— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 38 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №137061
Did you come specifically to arrange for us in December to eat for free at the New Year’s corporation?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №137060
dpmmax: The younger here recently even brought clear and undisputed proof of the existence of Santa Claus. She just said, “Well, you just don’t have as much money for gifts as he brings!”

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №137059
You know, the buses sometimes enter "deaf" and distribute tablespoons with papers, where it is written that they can not talk, mol for 100 rubles buy help. So this individual approaches me, because of the fact that I work as a nurse, I know the language of signs and ask him "Hello, what is your name?" For this, he looked at me with an incomprehensible look and quickly got out of the bus, not even taking his spoon. I wonder, they in the organization can at least teach basic gestures, less burning would be.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №137058
>>>Why hasn't anyone yet thought of selling clean white snow from ecologically clean areas of Scandinavia for carpet cleaning in the winter?

2201 Water, including natural or artificial mineral, carbonated, without added sugar or other sweeteners or flavourings; ice and snow.
Be proud, Russians, in our country customs protects domestic snow from imported analogues! The import duty is 15%, but not less than 0.07 euros/l.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №137057
In general, I am a Childfrey, but the horror stories about children in movies and performances seem quite distant from the world. I love cartoons and children’s fantasy, of course, the halls are almost always mainly occupied by children – quite culturally they behave. Adults whisper more often, whisper, and so on. The room in the children's session is also good because there is no dwarf on it, which is not understood as a dwarf dragged into the hall, and the whirling pigeons in the rear row will not go completely unnecessary.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №137056
Three When the New Year comes
The cat rains and the rain rains.
At best afterwards.
They are scattered under the tail.
If you are not lucky
It will ruin the new year.
Few people have dreams.
A grave for a cat.
All threads, needles and ropes
Closed firmly in the locks.
No matter how you hide them,
The cat finds them!
On a burning plate
You can’t get a cat in.
Or jump straight into the soup.
A chair with a tooth.
The buffet collapsed, broken
The end or your mother!
and short. When your cat suddenly
Healthy and healthy today.
He did not hit the crystal, he did not hit the coat.
Fuck what you have to do in the pot.
The rest is vanity!
The cat hunger.
Look at the cat!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №137055
Happy couples don’t have two things: fighting for power and neglecting each other.

As soon as you wanted to "show who is the master in the house" or didn't care if the person next to you was happy - write away.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №137054
I’m just amazed at how short-sighted some mothers are by bullying their sons.
That was when I served in the army. To us in the division got a fighter from a new call, who could not handle the thread and needle. I was 23 at the time, and for the first time I saw a man holding a needle and a thread, like a papua holding a smartphone that was given to him by a white man he first saw.
What I suspected and feared happened. The newcomer did not know anything. Cleaning shoes, sewing, washing clothes and much more.
All this became clear literally in a day, but the most terrible, insidious blow to the psyche, received our senior.
A soldier approaches him and asks for a clean cloth.
Our senior, a pre-retirement age senior praporščik, gently looks at him and asks - why do you have a clean cloth, son?
Wash the member in the toilet.
Which member?
Their own.
Why Why?? to
Well, when you write, you need to wipe the head and penis with a clean, wet cloth.

The army, and the army. You can’t – we will learn, you don’t want – we will force. I quickly look at the personal affairs of Dembel, I find the ideal candidate. Sergeant, Siberian, from the village, four younger brothers and sisters. Character is calm. I call him to the office. He enters and smiles.
Called out, the chief lieutenant?
Come in, Joel, and sit down. How many brothers and sisters you have.
and four!
The answer is false, you have five, your brother has announced!
It is time for the sergeant. What is happening in the family? On the one hand, there seems to be no bad news, on the other hand, where did the brother come from?? to
I explained to the sergeant that this was his Dembel accord. Here’s the newborn, here’s you, Jora. Teach him everything that a man should be able to do and learn to wipe the penis with a clean, wet cloth. The sergeant welcomed the blow of fate. Only allowed himself a short replica, such as - to bleat, to raise another.
Since then, there has been a ferocious fighter following a sergeant, like a cat runs after a cat. After 3 days, the first, timid germ of progress appeared - the fighter independently and normally stinged the sword, stinged the chevrons. He cleaned his boots to the cosmic blackness and mastered utyug.
But everything good, sooner or later, ends. How the stock of mummy cakes in the body of the recruiter ended. He began to starve, freeze and not get enough sleep, well, so he wrote to his mother.
And mother and grandmother, immediately moved after one and a half thousand kilometers to the part where their child serves.
In general, the commander of the division calls me and speaks. Is this fighter yours? Here and fuck, explain to the parents, they are waiting for the CPP.
At that time, I already knew that his mother and grandmother had raised him. I expected aggression and accusations of all sins, there were cases, you know.
But not. At the CPC I met two women who behaved quite intelligently. We talked, took them to the dining room, watched how we ate, showed the barracks town.
We talked about life. It turned out that my mother gave birth, as it is said, "for herself." He was raised together with his grandmother. Naturally, they did everything for him and constantly danced. In the end, we got what has now happened.
But the worst thing about it is that they didn’t understand that they couldn’t do that! They only make the boy worse. I was worried about the fact that the guy could not sew, wash, smooth, clean, as they said - please release the gun for dismissal, we will wash and sew everything for him. Now it is my turn to depend on me. The gun? What a gun?

It turned out, they called him so constantly even in adulthood and at all, because his hair is furry. The gun, the blade!! to
And so I was offended, for the whole strong sex. He did not stop and stumbled on them. If you remove maternal expressions and interdomains, the meaning of my speech was - do you understand at least that you are raising a boy, not a girl? Do you live on an uninhabited island and surrounded by people? Do you know what a normal man should be able to do? I understand that not every mother can teach her son to stick a moth on a hook, replace the socket and repair the wheel on a bike. Is independence possible? You can catch up with your mind that you can't call a young man with all the gun!!! to
In the end, I gave the soldier an hour to sit with his family. I did not let him be fired.
Well, since there were other soldiers in the visiting room, I think you understood what nickname he got. My mom and grandmother, surprisingly, did not complain about me. They cried, I apologized to them and promised to do his upbringing. Although what an education, I was 5 years older than him.)
Well, our friendly, army collective, educated him further. And I was pleased to watch the gun get in shape. Classes of physical training, transfer of experience and paternal lenses did their job. After a year and a half, the gun was no longer outstanding. He did not become a "psomway" but kept on the level. And when I learned that he was struggling with his call from the neighboring regiment, I realized that all our efforts were not in vain.
The gun went to the dembel and I hope everything in his life went well or at least better than before the army.

Author Dr. War

[ + 33 - ] [19 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №137053
Just imagine that if the 1991 coup had succeeded, there would now be no freedom of speech, no developed economy, no change of power in Russia.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №137052
Photo of a New Year's tree near a shopping center in Kaliningrad, similar to a tree from the "Avatar".
The stones:
- Well, now in the NH exactly everything will be like in the avatar - the Soul Tree and a bunch of blue people underneath it...

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №137051
to "Pipez, about the difficulties of printing from the car can write a whole saga"
Instead of printing through layout.
Reminds me of the situation. The car has a wheel, but we will not open the trunk, but try to get the wheel by throwing off the rear seat. The wheel does not pass through a narrow window, then we will take the Bulgarian and we will get it. Now you still need to get the tools and replace the wheel without leaving the car.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №137050
Now, dear children, I’ll blow you a pattern. Frodo (in the end of A) is a male name.

So shocked, so shocked. I am surprised and disappointed...
With respect, Nikita

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №137049
I watch a show where people make transformations. That is, a aunt with a birth spot on the cheek. As a child, I was laughed at, and I had no boys. But then I married. My husband’s friends started telling him that his wife was ugly and he started drinking, then we started scandals, he told me that I was ugly and not worthy of living. When I was nine months pregnant, he took a tail and tried to snatch me with a tail, but hit the bed and I ran away. When the child was a year old, he stole a gun, came home, raped me in front of the child’s eyes, and then led us to the cemetery, saying that we would dig our own graves and he would kill us. On the way we met his friend and his husband shot him in the hand. For this he was put in prison. After he got out of prison, my parents persuaded me to keep my family. My husband betrayed me. One day I came home and found him with a woman right in bed. This is the last drop!! to

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №137048
Hello, the victims of the EEG! Air drying is not a "function"

Oh well hi.
Why did you put it, all-knowing?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №137047
What didn’t you like about 992 Bag Kaliningrad?
Tester: I didn’t like Kaliningrad, but the time zone +4. What is Kaliningrad?
Q: Does it matter to you which city will be written if the time zone is correct?
A: Oh I found it. + 2nd So here we need +3, and on the test we have +4. On sale at +0. It’s a bit strange, don’t you think?
R is fucking.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №137046
From the community:
aaa: If people of different professions get to an orchestral concert, then each of them is interested in different instruments: the programmer, of course, will like the piano (where it is seen that the shift key was under his feet!But the firefighter would choose a counterbus - it will definitely burn longer than the others.
bbb: The royal is undoubtedly burning longer than the counterbas.
CCC: Would a trombone ever be burned? Just imagine for a second.
The triangle burns the longest of all.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №137045
This year, the man categorically refused to put an artificial tree. Children should know what the real living tree looks like, feel and remember its smell, so that it becomes for them forever a symbol of the holiday and other romantic blabla. He went for the prey and brought a wonderful...peach! I stand, lubricate now with barley essential oil, or it doesn’t smell.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №137044
<<< went to the red cube, and there near the perfume shop... went into it to see the perfume stands like a sheep... saw the Hugo boss... smelled the pair and went home...
I came home, I turned on the computer, and there - wanted to buy men's perfume hugo boss? We have the best prices...

They have been following us in real for a long time. Once I went to the toilet in the country, he was usual, turf, not septic. I'm sitting, knocking in the phone, and I have a advertisement there: tired of suffering with the holiday toilet? Set up our septic))))))))

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №137043
How are you there, O sun of my soul?
[13:38] That you are silent to fuck

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №137042
In defense of the fantasy.
Not in every city the authorities relentlessly treat the breeding of fires. Therefore, unsold trees are often just thrown away.
During our student years, we quarreled with a company where we were going to welcome the new year and went to the city. They also excavated a tree in the place of an apple bazar. I carried her with me all night. In the morning we went looking for the subway and met a fire car. The firefighter came out of her and shouted: "Stupid people! The new year is over!" And we said to him: "The year is just beginning!!and "
And in the subway we were not allowed with the tree.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna