— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №1274
iPod: last day a guy wanted to cling to me: I threw a link, and there type "go through an offgenic sex test", I like the last lamer clinged and passed ((, and there at the end of the type "You were played out!)) All your answers are sent to a friend on such a soap" I chorn, there are questions such as how many times a day you shake, etc.%) I open his email site, I press "forgot my password?", and there you need a girl's surname of his mother.
Talk to this guy...
The iPod: A Gift!
JR is free!
iPod: And I'm happy at work, so everything hit, I lie on various sites, here's one such fun, you can find the last name of all my great ancestors))
JR is fun! Remove the link!
iPod: entered your name, here it was like a prince! What is your second grandfather’s name? I will look at him!
JR: Mankovsky
iP is

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №1273
And I know what’s wrong... just hit your forehead on the key...what letters do you print?
None of
Be stronger
by ng76
This is a good thing! 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉
It’s good that parents don’t come into the room.
You have your head.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №1272
Called, invited guests for a pizza with beer... and I was like a sad day as a real service engineer – in socks of different colors, and one of them also with a hole... Cho do? Stopped the hole with the office stepler... colleagues in shock :)))

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №1271
XX: Do you remember telling my sister that she found an unrealistic picture?
xxx: so yes... she told him that he was masculine and Nifiga wasn’t romantic
XXX: and generally alien to high matters.
xxx: so this fool created on his page in contact album "I love my rabbit"
XXX and attention! I posted photos of their home porn. :D
My sister hasn’t seen it yet :D
Do you have a black belt in karate?
XXX: Yes...
yyy: now wait for the album "How My Rabbit Didn't Love Me"...
yyy: with photos of his roots in bluish and bloodshed :-D

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №1270
I sit in the innet.There looks into the room of the master of the apartment (I am in the apartment. about the innet et shizo does not know.and hovering:
I raised the bell there!The KGB is listening!! to
I was scared – I cut it off.In five minutes, this shy man looks again:

- You can convince me, they understood that I disclosed them and turned off!! to

Stirling is mild.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №1269
Mass deaths during the Easter>DOS attack on Heaven

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №1268
By the way:

Answers "byan" are punished by removal from the mailing list.

But what is it after this statement?))

What you have written is punished.

Answers are accepted "read, thank you" :)

[Thank you very much]

You are fucking 😉

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №1267
* @KOT_ thinks that Carlson's screws are still 2, only carried out according to the axis scheme, the author did not specify, and the multipliers were deeply confused on the technical side.
<@Krash-> versija podpukivanija protiv napravlenija vraschenija escho ne vsplyvala?
<@KOT_> Krash-: popped up, but the imho of the spark is not enough for him to get the necessary moment, especially given the location of the popping unit, of course he may have used the pipeline to the foot
<@KOT_> in general, if without a pipeline, but with pumping, it is more likely to be classified as a reactive car fat
<@KOT_> but in general then he must fly without pants, and then how hard to believe in the effectiveness of the design consisting of a shell wrapped in pants

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №1266
Daughter is gluing something from plasticine, 8-year-old girl

“Mom, mom, look, I blinded the horse.
Why is she so small? My mother asks...

The child answered in a loud voice:

"Mommy, under the conditions of the deficit of platinum, if the company is made big, it will not be left on the head.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №1265
Kevin has added you

by Kevin:

The Seufzer:
Hi to

by Kevin:
ia obozaiu lizat kiski ikogda dewochki konchaiut ot moewo iazika

The Seufzer:
We have a lot in common with you, you know.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №1264
Guys, I have a difficult situation: I was dishonest with my beloved Girl... more precisely - was at the disco with the other... no sex... she did not know about it and would not know... but today I decided to tell her about it so that there was no lie between us... she left...
But I love her so much!! She is my dearest human on this planet... Because we, humans, do the most pain to the people closest to us.
And now, I want to ask forgiveness from the entire Russian internet community: Murzilka, forgive me, please, for this lie... I love you very much!!! to
Her name is Alexandra Starchenko, she lives in the city of Severomorsk in Murmansk region.
Friends, help me to convey this message to her... Plus... Let this quote get at least in the top, I don’t dream about the main page...
Thank you in advance, Eugene C.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №1263
Congratulations on the Day of the Student!!!! to
Go to Nashville
Congratulations to you!! Are you so evil?
Pashol Nahououououi
Sanya is fucking! What are you! I play with the student day!!! to
Go fuck me out of the universe.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №1262
Aptypz: Do you have a status of evil?
Dozer: Yeah fucking everyone says to lick the roze, lick the roze... well I think it will be, there are the rails far away.
Dozer: Well I slipped.
Dozer: The doctor said in 2 days the tongue will go away.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №1261
xxx: Generally, we sit, sapporte, we respond to the calls of the youths.. the psychic is upset to the most impossible. Every new phone call trembles from fear ;) In general, one called us here:
Is it technical support?
Yes, we listen to you.
I have some x-ja...
We sympathize.
thank you.
I threw the phone and I was shocked.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №1260
by Nasdaq:
Do not give up.)

Love to:
-Bla, so they say in the case when those 37 years old, you have 5 cats, 3 dogs, 2 paparazzi and hamsters, while the sex (last) she was at 20 years old and then there was no pleasant precipitation. You do not visit your parents. You live with them!! by Scuco. During long evenings, you hang clothes, cuddles and give them on birthdays to numerous nephews and children of friends (they hate her). Your pop is something huge, cellulite, and why do you look after you...the only person who sees her naked is a gynecologist, and his pop is an old mummy. Blade

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №1259
Colibri: RASSEL, When he saw his member, the rubber woman closed her mouth.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №1258
XXX is
Wadi, what are you busy with now?

Pride, our raise of sight

XXX is
We will probably have a baby, I decided to give birth!

Let you calm down!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №1257
And for me, I will come to the military commissariat in Woodland, Bertsuhah, above the canyon, on it unloading. Driving and Katana. I will ask for war!! Mwa ha ha!! to

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №1256
I listened to Europe today. Children are burning!
The “Gender War” is going on, neither he nor she answered the questions, the last one is asked. Whoever answers correctly first wins.
How many letters are in the word "computer"?
She is eight!
He is eight!! to
The girl won, the girl blabbled.

I'm sitting in a shuffle - what, in a compact really 8 bucks? O_O

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №1255
and haaa)
You and you are just a miracle!
Your satus: "A whole day with a loved one is no better! =)."
her status: "Oh, my fifth point..))."
I smell 😉

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna