— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №2254
Frost by PRIV! How are deeds?
Joke is Hueva!! (( (( (( (( (( (( (( ))
Fros: So is it?
Jock: You beat me, I beat Sanya, Vlad, Jora, Dimon, I beat my sister, I beat my parents, I beat everything that rides, I beat everything that walks, I beat everything that slips, jumps, flies and swims, I beat this life and this world with all its magnificence.! to
Fross: Did the shoj happen???? to
Jock: I haven’t had a fuck for 10 months and yesterday the boys pulled me out into the sauna, bought dust and snack, called the blade... LIVE BLADE!
Frost : and?
Jock: And "he" didn’t want to get up all night!!! Ab...
Tagged with: ppc! You have washed up :)
Joke: Go the naked fuck!!!!! to

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №2253
xxx: people, anyone knows, is it possible to solder an ultraviolet lamp from ultraviolet diodes?
WOW: I can...
WOW: but only with ultraviolet solder

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №2252
The fucking!! My brother is now also writing on TV...I hate you!!! to

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №2251
Are you so late?
X taught me to behave on the road. He goes and explains that if you are asked in your row, you must definitely miss, but only one.
Well and?
- And just he let Gazelle go, and pressed at once that the next would not enter, and that on the wire turned out to be the ninth pulled%)

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №2250
Yesterday I was alone at the boss’s office. My eyes were long irritated by a pack of colored stickers. Nevertheless, I did not resist and wrote on one beautiful, yellow, sticker "Ya table!" with a pleasant appearance used to glue under the table... Unfortunately, I was preceded by a sticker with the same inscription with the hand of the boss 8(

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №2249
Unab0mber: You want a new experience - come to the center of the city on a sunny day, go to a cafe and in the toilet drip your Tropicamide eye drops. These are common drops sold in any pharmacy - they block the sphincter receptors of the iris and ciliary muscle, causing short-term mydriasis and accommodation paralysis, as a result of which 10 minutes after instillation the pupil takes 80 percent of the iris and salt in that it does not decrease.
Now you have to get home (no fucking taxis!) Since the pupil is fully open, any light (the more sunny!) It will be hard to blind, it will be possible to walk on the streets only by touch, from shadow to shadow, on the police officers it is better not to fall at all - a red-eyed spider crawling through the street with pupils with a diameter of a centimeter would not cause confidence even in me.
I advise!

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №2248
According to the "Echo of Moscow" very sweetly announced the victory of Dmitry Putin...

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №2247
111 Remember you grill that the man of Aitishnik has three attributes of courage.
222 ugu constant sex, car and computer. And what?
Do you remember the 111? We went to ride yesterday, we went to a secluded place, everything as it should be, and at the most appropriate moment he doesn’t want to stand!! to
222 and he is with him.
111, when I decided to take her home, I couldn’t get the car.The night, cold, to the city he knows how much.
222 lens run, but this computer will be harder than mine
Guess why I have my phone in the ass?
222 Kill the Lazarus Fuck!! Out of the Brotherhood of Men!! to

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №2246
In Ukraine, the sun is shining and the rain is coming!!! And yet, just that such a rainbow was healthy...))) In general, not life - but a fairy tale!!!!!!!!!! to
I’m glad you got the gas back.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №2245
About the fans "alt tab"

I go into the manager room, the manager side-sighted me, starts convulsively pressing the alt tab now describe the screens on the screen that I was watching as a slide show:
Explorer -
2) Outlooks - Boxer news tape
3) Explorers - what the naked babies + idiotic photos of animals
4) Folder with saved lineage clips (type of page sketch folder)

Melt and you won’t believe what he stopped at.

A window in which messages appear with a frequency of one second.

Why are you silent...
1 – You will answer no...
You hear when you make an account.
Your mother is the buyer after all or not.

After that, I was obscured by the idea that managers can not only be, but also need to be pissed.

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №2244
I was a real business lady yesterday - butylons on high heels, black
> straight pants, shirt with shorts, and a strict gray jumper McQ on top.
In the ears small pearls of Salvini pearls, the hair is collected by the Etro cloth, on the
Jaeger-leCoultre clocks - I sit at meetings and make different notes in my own
> daily burberry - and of course the pen montegrappa)

I am interested
Which brand barber she barbs?
Something is missing to complete the picture.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №2243
The only teaspoon in the office... and that in the cup of admin. Coffee and tea without sugar. And this bastard says that a spoonful in a cup receives signals from space that help it save our machines from failure. No one believes the signals, but we still drink tea and coffee without sugar. A cock is like that.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №2242
From the forum of dancers and dancers (theme) "egg and bow consumables"

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №2241
xxx (01:18:51 3/03/2008)
You don’t have it either.

yyy (01:19:33 3/03/2008)
I am not in. Not by Ibid. It is not likely to be 😉

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №2240
The snow from the balcony was sinking, the little boy barely struck.
No, if he had run there again, I would surely hit, just the wind was blowing sharply, the snow went side by side.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №2239
Here the girls pump their breasts, wear decoults, shorts and spikes, and then get upset that men only need one thing.
It’s like standing behind an orange deck and complaining that nobody asks for a book.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №2238
Kosh: I am sick. Can I turn the processor from the mother, attach the head to the thermometer and then look at the temperature in the BIOS?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №2237
I met the girl.
2 is
Yes, it is funny...)
go you... you know this sparkle center, there they have two doors, and between them a type of hallway... well you understood)
2 is
Allow it)
I walk out of the center, I stop in front of the door to the exit, I put the headphones where I need to, I raise my head, and there don't believe it.))) I have a panic whispering to make a smile and take a hand or I did not see her.. I stand in front of the door with the face of which half expresses a full face, and half tries to smile.
2 is
I represent you))
It’s a woman’s voice on the can’t get the door on the other side of the mirror...))))) her name is Olya)
2 is

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №2236
You are ‎

I stood on the nail.
2 cm in me.
Should I get the injection?
and Mitchell:
Going from Tateau
You are ‎
I will not go
I am spotted.
Tagged with: ‎
Be careful with this case.
You are ‎
by Poh
I will die, I will die
Tagged with: ‎
by EM
Tagged with: ‎
I would take Taizé.
In the testament indicate the pluse
You are ‎
I leave
Tagged with: ‎
I am going to fuck a woody doll.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №2235
The apocalypse of the development of a high-tech park and the excellence of the human mind can be considered a designer and webmaster chasing in a chip & amp;dale on an 8-bit emulator together, on different compasses through Radmin.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna