— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №4473
Odessa in the early 1990s.

Uncle digging in the chest of bananas... suddenly turns and

He asks the seller, pointing to the deceased:

What about these commons?

The Seller:

They have already roasted...

Uncle (pointing a finger at a martyr who sits nearby and enthusiastically

eating out of bananas is just part under the black, and the rest

Throwing to the side):

You want to tell me why she came from there and doesn’t know what to do.

Is there?? to

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №4472
Deputies of the State Duma on behalf of the people want to adopt amendments to the

The Media Law. The amendments will allow the authorities to close.

out-of-court any newspaper for three warnings of publication

clearly false information.

The people have an offer. Shooting out of court

any deputies or other officials for three public warnings

The lie...

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №4471
Kwark: Nothing boosts memory more than a cell phone forgotten at home
Str: It is a fist. Here I forgot about Dr girls, then my memory in all the holes was stimulated

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №4470
Cat: I’m standing in the church, daddy read something... then everyone started praying, and I look – standing next to such a “pure real guy” and honestly like this:
Lord, forgive us, fools of our sins!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №4469
How do I make more letters?
Turn the wheel and you will be happy.
Can it all be increased?
Almost everything if you can control it.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №4468
1nd NGO
Is this not the Leningrad region?


You are fucking pps.

1nd NGO

Frunzen district of SPB

1nd NGO
I am not very geological.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №4467
I live in communion. In the general toilet on the floor next to the toilet, the neighbors threw a newspaper. At the top of the page, in the entire sheet, the advertisement of the animal protection society. With the big font - "Give a Dirty Life - Give up the need for Black Icarus!" This appeal looks very relevant on the sinking floor of a dirty toilet in a shelter filled with half-hungry students. And there is a text, shit, such as: "Have you ever thought that by biting out a sandwich with black ivory, you are forever depriving the ostriches of a chance to survive". Hardly got upset. How do I do this every day "bite" and I don’t think about it! After all, "every crap can be the last", fucking!! to

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №4466
Sunshine, please forgive me. I am guilty before you, and I am bad without you.
Comrades, help, bring to the top... [Kos]

Eat the hats, right? 😉

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №4465
Imagine a picture,
On the evening of May 7, Putin is no longer the president, he flies around Moscow in a helicopter and sings,
The District, Hey
The Quarter, Hey
The residential masses,
I leave, I leave beautifully.

All this is broadcast live on all channels, and at the last note the helicopter explodes.
But in fact, Putin jumped a parachute during the advertisement, remains living and working somewhere in a quiet office, reads the BOR, and thinks:
I have gone beautifully...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №4464
From the resume for the vacancy "System Administrator":
organization of shared Internet access, Active Directori directory service, domain structure, architecture.
Local and network printers configuration and installation. Features of antivirus software, protection of public resources, firewalls OPERA, FIRE WOX, access permissions. Permissions are ipconfic, ping. Remote control of computers. Antivirus software panda, Kasperskii, dr web, avast, nod32. Network software diagnostics, working with CONON printers.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №4463
This morning, go out on the roof to shoot with your rifle. Well, I shot myself for pleasure, I decided to shoot at a distance - I put a bowl behind the G-shaped curve of the roof, I sit on the edge, kiss and here I notice that some man from the window below looks at me very carefully. It is probably fun to wake up in the morning, get up from the bed and pull, stretch the curtains on the window. And on the neighboring roof sits a guy with a rifle... It is good that it was not a deputy, or a guy from Gazprom, who we have not later than 2 years ago exploded in the yard, or their guard would quickly remove the pain of the sniper.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №4462
Korney: When the coworkers from the UPN find a contact in your phone, you’ll explain to them that he’s really a philanthropist.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №4461
Soon there will be a generation that doesn’t know what a Funny Bowl is.

The generation of eternally suffering daughters has grown

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №4460
Hi, I’m new here, can you help Gollum?
My name is Dima, and you?
– Victor

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №4459
So tell me something interesting until I’ve told you all about it.
There was a girl
I painted my nails in blue.
Then a man bought from his grandmother on the train station.
There are blue nails.
Here is this.
I am bite now.
I was not bitten.
and yet
A boy lived
Suffice it
Something good
I was wearing glasses with a green cover.
Then a man decided to break the wall.
Look, the green is falling!
Here is this.
The good? Hmm...
He continued to drill.
There are 5 rubles. to shower?

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №4458
McLover (15:17:19 29/04/2008)
5 hours and I have GTA 4 in my hands.

Fieriya (15:17:50 29/04/2008)
Are you in the line? 😉

McLover (15:18:27 29/04/2008)
Yes!!! to

Fieriya (15:18:47 29/04/2008)
In which store?

McLover (15:19:08 29/04/2008)
The European TC

Fieriya (15:19:17 29/04/2008)
Jump up shit!! to

McLover (15:19:37 29/04/2008)
Nao to?

Fieriya (15:20:05 29/04/2008)
Jump to talk!

Fieriya (15:20:20 29/04/2008)
I saw it ))

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №4457
From the program "taxi". Two girls.

When on the question “what is the grace or the pink flamingos depicted in the painting of Savrasov?” one shouted “Flamingo!” and I was still holding... But here is when on the question “what, in Engels’ opinion, made a monkey a man?” the same girl shouted “Aristotle!” and I was already lying... but when they answered in one voice that a man has only two (!) A couple of ribs... I’ve already fought in hysteria... And they say – Peter is the cultural capital. Or not in the family?

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №4456
t3rm1t: and I am home
t3rm1t: a cold car
t3rm1t: the shale
t3rm1t: beauty
t3rm1t: the current body is missing
Megia: Is this a hint?and :)
t3rm1t: yes
t3rm1t: Do you have nice friends?

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №4455
of Easter. Early morning. I walk on the sidewalk, there is a drunken body. Meanwhile, two women of intelligent outward appearance go out for friendship. The body stretching out the hand, the index finger ticking forward into an invisible point, located somewhere between the women begins to scream wildly: - AAAAAAA! It is blue! There were no muscles on the women’s faces. They said, “The night is true. And passed by...

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №4454
Recently, the MusTV stunned, there someone sent a message:
You are the best Sasha!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna