— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №4273
Where the world goes...
Today I went to school for the little one, only a bell sounded out, some small bullets flew out of the door, class 3-4 and burst into the throat: "First of us!"

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №4272
Women are incomprehensible beings. There are so many morocks to get pregnant, and flying is easy.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №4271
From ""

Everyone says that with the help of Photoshop you can remove acne and how to take it?

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №4270
Ann NicY (17:13:53 23/04/2008)
Why don’t you work?

Andrewrocker (17:13:55 23/04/2008)
It is free here :)

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №4269
Gandhi without work
Missing in the bag.
At least I hope.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №4268
>> Today is an honesty tournament, so you can ask any question, but only one! I promise to answer honestly! Share it all you will find out what others are interested in learning about you (I ask)
Do you wear socks during sex?
That’s just you guys don’t film.
I burn...
Now is May’s turn.
When did you lose your virginity?
About 12 o’clock at night...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №4267
Engineer – it sounds proud! Unfortunately, only on the day of defense.

© Alik, engineer

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №4266
A quiet April morning. Small English town of Swindon. Elections in

The local municipality.

A young man enters the poll, surrounded by three men.

The educated dogs. There is nothing wrong with this, so the election

It is like a monument to Pushkin. The nightmare begins when one

The dog takes the bulletin in his fist and does not rush to the cabin for

of voting. At the unreasonable protest of the commission the dog presents

My newsletter, where black on beige printed: Bobby Hawkeye

(Hackway is the name of the owner).

The Gogol scene. Clearly, the computer of the Electoral Command switched and turned on.

The dog on the voter list. It is unclear how to get out of this now.

Finally, the Chairman of the Commission found himself: requested a certificate

Persons with a photo. This is not Bob Hawkeye, it is.

Anyone who is not included in this list of voters.

The Election Point. But the Commission immediately presents a veterinary certificate.

His name is Bobby Hackwell. With a picture, in case Bobby is lost.

Euro standard, you will not write anything.

And then Gavin, Bob's master, strikes the last blow: he accuses the commission of

Sexual discrimination in sexism. Because of the three dogs,

In his house, only the cowboy Bobby was given the right to vote, and two foxes were given the right to vote.

illegally deprived of all civil rights.

and nokaut. The Commission is preparing to become entirely private.

people somewhere 300 miles from Swindon. For example, in North Wales.

Or in Yorkshire. But here, like in all English tales, it appears.

The savior on the white horse is the deputy mayor of Swindon. He smiles and

of spontaneous jokes. He presses Bob’s leg and thankes him for

A conscious attitude to his civil duty. He is angry,

that Gavin's foxes did not get on the list of voters and promises to immediately,

Yes, sir, get it done immediately. Indeed, he is going away.

to the wall, gets a cell phone, calls a number and a few minutes

Instructing someone. Judging by mimics, the instructions are accurate, juicy and

Absolutely non-parliamentary And then he approaches Gavin Hawkeye and

He asks for Bobby’s veterinary certificate. In the certificate indicated

Bob’s age is 3 years. And to the elections - let's breathe lightly together

with the commission - persons under 18 years of age are not allowed.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №4265
Reception with a psychotherapist:

I see, you are worried about something?

I need to go to the toilet urgently!

Well, let’s talk about it...

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №4264
SeeenS (22:44:20 23/04/2008)
I mean, I wanted to take a note yesterday, and then changed my mind, we need to suck the finger later...))

Wedding (22:44:48 23/04/2008)
I would like to be an ambassador b...

Wedding (22:45:32 23/04/2008)
The Finger!!!! to

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №4263
xxx (14:00:07 24/04/2008)
How is your condition, heartbeat, pulse, pressure, position, reproductive and digestive system, walking, vision, hair, which mood... shorter than your deeds?

yyy (14:04:01 24/04/2008)
my sitting condition, accelerated heartbeat, pulse boom, the pressure that you did not dream of, the reproductive system is worth looking at, the digestive system is much better, the walk chestnuts, I look into both eyes, the brutal feathers, only the mood infects...

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №4262
1: What is the West?
This is when you take your girlfriend on a taxi and she’s driving sitting and nervously chewing an unsmoked cigarette. You plant a girl near her house and drive with relief smoke on the whole salon on the way back.
1: And it is, in your opinion, western?
No, it is true that your girlfriend is a 10-year-old smoker and you have asthma.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №4261
The people! Watch the movie "The Spirit of Time"! This has to be seen! The truth about life, and how the government is deceiving us! Bring it to the top, let more people know about it!

I watched this movie, it makes me overestimate everything around...Plus

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №4260
She: Do you know the name of the progi who reads English words?
I: Blow Job
She is: thank you! As always served
She: It is not that.
Try a Doggy Style
She: Not that either! producing movies, music
I: well, the last thing I can offer is hardcore anal
She: Not that either.
I: Where are you looking for?
See also: Google
I: Strange
I: What Google did not find
She: Here is
She: He finds movies, music and all sorts of stuff.
I’ve heard of another program.
She : what?
I: is called latex lesbian porn, try search
She: Not that either.
M is strange.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №4259
Easter is soon.
Do you paint?
The Anthropod
V is stupid.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №4258
Holy Fathers are burning. A good fight was in the Temple of the Lord's Tomb, where the fathers effectively beat each other with cadillas and chorugvias. So we managed to consecrate a new meat combinate (holy sausage) during the Passion Week of the Great Fast! It is horror! ) And one Italian padre in honor of something there blasted 1400 balls... and went up... the third day they are looking for it.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №4257
Yesterday evening I go to the subway, and the people are dark, if I found a place to shelter.And before that I drove to the city of Alexandrov and it was a terrible joke.Look, and I dreamed clinging to the door.And I dreamed of a dreamy dream that I was the murderer of Altair from Assassin Creed, I jump on the roofs of Damascus and I hit the railroad.I run to him to clash, and he the fox in the last moment jumped away and I fell from the roof...
The man who woke up in the wagon lying on the floor, a man bowed to me and said, "boy, what a naked stranger, you are a drug addict?"
All computer games O_O

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №4256
Conversation of the two on the radio:
What do you think about narrowing the NATO ring around Russia?
I think the NATO ring is narrowing even when thinking of Russia.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №4255
Today will be washing up.
Rice : Why?
Today is Clean Thursday!
Am... what is it?
Vladigora: Orthodox flash mob. and :)

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №4254
"Working in the office"

Someone is eating something somewhere.
Someone is smoking, someone is smoking.

In the “classes”, in the “contact”
on a porn site.

Someone is playing music,
The series discusses.

Someone has a lion.
“Who watched the Apostle?”

How to put a service pack?
Whose client is a fool?

A new track for the phone.
The cat came out of the balcony.

Hooked on BDC, on reports, on RC.
More important is the task - where to get the shit to the dacha?

Week after week, year after year, day after day.
With a break to work, we go to our office!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna