— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №137341
This is:

When you ask for a password from a broken but blocked laptop to check the repair, the girls are embarrassed not to give it. And you spend the whole day downloading from liveCD, what they hide there and disappointed you return, repairing. Nothing like that there. You are strange women.

Passwords are sometimes inappropriate.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №137340
Canakau: We go skiing
Diamond: God, why do people go out of the house in the winter and go skiing somehow, on snowboards, they can’t lie down and lie down?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №137339
The incomprehensible:

Honestly, I don't understand... and if in 2 weeks he doesn't hint at all that it's time to go to bed - it means I don't like him at all, never, it's time to run out... or am I wrong?

In 2 weeks, all you can do is hang each other a lot of delicious snacks on your ears about what you are both wonderful people. Working people who have hobbies and friends will find dates at best one or two evenings a week. You seriously in 2-3 meetings are able to recognize "the love of your whole life"?

Two to three months is a normal period for those who are not looking for a sexual object for temporary puzzles, but a companion of life. Moreover, you can look at each other for six months, a year, without translating the relationship into a physical plane. Adults (both men and women) who are in bed with do not go to bed, as the consequences of rush can be deplorable and long-lasting. Raising a child from the first encounter or long-term treatment of a venereal bouquet is a doubtful pleasure.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №137338
You still say that nothing can be done and that writing is useless.

A lot can be done and achieved. It’s angry that you have to pursue and waste time on what should still be done by default. For example, disperse a banned exhibition originally permitted.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №137337
Canakau: And how is she?
Diamond: She would like to live in Manhattan, but at home she was waiting for a pack in a pack of bags.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №137336
A hug is better than sex. Sex with yourself is poor, but you can do it yourself, but to embrace yourself is a lie.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №137335
If there are angels of Victoria's Secrets, then somewhere must there be demons of Kystym T-shirt?

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №137334
Do you have a D?
I. What from where?
D is a package.
I mean... in the sense?
The D.T. The Doc?
I go to Australia! The address is indicated.
It should be written in the native language of the Austrians.
Australia is not Austria, it is another country where the official language is English.
In Europe, the address must be duplicated in the recipient’s mother tongue.
This is not Europe! This is another continent. There is a kangaroo, a theater in Sydney. Do you not understand?
The girl approached another operator, they headed to the map, straight ticking the finger and reading the names of countries. Then the guy started googling. The results came and they discovered Australia. I have never met so many people as surprised as if they had opened it.
"Sorry, we had technical problems, but we have already fixed everything and are ready to accept your package.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №137333
To tell others how they are celebrating correctly/inappropriately (that is to say) is fucking fucking.
People are good, comfortable, humble, you go before them with your own ideas of "righteousness".
% % % % % % % % %
I will explain to you. In the morning, a person wakes up in a rental (hypothek, parental) apartment. Running to the office (euro network, another office) not to be late, not to be upset. Every day he did what he was ordered. With the thought of how to buy a five-bedroom penthouse and a porch, Kayen runs home, where he is waiting for a dozirak (by the way, he even knows what it is forSirak, and "sh" is distorted for the Russian consumer). All day nothing depends on him, his opinion is not interested in anyone. And the passport timer is actively striking the third (and even the fourth) decade. The question is, where is he self-affirmed? Before entering the hoodies? is dangerous. They will not "minimize" and "calculate by IP". In the family? There is no family. And there are such sites where you can unscrupulously throw in your opinion and illusorically rise, humiliating the one who will not give in the mouth (do not let go, do not arrest and do not lock in the monkey). Please click on the "Route to". Eye is knowledgeable.
I will celebrate at home, in the circle of those I invite myself. Am I not saying so? And let the trolls grasp their opinions. I will mark everything as I want. And people like me are immeasurable :)

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №137332

This is:
It’s fun about the wrong gifts:
"Better give it to a lonely neighbor pensioner"
And what does she do with, say, an anal congestion?
Salting the cabbage?

Eem... there was as if on relatives, especially on mom, present offenses were. If your mother gives you anal blockages for the New Year, you can be offended further, you are absolutely right, anyone would be offended.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №137331
I hate white jeeps. Ten minutes ago, one such creature almost struck me and another man right in the middle of a pedestrian crossing! We waited faithfully with him until all the nearest cars on the left passed, and successfully crossed half the road. And this brainless fox flew right on us and was not going to brake. If we had not rushed forward, we would now have crashed with him on the road, unknown dead or crushed. Unfortunately, such brainless animals are unlikely to read this site, because they do not have enough brains to understand. And yet I sincerely believe that not all women’s drivers on white jeeps are like that. And if you, shit, suddenly still read this or maybe you will be transmitted: the city of Vladimir, a pedestrian crossing near Polina Osipenko 41. I really hope you’ll get caught up one day!!! to
Someone, already put here a lightforest or ground transition!
And if there are hooks here, come here. To the new year, get gold and carry out a plan for the year ahead. The woman was shot yesterday, fortunately she was alive, but broke her leg. Two years ago, my colleague was beaten - two months in the hospital.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №137330
The New Year corporate, employee yyy and his manager xxx participate in the competition in different teams.
XY: I don’t believe in you.
I’m used to working that way!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №137329
She lived in a white house.

From the enormous kindness of the mother, the protein quickly gained weight. On the balcony, she lay in a valley (the valley along was cut off and as a bed for her) and categorically refused to run or other activities associated with physical effort.

At the instruction of her father, she was sent on a strict diet. After a while, the father woke up from the knock, went into the kitchen and heard a whisper in the tub. And there is a protein, breaking a net with knots. The hungry creature learnt to open the door of the cellar. They hid.

Then, a week later, the family woke up from the noise in the kitchen. White was in a pot with a mango. The father decided that the children forgot to close the covers (we were 10-12 years old then).

The next day she swallowed the cocklets from the bowl, but it was also closed with a lid. The father decided to watch how the blanket removes the lid.

He has been sitting in the assembly for several hours and then slowly crawls the protein down the floor, such a muggy behemot, goes to the table, the same slowly, chooses the goal. At that moment, it turned out to be a chain with a plow, goes back, runs and beats the chain with a towel, the lid does not fly, it is again pushed up and with a precise blow of the head right into the holder on the lid opens access to the night banquet.

So we realized that protein for food is ready for everything!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №137328
Here, they are planning to discuss a bill on the topic of selling iodine and green tea only on a prescription. I don’t mind, only then let’s go to the RPC candles, quarrocosts and comparatively honest ways to withdraw money from the population, we’ll do the recipe too. Let’s see what the doctors do better.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №137327
I approach the entrance, a white sheet is glued to the door with the inscription: I bought a perforator!
And the line below: Happy New Year, neighbors!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №137326

Sing "In the forest a tree tree was born" on the motif of "the funeral march", (it goes well, by the way). This is a masterpiece!

"The little tree tree is cold in winter" - falls, "Born in the woods" - No

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №137325
<Gunter> I have a body like a Greek god.
<Gunter> And a penis like the Greek god =(

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №137324
A new officer took the change of the ambulance and went to the challenge. He was not warned that at one address the lady is calling to seduce.
He came, looked at her and then wrote in the report: A shimmering feeling of emptiness in the vagina.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №137323
And what versions do you have why the Eldorado family is constantly shopping? I have two versions, real and fantastic. First, they are robbed every day. The second is the people in Black Eldorado cleanse their memory every day and return the goods back.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №137322
XXX: How are you in the Sunny Magadan?
YYY : -25
Do not write such amounts, I am cold to read them.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna