2008)
D rfrb[ bvtyyj& jnrelf nfrbt lfyyst&

German (17:32:42 2/06/2008)
I am angry too!

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №6395
In a few days, I will report on the practice. I decided to read and check. Now I sit down and flatter from the sentences I have written:
Computers are basically all, the standard setup had, or "and now I will tell you more about the component computers, for which I had to work..."

Conclusion: must be linked with Star Wars o_o

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №6394
<Desy> Anyone speaks Italian?
<KingDiamond> bambarbia! by Kergudu!
<KingDiamond> moment more!))))))))))))))
<Desy> ciao
<KingDiamond> did you know what? O_O

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna