— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №2174
Prehistory: I came here to OBEP to reward us, well, of course, everything has to be removed, and not eagerly - well, I think I will look for what to do in the internet. Entered in yandex "how to fuck OEP"
The prehistory ended: I forgot about the tab, hung in the opera among the other 10 pieces, the varyez just moved to the virtual. And here comes this OEP. Somebody is sad to see what there and how, and how his hand led to this crazy tab...Never has Stirlitz been so close to failure :)

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №2173
Alexander: cat, listen, and at 12 a.m. can you get out of the community?
In the sense of no problem?

Do not miss anymore in my name.
I am not comfortable with my colleagues.

[ + 131 - ] Comment quote №2172
Judging by the reviews of any quotations in the wordstream, the idea of advancing comes up - to enter the tower to hang the simplest tasks in higher mathematics or simple tests in Russian, until you pass - you do not enter. A knowledgeable person will immediately give an answer and schoolchildren should learn and do not kill their time by squeezing ratings and wordstream. Ideally, a very simple test with every update "dunk". Type the emphasis or insert the correct letter.
Pros: increased literacy of the population of the runet, partial reduction of dependence on the basha :)
Who liked the idea of a plus to get to the modes!

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №2171
Dear moderators, NOT put the end on the table to want the button "Let’s go to sleep"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I regret it!!! to

Anyone who has similar problems at least occasionally, please add!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №2170
<Persic> I have painted
<Porsche> What to eat
<qnxoid> I dressed three with a butterfly
<qnxoid> I'm going to go
<Pets> :D
<Porsche> Chicken

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №2169
You are wasted.
Stop immediately
Why is?
The goddess of ears.
Why the ears?
How do I know?!! to
The unknown ways of God.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №2168
Today I go from the universe in a car, in the street rain, sweat, everything melts...I go to Gor.Gai and they have a service parking directly along the road. You can imagine this picture: Usually everyone tries in the stream to overcome in the second row, and when the first formed a small size in the width and ground of the field, all began to crumble from the road at a high speed and reverse the cars of the DPSnikov.! to

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №2167
On March 3, Medvedev woke up after a winter sleep as president.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №2166
The engine of the tank or other self-propelled system can be launched with a shot. To do this, the ignition and corresponding transmission are turned on, the tank tower turns in the opposite direction to the intended direction of movement. A shot is made. Giving forces the tank to start movement, and therefore - the engine is launched.

Wikipedia is

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №2165
Grandma Tucson was killed
2 and what?
The ambulance hit!
2 – Is this an ambulance?
There was a cross on it, so an ambulance!
BAD on the Fascist tanks was also the cross, so they were not quick!!!! to

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №2164
Rejoice if you are struck in your soul. Better than in the head.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №2163
Today is February 29.

Everyone knows, this day is only in the high year, what happens

every four years. Nothing special for all people except those.

who were born on that day. I had a friend I knew, called him.

Misha and he was born on February 29, 1936. As a man with

With humor, Misha even had homework answers for those who learned,

When he was born, he asked him the standard question: "How old are you?

Misha, do you celebrate your birthday once every four years?”

Eighteen, he would answer, say, this year. You are still

young, followed the usual replication.-Well, of course, answered Misha, I take in

I only count good years, I don’t think bad.

But not everything was so easy with Misha in real life and he was as hidden as he could.

People on their birthday. Once I felt something wrong, I

I asked him to show me my passport. What did I see there? I saw that

Misha was born on February 29, 1937. It cannot be so, I said,

He asked Misha to explain how it happened.

Here is his story. They lived in Minsk before the war. The war begins, my father.

They were taken to the army, and my mother and Misha left in a hurry under a bombardment.

Minsk was evacuated to the Uzbek city of Samarkand. In 1944, Micheal

It was supposed to go to school. I went to first class at eight years old.

of age. Documents were lost and the Russian school without them to get

is impossible. The number of places in the school was limited.

The chief strictly followed the order in the registration - no metric of anyone

not accepted. You could go to the Uzbek school, but Mishina’s mother didn’t.

She wanted it, she hoped that the war would soon end and they would come back.

to Minsk. You think, my mother said, Misha will become a scientist a year later. So is

They remained in Samarkand until 1945, when the war ended.

His father returned from the front and they moved back to Minsk. Also in Minsk.

There was a problem with school registration: a metric was needed. had to go

Recovery of lost documents. When asked

My parents, how many years of Misha, they, not long thinking, said, eight, no.

They wanted Misha to go to the first class as, so-called,

The transition. The date of his birth was recorded in 1937, and the day and month were left behind.

On February 29th, we did not notice the disagreement.

So Misha, possibly the only in the world by documents was born on February 29

In 1937.

My mother was right, Misha became a scientist, a candidate of technical sciences and lives

He celebrates his unusual birthday with his family.

Friends celebrate March 1st.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №2162
Thief, you are a fool! I invite you to a duel!! to

I let you choose a weapon: a sword or a gun?

The Sword.

is excellent. I choose a gun!

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №2161
IncVisitor:Why is there a movement "Our", but no movement "Alien"? I would enter there.
IncVisitor: And the slogan to be - we are against Predators!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №2160
by Umike,
There are also fucking subscribers such as "we have pages from the second time"

by Umike,
You are type

by Umike,
At least one specifically?
We cannot say yes and no in this case.

In the spirit "and yours is all bad, do us do it. Even if it is just bad - hz"

by Umike,
They are strange :)

by Umike,
I need to use this button.)

by John,
Button "do it well"

by Umike,
" to make a job". Stupid without function

by John,
))))))))))))))))) you can make a confirmation, press the button comes out popup window with the inscription "the subscriber No done заебись"

by Umike,
Oh yeah!! to

and brox,
Add to personal office.
"You have made yourself a job. It will be available within a half hour."

and brox,
Now every user of our network can do it for free! Details at the sales office.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №2159
XXX is
You are the embodiment of the Phoenix bird, as long as you do not bathe you return.

Personification of what?

XXX is
Fuck the youth. Kenny is shorter.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №2158
Will you be a cognac?
Gremlin: What is it?
Shal: The gifted horse is not looked in the ass
Gremlin: I will, although this is a very unusual name for cognac

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №2157
For the attack on Nord-Osta, 57 awards were awarded, including 5 Stars of Hero of Russia.
One Star was given to the fighters of the groups "Alpha" and "Vimpel", who participated in the operation.
The Star was given to the generals of the FSB V. Pronichev and A. Tikhonov.
The fifth star was awarded to a chemist who drove gas into the seized building.
The Order of Courage was awarded to Joseph Kobzon.
50 memorial signs "Nord-Ost" have been awarded to Members of the Government of Moscow.
With the wording: "For compassion"

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №2156
Stoca people gathered to vote for Zhirinovsky... * went to buy canned goods, fireworks and ammunition *

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №2155
You are Ukrainian?
Fib: No
How do you know Ukrainian?
FIB: I read the instructions for air refreshers in the toilet!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna