— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №1954
XXX: I take off my socks.
xxx: they are wet and smell of me )))

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №1953
Sat is entering the game.
“Ave, Caesar!”
[Sat]: Who is Caesar and what does "Awe" mean?
It is Latin. The phrase translates approximately as follows: "Fuck my rugged knees, and this is what Caesar himself attributed".

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №1952
aLiGaR entered the chat
<aLiGaR> Hello to all!
<zT> yellow
<lapmaster> again he
<qwerto> roll out from here
Pope has left chat.
Lapmaster has left the chat
Qwerto has left chat
ZT has left the chat
Boteg left the chat
<hahaha> oO
hahaha left the chat.
<aLiGaR> Since yesterday, after trying to install WordPress on a home server and enabling the apache mod_rewrite module, the server died. Specifically, until some point I worked from another machine normally, but after changing the configuration of WordPress (blog system) began to write.
Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.
* This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies.
After removing WordPress and disabling mod_rewrite, it didn’t work. Everyone also sends this message. I sent Denwer, again, the same message. I realized something happened to the system :(
<aLiGaR> to fuck
<aLiGaR> This is the wicked :(((

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №1951
Two men for 50 years discuss the 2nd ring around Peter:
"Hey, by the time she passes through my country, we will be dragging violins for the roots.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №1950
xxx: Now Glory on the info told that they had a woman-prepod by the name Train in the lyceum. Do you know why she resigned?

yyy: no) and why?

xxx: He painted a railway on the wall from the teacher's office to her office

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №1949
Per no one thinks of superstitions when getting the 13th salary.

Andrei Andreev

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №1948
Again about Grandpa. Again, I go to my friend Gene for hunting. “Well what”

I said, “Are we going to see Grandpa?” “Yes,” says Ginkgo, “Yes, my grandfather

It lives me. I fought with the camper!” And telling a story. Grandmother at

My grandfather is dead! Her grandfather buried her. This is the 1980s,

The fight against alcohol! Next 9 days, then 40 days according to Christian custom

Remember, there is no money in the village and grandfather self-guided. Because in

The blood of our fellow citizens has an insatiable thirst to “bite,” someone told us.

A police officer said that his grandfather had struck himself. But good people

He was found in the village and his grandfather also that he would have a search. Grandfather

was prepared. A local police officer arrives with an understood neighbor who,

Probably even “touched”. And my grandfather in the middle of the stall has a milk flag.

for 40 liters. The police officer: “Well, grandfather, has Braga gone?” Father: “Yes

“No water!” The police officer: “Why are you holding her in the middle of the cage? Braga

This is!” He said, “No, but water.” The policeman does not believe. “Father,” he says

“Give me a cup.” My grandfather gives. The policeman drinks. “Water” – surprisingly – “And you

“Why are you holding the flag in the middle?” The grandfather said, “And how.

Grandma is dead. The old women washed her and told her not to pour water for 40 days.“”

A police officer and his neighbor were long in the garden, and the grandfather had to

Evacuation to the district.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №1947
In the wolf’s pit fell a pig, a wolf and a fox.

The fox looks on the side, the pig is food, the class, the wolf on the other side.

fuck the shit will be, well fuck him, eat food, I will not go missing...

The wolf look to the side - o pig, class, food!!! In another leopard, the class

I will fuck!! to

The pig looked at the sides, squeezed, and said: I understood, I have a pipe,

Let me sing before I die.

Wolf, let’s have fun at last!

The pig is like a whirlwind over the whole forest, the hunters heard it, fled and went away.

They shot a wolf with a fox.

The wolf lies, breathes and thinks: the fuck was, sex was! No, B is

The show was wanted!

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №1946
No, what kind of shit? I’ve already hanged five really funny quotes in the abyss, but they’ve all been removed in five minutes. But it is worth some mentally retarded, sorry, muddle to hang out the sincere, sorry, shit, however, having written to him the promised word "plus", as this shit immediately hits the top.

Fuck it, fuck it... :(

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №1945
What is the name of Medvedev?

If you don’t know, we plunge. I don’t look at it.)

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №1944
The German priest Michael Fay began to use a washing machine to make beer. He needed an old laptop, a self-written program and a few wires. Two modes are used for brewing beer: “washing” and “heating water”. The slice is heated to a certain temperature and periodically mixed. After a strictly set time, the machine adds hemp and boils braga, soon the beer can be poured into bottles.

People, machine and notebook I have, write the code, you are smart here...

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №1943
Yesterday, my mom threw out my favorite old cakes, which I found out by chance when I saw them on one of the cages near the entrance in the morning.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №1942
We watch television, and there in the news show that the Americans successfully shot down their spy satellite. Papa clicks on the other channel, and it says: “Sorry, there is no connection to the satellite.” Dad thoughtfully: "Interesting, did they even shoot down the satellite?" o_0

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №1941
The teacher issued a phrase about Condoleezza Rice (US Secretary of State):
"Now there speaking black woman, what is her name there?"

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №1940
For those who can’t get away from the bastion for a long time, don’t despair!!! Look - near the button "A next" there is a place for ischo 2 buttons))) And after the results of the voting of the administrators there has already been decided to put "Sleep" ( ban for 6 hours )... In the second button opinions sharply divided - I don't know what to do, if "Perekur", if "Work" ( and that, and that - half an hour ))))
The information is not verified, but it is likely.)

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №1939
What about Rambo 4?? to
yyy: yes)) John's ammunition ended and he overloaded the machine gun... little Sniper Sculboy looked at the branches of the trees to find out the direction of the wind and even supported the rifle, rather than shooting with his hands)) There was no African American, women and Ahtung in the mercenary squad)) They also spoke fac-yu and spoke narrow-eyedly. But the worst thing is that in Burma they don’t speak English with a Burmese accent... and there are no Russians in the film.
xxx my god! They killed Hollywood!! to
YYY: The shit...

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №1938
I just saw an advertisement from a building company.

"Down the questionable actions!!! to
With us! All in honesty!
Buy three windows for the price of four.
Get the fourth window for free!and "

They do not lie, they are honest.


[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №1937
aa: Behold... they say if the fork falls, the man will come, and if the screw falls, then who?
The fucker is coming
A: What a shit?
Fuck the idiot, the idiot!!! to

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №1936
Pushok: a small question
If in the office, at work on February 23 women give cake, then you, men, will like it?

Star Wind: Well, I think it will be something like when we give women a box of vodka on March 8th.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №1935
I bought the tablets in the toilet - the water is painted - blue such a bright color of the merging water... I like this wild... so beautiful - I now spend all my free time in the toilet - I admire the color of the water...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna