— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №142584
I'll raise the server, I'll call it a Star, and I'll guess a wish every time it falls.

[ + 23 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142583
DR.C: I saw the demotivator "We are from that generation that installed games from disks". Oh wow, I was surprised. We installed games with discs. The disc, Carl I will never forget this feeling when the archive of the game on 7-8 discs and you unpack and pray that none of them are broken, then the game will not be.)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №142582
AAA: Yashenka should be a splinter.
What about Salmonella?
AAA: mix separately, a special container should be in the kitchen.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №142581
We sit with the boys and drink coffee. Then there is one dialogue:
Is there a toothbrush?
(In a dirty toothbrush - a toothbrush?)
Why to you?
Yes, the cable tried to eat, something stuck in the tooth.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №142580
In China, a woman threw a coin in the engine of an airplane.


I know she wasn’t childish...

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №142579
In Surgut, the ritual shop was in the same building with a kindergarten. The tombs were carried in front of the children. Even memes have appeared about the fact that children are digging holes on a walk, in groups there is a grave silence and they have a dead hour.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №142578
The Vice President is on vacation. While she is on vacation, in her office repair. Where her secretary is is unknown. Probably somewhere in the building. Today we wondered if we didn’t know where the secretary was. We said no, and advised to search on the floor. They answered that they don’t know what she looks like. Then my boss tried to describe her appearance:
She is small, tall, married and has a son.
I wonder if they found her on such signs?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №142577
This is something else!

The fire of paranoia erupted with a new force.

I thought yesterday that it would be time to program because there is no money and I want to eat.
And the advertisement immediately showed me "Programming Courses" and "Food Delivery".
They know something!

You probably didn’t read about a girl from America to whom the Target store chain started sending ads and coupons on newborn products before she learned she was pregnant. In principle, she found out. Papanya Yeny has struck hysteria in a local store - he said, as you dare, she is a teenager! - and the daughter decided that it was not enough, and did a test. Target issued her previous purchases, not for pregnant women, but the big date algorithm is not a shirt - she bought what attracts future mothers. Advertisers know more about you than you sometimes know about yourself.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №142576
[10:41] Gennady: The harsh realities of the solitary life - I walk around the apartment, I look for socks like mushrooms - I will find, I will not find where they go and which can be collected and which not.
[10:42] ZeD: You still cut them, or suddenly worms.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №142575
Before yesterday I looked for some pieces in the closet in the evening, then I watched - the door was opened, took and closed (cube). I go out in the morning, there is no cat. I searched, there is nowhere. I open the closet, the door leaves, and from the small space between the shoe boxes the cat is selected by the rear) The poor man slept all night standing) The other would turn around, and this nobody, a Spartan)
She came out, fell on her back, rugged her legs in different directions and slept until lunch.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №142574
A religious vendor knocked at my door. Without penetrating their convictions, heined the conversation with the same phrases through a closed door, parallelly recording part of them with pauses of a minute at three. Having successfully picked up the moment, included the playback on the cycle and went to do business. After 40 minutes, I heard a pick-up mat, a top and an elevator moving away. Impressed with respect: they are strong, however, the kids)))

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №142573
I met with my old friends, Andrei and Ilya.

We know each other from school. Somewhere from the institutional bench life began to spread in different directions. We never stopped communicating, but we rarely meet. Approximately once every three years.

We met in the pub. I drank a dark glass. We discussed matters and exchanged news.

The glass after the third Andrew was more serious. He put a glass on the table and said.

Guys, I have something to tell you...

Let us know that you are gay. We have known for a long time. Ilya smiled at him. I listened silently.

So, when did you know? Andrei was very surprised.

Remember we were sitting at Tolik seven years ago? You then ate, you were sick, and you did not remember a fig afterwards. So you confessed to us. And at midnight he complained how hard it was not to burn.

Fuck you guys. And you’ve known for so many years... And never... Fuck, you’re best friends.

When Andrew went to the toilet, Ilya turned to me and quietly asked:

Did you know?

and no.

“Muda,” coughed Ilya, “and I didn’t know.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142572
<TerranImrie> brother came from celebrating somebody's dungeon with happy red eyes, broken the button on the jeans and crushed with a scratched width

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №142571
If you sit on the banks of the river for a long time, you can see how a barley passes by with a bowl of strawberries.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №142570
I read about street games and child fantasy and remembered my own. When I was a child, in the late 90s, we had no consoles, no computers, and of course no internet. We were seven to eight years old then. The entire list of entertainment was "Chip and Dale" on Sundays and Street. The games in the yard were invented by themselves. After the first viewed video cassettes, games such as football, hiding and rabbits, were transformed into "Hitchnick vs. Bruce Lee", "Ninja and Schwarzenegger", and sometimes the ninjas were friends of Schwarzenegger and sometimes fought against him. The ninjas were allowed to hit as much as they wanted, but if they hit Schwarzenegger, the ninja had to die, because Schwarzenegger had the most powerful blow. Ninjas, in turn, could use imaginary bombs, stars, smoke shells and other remote labs. The rules were constantly changing depending on the mood or newly viewed films. New characters and fictional locations were added.

Once in the courtyard, all the children decided to become only ninjas. And I was no exception. The rules of the game were that you had to quietly run a bunch in the neighbouring courtyards, exclusively in dark places. If someone saw the passers, the ninja flew out of the game and waited for the end of the round. and yes. Almost forgot it. It was necessary to run on footsteps, small steps, turning the body of the knives to the side and holding one hand in front of you and the other behind you. This is how real ninjas run in movies. Who made it first, I don’t remember. It looked cool for us. And so I run like a cool fighter of Eastern folklore and run out into the wilderness. On the desert, on the side, there was a car and a few men near it. They smoked, discussed something quietly and looked around. A minute of reflection. I loved risk from childhood. I, like a ninja pro, curled and curled from the bush to the bush in small runs, got very close to them. I would like to remind you that it was impossible to find yourself, that was the law of the harsh game. There are 10 meters left. I lay down and swallowed. The men stood by the trunk of the car and I decided to hide from the other side. Transfer of car. Why Why? and fig him. It should have been. There were about three meters left as the men suddenly abruptly ended the conversation and began to sit in the car, and I realized that I was now noticed quickly turned and pulled off the car. I didn’t have time to take off the car and I was completely overwhelmed by the light of the lanterns. Ninja is dead. But there is no hope. I stuck with my mouth in the ground and took the position of the slipper. The lights turned off. The engine stalled. Then the fares again. I only now understand what those men have survived. Sit in the car, turn on the headlights and in front of your eyes on the road such... and does not move.

They thought they were alone in the desert. The door opened quietly and they slowly approached. One of them quietly sat down and started turning me back and touching my pulse. The whisper began to speak. I understood. He lost the game and opened his eyes.

Are you alive boy? You are Who?

I am a ninja. He stood up and went to his own. Let the men think about what they saw.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №142569
In the morning, a ten-grade son with a mysterious appearance invited me to the school for a contest with his participation. At the appointed time, when I took a seat in the auditorium, he approached me and began to morally prepare:

“You understand, Dad, at the end of the performance, everyone will turn out to the end of the stage and say who they want to be, don’t be surprised, but I decided to say that I want to be like you – fun interesting, smart, and the profession I will choose later.

Okay, I promise not to be surprised.

The speech began. The numbers exchanged until the time of the culmination finally came. Girls and boys came on stage and told them what they dreamed of. Someone wanted to become a scientist, someone wanted to work in a factory, someone wanted to open a business. In general, an interesting idea, but since there were many children, the people in the hall were a little dull, and then frankly bored. Finally the son came out and said with a loud, well-established voice:

I want to be a father!

When he realized that he was a little confused with the words, and began to think about how to twist out, the Mhatt pause hanged. At this point, the hall exploded from a whistle, deciding that it was a joke planned in the script to dilute the monotonous performances. The room applauded, someone shouted:

The young man! A real man!

The fun lasted a few minutes.

The son understood – everything he would say next would be superfluous, worshipped and finished the speech.

I sat down and thought, “A normal dream, and the process is fascinating.”

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №142568
The introduction of the resort fee (100 rubles / day per person) is forecast to give Crimea about 16 billion. for the next five years, which is expected to be spent on improving the infrastructure of the region.
At the moment, about 500 billion dollars have already been spent on the development of Crimea in 2015-2020. The rub. According to the Court of Auditors - briefly "because you will understand what".
Make the conclusions yourself.

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142567
Why can those who believe in Allah go to the streets without the consent of the authorities, while those who believe in Freedom and Democracy and atheists cannot?

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №142566
(Recorded from the words of a representative of rural intelligence)

In the zoo, a five- or six-year-old child, taking advantage of the fact that Daddy and Mom moved away on the window, swung his finger into a cage with a rat.
Right next to the sign "Fingers in the cage do not squeeze!!!"
The rat immediately bit him for the finger.
The boy had a whistle, and immediately received from his father a necklace.
Do you not see what is written there?! to
The boy, swallowing his tears, said:
I cannot read!
Soon I got a note from my mother:
How many times have I told you:
“Learn to read, my son. Learn to read!”

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №142565
Doping manufacturers have sued Russian footballers for damaging their business reputation.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna