— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №244
I saw your friend and he went and smoked!
This is a shit and he said he gave up! I will learn it quickly!
Especially if you go around and smoke the same thing.
Son of Ept!
"s" is offline


[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №243
and Homer:
Does your bank give loans under the honest word?
Without a problem...
What if I don’t return?
You will be ashamed before God when you stand.
When it will still be...
If you don’t get the fifth, you’ll get the sixth.

and Homer:
This was sent to us by the supplier. We owe him for a long time.
and vkv:
Dismissed Nash

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №242
On the road a piece of a buffer with the front number broke off, so so that the backscores did not stop often we wrapped the rear number to the mouth.
On the road in Basilica:
Where is the back number?
Dad: Well, the front departed, removed from the back and twisted to the mouth.
A: Where is the back?
Father: in front
Mente: I understand it! Where is the back?
Dad: He was put on the front because the front collapsed.
Fuck, where is the back?? to
I am AAAA!! Comrade the policeman, here he is!! The back is lost!! to
The Mente: Aaa So would they say. Is your front wire curved?

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №241
xxxx with whom?
YYY: with Tania
Is this your left or right hand?
Your sister is an idiot!

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №240
XX: I have a museum design and just noticed that it looks like a cock on the plane
The museum of men’s penises.
XX: No, it is just a tank museum!! to
XX: Niibazzo was an avant-garde tank

c) DiRTY

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №239
Constantine is
Why don’t you study?

I am so beautiful

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №238
Question to a hairdresser.
He is
by Dafa! =
Under the light blue jeans is better white or blue sweater?
He is
Under the blue under the light blue jeans, it is better to wear strings!

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №237
She: Come to Me
He: I can't, I have hole socks
She: Are there others?
Others are dirty.
Are they not dirty or dirty?
He is: Yes. They are wet.
And what about dry?
Yes, but one
She: And the second? OOO
he: and the second is filled with grass and transformed into soGs)

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №236
It is a car accident.
Vincent (17:11:43 12/12/2007)
How did Part 1 end?

Fedore Core (17:14:09 12/12/2007)
Harry understand him. The wolves went on a water drink, and the wise Maugli went to pay a fine of 100 rubles. Then the loses dropped Maugli and he went to court.

Fedore Core (17:14:24 12/12/2007)
I was sentenced to be a vicious offender.

Vincent (17:14:32 12/12/2007)
Did Figo pay the Mowgli penalty?

Fedore Core (17:14:36 12/12/2007)
They told me to go to court with this decision.

Fedore Core (17:14:55 12/12/2007)
for the fact that Maugli, flying on his liana past Kaa, did not give him the way

Vincent (17:15:04 12/12/2007)
Mowgli is going to wreck the Race of Losey?

Vincent (17:15:28 12/12/2007)
And the fact that the wise Kaa flew on a counter-liane now doesn’t matter?

Fedore Core (17:17:21 12/12/2007)
Tomorrow Mowgli will go to Sherhan and clarify exactly how to divide Kaa in court.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №235
We put black and white printers in the technar.
In the lab, someone put a piece of paper with a colored picture in him.
passes past the reed, pulls out this leaflet, looks at it for a minute and gives:
0_0 "It turns out to be colorful"

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №234
k06@ (18:12:45 15/12/2007)
I jumped 5605 runs.

ColdFusion (18:41:03 15/12/2007)
Stay in Rolling

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №233
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah Go on, do what you do!
YYY: What is it?
xxx: Well with the girls there get to know, by studying to work, work fit.
WOW: Chief, I’m currently in a session that I’ve got all the machine. I am on paid school leave for almost 2 months. My girlfriend, my future wife, I had just taken home. What other proposals will be made?
Tagged: eeee
Well then I went to pasture the turtles further.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №232
Irene (22:19:58 16/12/2007)
Fuck my mom fucked in the head.
Irene (22:20:46 16/12/2007)
During the lecture, she stumbled on her forehead and said, “All communication with space has been closed.”

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №231
Hello to the Rabbit! I have a virus in my mail agent. What should I do?
What did he write?
The rabbit yes.
First of all, what?
Archbishop himself, who jumped from neta
First I did not understand.
When I delete it in antivirus, nothing works, it is not deleted.
What did he write? Include the ASCII!
No, it is OK at the time.
Am I a fool, or do you clarify?
Here is the rabbit! I always told you about it! You can’t clear up normally!
Primary O_O

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №230
Sweeping in the sea. by night. in the winter. It is cool!

Are you sure?

Yes to! You are shaking, and a dark abyss looks at you. It can be fooled.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №229
YYY grabbed the valerian cat on the back of the neck and rejoices: Puppetchev is resting.
XXX is a bitch!! and :)

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №228
<RAID_wrk>what do you do?
<Natasha > Playing in Quaka
<RAID_wrk> pregnant wife home entertainer
<Natacho > home cold, heating cut off, want to break in half...
<RAID_wrk> where did I watch when I got married????? to

Negative: Where... on the breasts...

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №227
On the door of the wardrobe weighs a sign "For damaging and losing the label a penalty of 100p", a guy for 30 minutes explained to the wardrobe that the condition is not fulfilled, because the condition is not fulfilled. He just broke the mark, but he didn’t lose, so he won’t pay anything.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №226
A real man should know everything except the answer to two questions: “Where are my socks?” and “Why are they here?” The"

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №225
He>> A girl like a brand, if you dress well, then you won’t get rid of it.
She<< Well why, you can also remove it)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna