— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №1974
From the blogs:
Is this how it works? I tell him about G. Skovorod, and he tells me about the source of the page, I tell him about the creativity of Fry, and he tells me about the compilation of the nuclei... I go to the museum, he goes to bowling... I tell him about the poems, he tells me about the mine, and then I remain a superficial fool, and he is a versatile developed man... he loves my breasts and he is pleasant to think that I am dumb :(
c) Anka

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №1973
She thinks where her brother is.
He says, “I think she would have taken him overnight.
She thinks it will be harder with her parents.
He thinks, he wants to think.
She thinks she wants to take.
Where will I take your parents?

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №1972
niki> Prikyn small bought new glasses that the doctor wrote out, we dress him so he with the screams "ura HDTV!" ran out to the street to play ))))
p_AV_el> I understood what struck me in your phrase - you have two comp and PS3 at home, your small knows what HDTV is, but fucking it is ON THE STREET!!! Playing with 8-)

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №1971
Marya: eat these soft French breads and drink tea.
TIGRO: Zohabaw the Ezzo of those Azcan Albanian crabs, and drink the Yad.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №1970
The girl from the corporation came home, in the ass:

I was drinking?
See also: Drill

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №1969
Hi, tell me what to do, I've lost the sound somewhere
SOPORT - Look in the room he could not go far.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №1968
The Land:
I have no mood to talk about aristocratic fucking, I digest the breadth!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №1967
History and futurology are colorless:

The past is dark, the future is bright.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №1966
Translation from French.

This story happened on a British Airways flight from Johannesburg

South to London.

A white woman, apparently about fifty years old, sits next to a black man

The man. It can be seen with the naked eye that it irritates her, and in the end,

She is no longer able to endure this terrible torment, she causes the stewardess.

Is there something wrong, Madame? Ask the stewardess.

Do you not see it yourself? A woman is surprised. You put me in.

Next to the black... I can’t endure a single second at all.

Next to one of those wilds. Give me another place.

“Calm down, please,” said the stewardess, “almost all the places.

I’m busy on this flight, but I’ll see what I can do.

Then she goes away and, coming back in a few minutes, says

The Lady:

- Madam, as I assumed, in the economic class of free places

No is. I also spoke with the captain, and there are no business class seats either.

There is one free place in the first class.

And even before the lady has time to say a word, stewardess.

and continues:

Strictly speaking, this is completely contrary to the rules of our airline.

Transferring people from the economic class to the first class. However, considering

the situation, the captain thinks it would be too scandalous to force

to be close to such an unpleasant person, and

To the black passenger, the stewardess adds:

“So sir, if you want, take your luggage and I’ll take you to the

The chair in the first class.

It is said that all the passengers who watched the scene stood up from their seats.

They flocked...

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №1965
Santa takes letters from children, unpacking, reading about

and themselves:

“Hello, Santa Claus, a beard from...” This I’ve read that there’s more...

“You brought us gifts, PI...” No, I read this too.

“Hello, Santa Claus, Peter Dima has written to you for 5 years. Grandfather

Frost, please don’t pack this letter back and read it until you get it.

The best thing is to read it not once, but twice. Santa Claus is

It’s not spam, it’s a real way to make money.”

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №1964
I fucking...
I sit with my friends in the company of two prostitutes.
We sit and talk...
It’s great, I don’t understand one thing.
We took them...

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №1963
>>Today I learned what to write on a thousand "x@y" ultraviolet paint and give it to the bank is a bad idea...

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №1962
A classmate writes to me.
She is:
I walked in the street yesterday)) I was frozen, as strange as I was.

I am :
You’re still in the bikini.)

She is:
Yesterday I passed by the cleaning room.... my coat is completely dirty. I asked if they would clean up. Well they said. What yes. I took it off and gave it to them. I go out and understand the stupidity of my deed)))

She is:
I immediately recalled their surprised eyes, red and running into the car.

She is:
I’ll go pick up tomorrow. I will wear a spring jacket.

She is:
The shortest surprise is a fool’s friend)))

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №1961
She: Hi

He: Good night

What is so rude?

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №1960
xxx: Historical article on the houses of St. Petersburg: "Building of the Geological Committee (VSEGEI)" [...] "Since 1939 the All-Union Geological Institute (VSEGEI) has been working here. Now it is called the All-Russian Geological Scientific Research Institute...” This is how EVERYTHING is smoothly transformed into EVERYTHING :-D

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №1959
by Diexa
In the Chinese city of Xashi there is a wall of wishes, there you can grab a note

I doubt they will all die.

[ + 86 - ] Comment quote №1958
<NeuS> I am sick. I tried it all, can you advise? An exotic thread
<alex1> tried in the anus eucalyptus?
<NeuS> What is it?
<alex1> to grind!!!! A bath with eucalyptus.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №1957
Rita is bleak.
Rita: Mom again on TV "HUY" wrote
It is to wipe out the dust.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №1956
The mention of Bacha in the quote has long since started to spoil it, rather than improve, wipe out all these "On the tower!" at the end of the epic!!!!!..
Who has borrowed

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №1955
Mantius: And when I move my acoustics to a new apartment, so that the tenants realize all the depth and inexorability of the situation, the first night I will spin only one song: "In our house settled a wonderful neighbor."

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna