— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №137081
XXX: Blind, y avtokad a procto i logicno postrojenny help


[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №137080
XXX: Sintoist priests cleanse rooms from ghosts by waving katanas. This ritual is 100% effective against beings endowed with flesh.
yyy: I would cleanse the room from ghosts by waving cats

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №137079
In an electronics store.

My aunt is 40 years old:

Young man, is this TV good? The name of the TV

Not bad, of course. Only the name is read as: * I say the name *

I read it in German!

I- In German is also read in a different way * I say how correctly it will sound if you read in German, I explain the rules of the combination of the letters "S" with the vocals in German *

T- I know how right, I studied German at school!

I – I too.

I won’t buy anything in your store anymore.

I'm about myself, good that I don't work in this store, or have lost such a customer.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №137078
here here :

Graysvondir is also female.
If the name ends in a consonant, it is not a reason to consider him a man. The language is not Russian.

Ivanka looks at you with amazement.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №137077
All the gloves in the world are fucking. They do not heat or save from the cold.
YYY: Amputation of your upper limbs will cure your illness.
YYY: Make it right.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №137076
How is the trip?
XXX - Excessively fruitful
Wut: Is it flying again?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №137075
I am a non-drinker, a non-smoker, I go to the gym, I dress with taste, not scary, hands straight. But who needs it? It is worth another girl to find out that I drive on TAZ (“Tolyatin Automobile Factory”) and live in a rental apartment, as she loses interest in me. Everyone is looking for a prince on a “Jaguar” or “Mazerati” living in a spacious cottage.

You are my offender! And turn your brains and turn your eyes to OTHER girls did not think? I got married to a man without an apartment - the apartment I had from my parents. A colleague married a guy without an apartment, because she already had a mortgage - now pay together. But you are not suitable, you need "expensive and glamorous" beauties - so fit or lower the bar.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №137074
What in the basket

Cheese of course. Particularly resilient and fragrance (like Jerome K. Jerome)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №137073
here here :
"Durandale - of the female race"

And what about "Songs about Roland":

My bright Durandal, my bullshit sword

The academic edition, the classical translation, and translated not the last specialist, and the editors were old hardeners. And here they are in men.
How to agree?

I do not pretend to be the truth, but Bagira in Maugli has turned from a boy to a girl, and Phyllin in Winnie Pooh has turned into Sova. So with the belonging to one or another gender of the translated character, the translator is determined apparently based on the weather on Jupiter.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №137072
What in the basket

Here is exactly. Grandmother Anna Petrovna (born Kern, Petra Creatie) carried in a basket
A cat named Dushegub. A rat with a broken ear.

But my grandmother sometimes, being in a good mood, called him a Scientist. So she said:

Lobachevsky and MLA.
Observing the unpredictable geometry of his jumps.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №137071
History ©Tyren from the forum "Samistad":
My friend has the fatherhood of Zigmundov. Few people remember and talk about it. One day she takes a ticket to the doctor at the clinic, a young girl registrar records a FIO. It depends on the paternity whether you heard it badly or did not hear it in principle. My friend clarifies: 'ZIG-MUN-DOW-NA! Well, like Freud, you know?' I'm a girl in response confused: 'Oh, I'm only working for two days, I haven't met everybody yet'... since then I have been glorifying her Freud)))

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №137070
My husband came from work yesterday. He is a designer and works all day in the car. I asked him: How do you print out the car? The answer is: OK, and what?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №137069
I arrived in Moscow on Sunday at 17.00. In the ticket hall, on all the panels above the checkpoints with the schedule of electric cars hanged a message about the non-passage of the authenticity of the screw. Electricity was normal and real.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №137068
This is:
This is:
This is:

And yes, and some categories of people (pydors, extremists, vegans and others) are irritated by one fact of their existence.

You need to be treated, or otherwise the nerve cells are not restored, you will soon get tired.

Your nerve cells have been recovering since the 90s of the last century.

One shit will die, imagine, he sits, eats a puddle with purple and suddenly remembers that somewhere there puddles fuck in the ass, extremes jump on the roofs, vegans are sucking carrots, and immediately the eyebrows are poured with blood, the hands are shaken, the fork falls on the floor, and saliva flows on the beard... will die undoubtedly...

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №137067
We will all die in terrible grammatical convulsions!!! ^

It will be right – in grammar confusions... Otherwise what are you victims?

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №137066
>>> My husband is a fool.

Tell me who your husband is and I will tell you who you are.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №137065
There is no contradiction:

>>All Knights Knights Swords were named by Babic names,/................./
The knight sleeps with his sword<<
The Sword of Roland - Durandál ("The Song of Roland").
A non-traditional character?

In French, Durandal means female. It is the true attachment and love of the knight." - from Wikipedia...

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №137064
xxx: I looked at Ali's phone in the car. I went to the page of burning goods. I was surprised by various funny things. And here I get to the advertisement. Metal anal block with crystal. In principle, nothing special, but here is the number of reviews... 99 pages! Who is??? Who are those people who write reviews on anal congestion?

xxx: True, one smiled: "I tried right away. I really liked it. My husband will love it too!"

I hope my husband knows that a surprise awaits him tonight.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №137063
Don’t get depressed, but charge yourself.
In the tea is sugar. It revitalizes and causes neurons to flash – you can benefit from directing.

by Alex_R
I wake up in the morning, do exercise, take a contrast shower, drink tea with sweets...
and then I take 1 tablet of phenibut, 2 tablets of piracetam, 1 lecithin, 1 vitamin B1-B6, 1 multivitamin, 1 fish oil and do not depress

by Alex_R
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[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №137062
God is with him, with the well. What is the origin of the word "clean"?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna