— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №141623
The main rule of PDD is in the abbreviation of PDD - Miss each other!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №141622
Chat IT department
sss: Does anyone have a laser level - for a couple of days?
Sss: And level I have not understood?
Kkk: I’m all in the eye :)
VVV: I too
Sss: Jamsut and Rashan are you?? to
vvv: How have you lived without laser levels?
Uuu: Weight and Circle
Uuu: You can pour water on the floor - where it is deeper - there is a hole.
sss: The last 4 answers are all you need to know about the quality of construction in Russia.
What are we, builders?
Uuu: Did you not know? ah
Vvv: And a twisted pair can’t get around without a special tool :(
Tagged: her
uuu: Office scissors cut and straighten with a drill is pressed
Vvv: Well, that’s all you need to know about IT in Russia :)

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №141621
News: In the Veterinary Center of Petrozavodsk, the doctor M. Firsova imposed a tire on a crumbling hamster
X: Can the cockroach be stuck there?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №141620

Magic Petr XXL, [23.05.17 12:39]
When was the last time you drank "Bagbir" or "Fat"?

Vladimir Sh, [23.05.17 12:39]

Magic Petr XXL, [23.05.17 12:53]
What did you do in college?

Vladimir Sh, [23.05.17 12:54]

Magic Petr XXL, [23.05.17 12:54]
The sick bastard.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №141619
Progress over 100 years.
My Grandma by Mother, 1902 Graduated from the one-class (two-year) Church and Parish School (CPSH). Grandfather of 1905. Two years of class (four years). He was very proud of that. Going to the store, the grandmother left his grandfather a note "Van glyan on the hole of chickens ". My grandfather kept this note and constantly showed it to me. Grandma by father, 1912 She was illiterate: she could neither read nor write. I read her letters and cards from her daughters.
All Higher Education Now!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №141618
by Yuri 20:14
I had a few random questions about the mastermind you sent.

by Vitaly 20:15
Give it
I prepared a few random answers.
1st Yes is
2nd No is
Three 42 is
7 is may be

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №141617
Not a date, but a fateful acquaintance. I was 13 when Icq was becoming popular. And it was then fashionable to write on random numbers in the hope of finding your fate. Surprisingly, I did not meet a single pedophile at the time, usually people just fell in horror at sunset when they learned about their age. And then, once again killing the random nine-digit number, I stumbled upon him.

He asked what he was obliged to do, he said that the acquaintance with a thirteen-year-old lady interested him only in the key of joint... solving problems in mathematics. He threw a couple. I had difficulties with this subject at the time, but no one had come to me with such offers, so I did not want to refuse. I went to decide. I killed for two weeks, but I decided. We talked, he commented on the decisions, talked about some subtleties and gave a book to read about Ferm's theorem. Not just evidence, but history. I read without interrupting, asking for more. It has been around for 4 years! :) We solved problems together, for 4 years he taught out of love for science some strange schoolgirl he had never seen. Naturally, it was to him that I came for advice on which universe to go. He had no doubts for a moment, of course, Matthew. I also had no doubts at the time. We met for the first time in Peter, he took me to Peterhof, took me through the matmeh, told about teachers, about exams, issued literature for preparation and sent me to prepare for admission.

Yes, of course I was in love with him at the time, and I was not 13 years old, but more, but I was given a condition: do it first! Okay I did. Finish the first course! Okay, finished... and now start working as a programmer! Fuck it now! Well what to do, started... and then somehow not before that became, lost. This is a mathematical friend.

Ten years have passed, and I still remember and am endlessly grateful to this man. And let it never be, but without him my life would have been quite different. Without mathematics. What a life without her.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №141616
"Through the Fingers" and 59:
S. tells the story of a man who decided to pursue a drone over the yard of the Butyr prison. The drone was shot down, the man was taken, during the interrogation he explained that he did not know how the drone was there. The drone was returned. The man launched it the next day over the territory of the local Ministry of Interior. The drone was shot down, the man was taken, he began to say that he had no choice. He was sent to a psychiatric examination, where he that he could not control the drone: the drone is controlled by a senator from Ohio, using it himself as a live controller. After that, according to S., this person was interrogated by the FSB four times: it found out who was in contact with him, by what channels, where these people in Ohio had his phone, whether he had metal objects in his body. Only then was the man hospitalized.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №141615
On a weekend hunt, a man kills three rabbits at once: pleases himself, gives his wife a chance to feel free, kills three rabbits.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №141614
The life of the wicked!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №141613
Hello my son! When will I buy tickets? When do we contact? How do I translate to small font?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №141612
You know, for my thirty and over I have been accused of a lot. But he swallowed everyone. I write, I feel like you are not interested in communicating. You have some dry smiley.
She advised to lubricate each oil and put it in the ass.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №141611
Q: How can you express two different opinions at the same time in two different chats with the same people and both defend them at the same time?? to
There is nothing wrong with having several different opinions on the same issue. The important thing is that they are all true.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №141610
Q: When will this master’s degree end? When will I finally go out?! to
How long do you have to protect yourself, month?
Three and a half
WOW: Imagine, in a month and a half, you will defend your master's degree, you will go to postgraduate school, and you will...
And this whole joke will start again!!! Moa Ha Ha!! to

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №141609
6 Size of Breast:

My husband and I were invited to the sauna at one time, my girlfriend's breast was 8 (eighth) size. So it turned out that the only one we had a camera and it was with my husband. In the morning, I, the rust and the mother, removed half of all the photos, because there was a breast size 8, just a breast, without the other parts of the owner’s body. In the swimsuit, of course, but it did not save from the grand impression she produced.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №141608
Advertising VKontakte: Cannabis scraps, a spacecraft of holes! The Russian Brigade!! to

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №141607
A few kilometers in a row, people stand for 4 hours... behind the edge? Russia in the 21st century. "Is this a fan? - No, it's Gagarin in the grave turning"

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №141606
From Bagtreker
Tester: "The report shows some hint"
Comment by developer: "I don't know how to play, but corrected"

[ + 26 - ] [12 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141605
reliable networks

“The methods of keeping girls in modern slave owners are different, but they are all effective. There was a case when we liberated a slave woman from Ghana: in her homeland she graduated from a local analogue of PTU, in the profession of sewing. This job was offered to her in Moscow, but eventually made a prostitute. In order to be faithful, she was cut off and threatened with magic to kill her and her family if she tried to escape. When we freed the slave, one of our activists had to buy a drum in a children’s store and knock on it in order to remove the curse,” the interlocutor recalls.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №141604
A woman who becomes polite
Direct offices
No undercover
No incursions
Chat has even been linked.
2: Do you think the arsenic is quiet?
1 of Nafiga?
Not officially scheduled
So far
Arsenic after the wedding

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna