— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №136581
I got 2000 extra in the Sberbank. I noticed and returned, not even thanked.

YYY: Thank you for not charging interest on the loan.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №136580
There were no cabins in my school, because in one of them a girl hanged when they were there.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №136579
Nuts: Do you have a machine singing or kicking when it’s over?
Foxy: She ends up in Soviet. Courageously and silently.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №136578
I ask my husband to go to the pharmacy after work, buy a medicine - in the nearest pharmacy to us there is no, and he will have five pieces along the way.
In the evening, he says, there is no need for medication. He went to one pharmacy. The one closer to home...

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №136577
Pro of Hamas:
The place fighters are women over 50, well-dressed, and seemingly ideal family ladies. But behavior and conversation are like drunkenness. I call it the "Bazar Baby". So, babO, as a rule, sitting with a wide pelvis, tighted with a glossy fur of norki, somewhere more convenient and higher, likes to broadcast about the fact that young people are the first to climb into the bus and occupy all seats (babO also participates in this race, but does not emphasize the attention of spectators). Poor grandmothers (in fact, purely theoretically) have to stand. If the victim in the headphones and does not respond - then an attack with a transition to the personality and to the parents (type poor upbringing). This moment is the best for the baby-attack: I crash from the spot, approach the offender and start to drum under my nose without taking my eyes off the object. And since I have a "Gypsy" type - black eyes, eyebrows and hair - a spectacle, I will say directly, scary (long trained on cats)At this point, BabaO remembers that in the recently watched Harry Potter, they do so when they say a curse!The enemy is defeated and either silences, or jumps out at the nearest stop with screams. And let only those who were with me hear that my drum is a song by "Danza Kuduro" in accelerated speaking.)

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №136576
A fellow student needed a replacement, he found a girl in the schedule with whom he could go off, and wrote to her: "This is R. Will you come out for me tomorrow?"

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №136575
Do schools and universities still have toilets without doors? If yes, then why? Is there a school director?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №136574
After cleaning of fresh snow in the enterprise:
Snow has fallen on Mars
WOW : bl@! Also clean up there.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №136573
XXX: and where to look at the old matlab estimates, who knows?
Yyy: You start talking like buffets in our dining room.
YYY: The old estimates.
YYY: By the matlabchik.
XXX: Will you take a polymorph?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №136572
A couple of years ago, I found out that my wife in her N years never went to a sex shop, even for a tour. To correct this omission decided to visit the first hit site with the relevant products.

The leafy site wife (G) noticed a vibrator of an unusual shape:

Nothing to yourself! Do they do that for men? ! to

I: They do, but it’s a female.

J: It cannot be! This is an anal man.

In general, in order to resolve the dispute, it was decided to shut down... I do not remember what I met then, and it does not matter. It is important that later I calmly went to work in the second shift.

Already on the shift, my colleague Ivan approaches me and says that such a device is broken, but there are no instructions and from which side to approach it he does not know. Which I suggested to shake together. And guess what the last queries on my phone saw Ivan? Sex shop and anal vibrator for men.

No excuse, because it would only make the situation worse)))

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №136571
I come somehow from school, and at home my little sister stayed alone, she was then five years old, I do not remember why she stayed alone. She begins to tell me, “Let’s go, the thieves wanted to come to us, but I scared them. I hear that someone is scratching under the door, well, I think I need to do something, I approached the door and with such a strictly strict voice as my dad, I say, "Daughter, bring me PLACSOBUCKS (platty, in childhood I said a few words badly, like many children)" - and then I remember that I speak this word badly and again I say, "Oh, daughter, don't need PLACSOBUCKS, better bring a hammer" - I just rolled on the floor, and she stands so proud of her deed and doesn't understand anything, what this inadequate guy is)

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №136570
No one, except the crap, does not fuck that there is an OS under the hood, Linux, bsd, qnx, or small humans, hand drawing pictures on the screen. The main thing is that it is convenient to use and not loose.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №136569
Title on the cheque in the Tea Tassel (café):

Toilet code *9274#
Welcome to Health!

I do not want something...

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №136568
To go crazy about love is to get married.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №136567
My mom knew if I worked in CB or in NYI, I don't remember. She had a boss, she also had a boss, and so on. Their names were as follows (I list as positions increased): Katz, Kratz, Krantz and Rosenkrantz.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №136566
The doctor is good when you are sick.
A lawyer is good when you get in trouble.
The police are happy if you are a criminal.
The car driver is pleased when your car is broken.

And only the thief wants you carelessness and well-being.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №136565
A person has problems with personal life, but he is willing to give advice in the field of relationships to others with the appearance of a great guru of family values.

How funny you are in your naive self-confidence. If a man wants to warn you that there is a staircase on the ladder, and you do not have to step on it... of course, you will not listen to him! I also give advice, and I fell down the stairs myself!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №136564
The Swyatogor:
As my bosses say: if the workers do not complain about the company, they steal, so we complain and steal.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №136563
Hackers stole two billion rubles from Russian banks.
How long have people been called hackers?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №136562
In no village bath there is a genital ventilator, because, you won't believe, there people go for a bath, and not their hidden desires to realize.

Chota Oh. I laughed. In the bathroom, it doesn’t matter who dries. I have never seen a woman wrapped in a towel. They wipe out those towels, throw them away! Here are so shamelessly standing, naked perverse of all ages and configurations, and wiping out all parts of their bodies one by one. The cowards wear dry ass. And as the two babies cling to their tongues, let us rub them, gestuiling with lickers! I saw myself. Bathroom for 60 people. The exhibitionists swear :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna