— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №141583
Here I sit at a meeting now... I listen to a Chinese colleague from a Japanese firm explaining to me in his broken English... And I don’t understand them... a Russian programmer, a Tatar, who has studied German for 5 years!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №141582
Tania Sertoun
(from the 5th Symphony of Beethoven)
Jo-pa is co-taaaah!
Jo-pa is co-taaaah!! to

It seemed like the evening bell.
The cat ass
Y, Y
The cat ass
Y, Y
How many meetings
This is this cat.

I’ve been lying in my head today.
by Joppa! How beautiful, how beautiful is this shit!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №141581
XXX: Hi, Comrade YYY
Hi Comrade XXX!
YYY: Do you work in the factory?
YYY: Are you studying at the evening school of working youth?
XXX: Yes, from call to call, with a break of 1 hour exactly
YYY: The young man!
Do you drink vodka?
YYY: And the sky, do you have your work force?
YYY: Wait, do not be in a hurry.
YYY (rofl)
XXX: and wimpel and snack
YYY: Generally speaking they are excellent!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №141580
"The Bank of America" We do everything we can to avoid sending mail and packages.

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №141579
It is a little ironic to write a diploma on the subject of "Development of an application for signing electronic documents using a digital signature" and for the day before defense to travel to another city for the signature of a reviewer.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №141578
Answer the recruiter to the request to fill out the questionnaire "The job of your dreams"

I’m going to live in Portland and work on Linux.
I will go where the beard grows, write tests always, code there until morning, maybe forever.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №141577
Quote by Bbg
I never wondered why men are always so stupid in advertisements. Without "hop-hop" not able to drip in the nose?

While their wives talk to mayonnaises and call their husbands out of a bottle of detergent, I am at peace for my husbands.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №141576
When there is power and there is no knowledge, all connections are suitable.
yyy: The most epic thing I’ve seen was a DIN keyboard connector stuck in a coaxial on a grid.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №141575
- Here one official helped me solve the question, how to thank him?
The best gift to a corrupt person - the Russian Criminal Code

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №141574
> Feelings in my head today
> by Joppa How beautiful, how beautiful is this shit!

by Joppa! How dumb, how dumb a dick!
You are behind the compound, she’s in your mouth, shit!
You’re on the couch, it’ll fall from above, shit!
by Joppa! by Joppa!
You sit down for lunch – she’ll get on her knees, jupitakaaaah! She put her tail on the table!! to

Well, it needs to be a melody :)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №141573
My friend lives in a small provincial town. I have not seen her for 15 years. We meet, communicate, tell about his family: about his husband, children, etc.
And my mother-in-law in general knows the whole city, and everyone knows him. He worked as the head of the bear tremmer."

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №141572
Age and optimism.
Slowly but surely I am approaching my 40s. I look in the mirror and complain to my husband with sadness - "Look, I already have gray hair". Husband, leading his hand on a noticeably red hairstyle, - "Rejoice that you have them at all";

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №141571
How did they come together?
It’s boring, except about bat and nothing to say.
Tell me...
- We drove my car and took batin friends, with them was the grandson - Vitek five years old. Somewhere two hours later, Vitek asked to the toilet... And a father, 60 years old, professor!, with the look of “I knew it” switched the magneto to the cd and the columns sprinkled: “Stop! Stop it! We need to go out."

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №141570
by Zizmo:
At the dawn of the company, the boss decided to enrich the room.
The result of the nobility was a plaster compartment that separated the shopping hall from the repair masters.
The beauty! The shopping hall is clean, beautiful, glass-white-chromated, and the monoliths-reparators do not spoil the atmosphere, but quietly crawl behind the fence.
The customer comes in, is interested in cash, service, guarantee, repair.
The head of the sales department, 40++, all in a tie with a jacket and a beautiful gray on the whiskers with a confident voice:
of course! Of course there is everything! And that, and guarantee and repair! We are a solid organization!
Behind the partition there is a thunder of falling something heavy and complicated, and a wildly annoyed shout of the repairman:
Shit, shit... Did I tell you? He spoke! You have even wiped her! This box will not work!!! to
And, like the cherry blossom on the cake, the rust of the second repairman, like a horse from “what-where-ever.”

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №141569
Auto forum, discussion of toning of the front glasses.
This is so that other drivers are not jealous - they still know what they do behind the tinted glasses!
WOW: I’ve always suspected it, but it’s overdrive, you drive the car and do the mine at the same time??? This is dangerous!!! to

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №141568
When you’ve gotten rid of it and you’re asked, “Why did you do this?”, you can still fix it. And if they ask, “We... did you do it?“That means everything is gone.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №141567
Hello you are still at work.
My little girl, you are very tired.
Riska: Do you understand that you are writing without questions?
Risk: You just fold the nails.
Mom: I can't switch the registers.And so I communicate with everyone and you are not angry but help me.
Risk: How to help?
Risk: How to put a question sign?
Riska: on the keyboard, press the button from the left edge second from the bottom
Riska: and, without letting it go, press the number 7
Mother: Thank you very much and clearly!!!!!!!! to
Risk: I knew it.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №141566
Give a man a fish and he will put it on Instagram.
Teach him how to fish - he will open a whole channel about fishing on YouTube.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №141565
I am a naturalist lover.
xxx: so when we walk and need to suggest a plant/bird, they ask me
And there is such a joke – if you don’t know a bird, you say it’s a frog.
Because they are so many.
We go, they ask, “What kind of flower is this, don’t you know?”
On the machine: “Dream!”
XXX: The Surprise

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №141564
xxx: Enabled such today batlnet
xxx: And he is such "your system will soon cease to be supported"
xxx: Do you know when these close friends supported Linux?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna