— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138581

Gennady, [05.02.17 17:20]
Healthy walks are important.

Gennady, [05.02.17 17:22]
For example, I didn’t go to the shore by car, but I went on foot.

Gennady, [05.02.17 17:22]
I feel sporty and healed.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №138580
Judah had many loyal friends.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №138579
Yesterday the wife parked on her sedan near our entrance, and next to the man with the child stands watching. You can always watch the water flowing, the fire burning, and the young girl making a parallel parking. But, to his surprise, she confidently turns the steering wheel, drives, clearly stops, turns in the other direction, drives, stops and at the same time you can see and hear how her wife is listening to some commands in the dynamics. Parking well, they all go into the elevator together. The man asks:
What kind of parking system do you have?
A man with his phone in the window.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №138578
Today on the street I was witnessing a man talking to his dog. It was evident that he thought the dog understood him! I went home, told the cat, and laughed a long time.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138577
Little to know the techniques, you need to want to break the bones, to beat the teeth, and tame the enemy so that more or not to get up, or bypass the 10th road. Few of the girls are able to turn off the brakes in the head easily and freely, but for the guys this is a natural condition.

You did not fight in the streets, naive office boy. Praised male aggression in most cases breaks down after a couple of beats. But girls, especially those for whom street fighting has become the norm, will fight as long as they can move. Even mentions are given special lectures on this topic, than a woman when detained is more dangerous than a man.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138576
With the prohibition of homeopathy, he advised not to rush to the former head of Rospotrebnadzor, Gennady Onishchenko, saying that "medicine is not only science, but also art, so not everything in it has scientific grounds."
and #822;
After these words, I finally ceased to respect this fric.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №138575
In school, the teacher of literature breathed thirsty "Pushkin-List-Decabrists" - I thought that Pushkin was also a free-thinker. And it turns out he was removed for a disgraceful shame.

Not only for this, he began to slightly attack the tsar, because he targeted the position of court historian of the state (general-colonel), which was taken by Karamzin, and he got all the general-major. Here is such a jealous Negro... Well, after the grandmothers as any southern pepper ran, it was.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №138574
I watched two advertisements.
"Supply of water"
" Supply of sushi"
Or order something? To build a planet and remove the naphid from here.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №138573
and Surprise

>>>If you came home drunk, dirty, from you carried cheap female deodorant<<<

In many ways, you are a walking woman.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138572
And in just a few hundred years, the current calines and grants will be retro-classics and vintage.
yyy: this is if the offspring will be able to identify in this hill of rust in mixing with plastic caline or grant

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138571
The principle of homeopathy works only with a hammer. If in the morning drink a little of the same substance, the abuse of which the day before and led to this condition, then it really becomes better.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №138570
The pizzas, comrades!
Meetings in the State:
A girl who believes in telegraph.
A man who believes in homeopathy.
A woman who is concerned about her sexual orientation.
Fuck, it’s just friki!

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №138569
Is there a homeopath on board?
Yes, and what is it?
Astrology is bad.

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138568
Sometimes you encounter very mysterious specimens in life. Painting, curling, building hair and eyelids, makeup, tattooing, manicure, pedicure, depilation, colored lenses, skirts everywhere (chips, buttocks, scratches, press), heels, heels +20 to the height. Tons of cosmetics, and everything onboard, sewn or pulled. And then it goes on, saying there are no real men. What do you have in the present, the present?

Sometimes I see very strange examples. They lead on a pumped pop, long legs, beautifully painted eyes, and then ask where she is going... her rich inner world. You do not need the most usual non-painted, no pedicure manicures, with a comfortable tail and normal orthopedic shoes that do not kill the spine, re-read Kafka, Twain and Marquez. You yourself with them are either bored or the ego suffers because you do not reach. And you don’t want to fuck any more, and you are aimed at that first. The world is tight under men, even female standards of beauty and each tries to attract attention as much as possible in order to stay in the price in this market. And do not underestimate the female wisdom very talented to portray the fool.Unfortunately, it also likes the male, which is sad.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №138567
Wife to husband:
I bought you five pairs of cowards, now you have enough for a lifetime.
The husband:
Did you find me a short life...or do I not know something?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №138566
The real hobby of our generation is the nutty and dull talk about nothing. Failed relationships, problems with studies, boss fool. It is a complete shit. If you don’t do anything, there’s only one fool – you.

© George Carlin

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №138565
Semen understands letters from El Mail
Corps Chat

50 letters received.
Help the Seed.
C1: Seed brother stay there
Chapter 2: Happiness is There
Section 2: Health

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №138564
In late 2009, Alex Ray Joel (daughter of the famous singer Billy Joel and the singer herself) broke up with a young man. We don’t know anything about the young man’s feelings, but Alex was so distracted that she decided to commit suicide. The singer took 15 pills of anesthetic from the pharmacy box and soon, as she thought, felt bad: sweat on her forehead, her hands began to tremble. Then she was frightened, called 911 and that she wanted to die and swallowed pills. Of course, the ambulance arrived and took him to the hospital. The doctors immediately let the patient go home. Unfortunately, the story is silent about what the doctors told Alex and how much effort they had to keep a serious face expression.

Alexey was incredibly lucky: she tried to kill herself with the help of the homeopathic medicine "Traumel". It is not common homeopathy in the sense that there is still a small number of molecules of active substances there. However, the concentration of mercury, belladonna, sulfur liver and other dangerous substances in this drug is not large enough for 15 tablets to produce at least some effect.

Per if the singer took, say, 2000 tablets (which corresponds to 40 full bottles of medicine), then doctors in the laboratory would be able to detect minor deviations from the norm in her blood. The case of Alexa is the only documented example that homeopathy can save lives.

[ + 39 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138563
The girl called. He said he wanted a camera.

We agreed to meet on the blue branch at Victory Park at 12:00.

I waited for an hour and a half and her phone was offline.

At 2 p.m. she called and screamed at the telephone that I was a mu-ak, whom she waited for 2 hours... In Moscow... On the blue branch... On the Victory Park...

I am from Peter. All the ads are Peter’s.

What WTF?! to

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138562
I lived in a community, lived... until 5 courses. Then a neighbor, a first-class student, settled in front of me. So it is not accepted, of course, tried to settle so that the courses coincided, but - so it worked. Well settled and settled, the guy looks like normal. We live and coexist. And here he is somehow: my mom sent me a package (he was from Kursk), I need to go get it. Go to. And the package with the bus was sent, and (let it be) Vitya went for her a day later, well, count how much she had gone before... So here. to bring. There, among other things, sausage, smoked. Now with a white blade.

Vivian looks at her: probably to throw it out...

I: Give it here.

I look around, smell, say, no, it’s okay, you can eat. Just have to wash.

Well, if you want, eat, and I will not!

I have eaten. I didn’t even say “ik.” I didn’t even have to drink vodka, all the norm. And what do you want - I've been in the 5th year of life in community - and I didn't have such a meal;)

The next day. He went somewhere for his business. The evening. Wit is not. Well, I think it’s not enough, Moscow, maybe a young man where he stuck.

The morning. knock at the door. Open it and get out of the couch! Two girls in white coats. And with some orange balloon and sprayer.

They say: Hi, we need to disinfect the room.

I: Well, I don’t mind it, but did you shuffle? ? to ? to

They: Well, here’s your neighbor... he’s in the hospital. In the infectious. With poisoning. Therefore, once you have a community, you need a disinfection, or little...

I: Okay, let’s... what about him, his neighbor?

They: Well, we don’t know, call the hospital.

What kind of hospital is that?

The third is infectious.

Well, okay, I leave the room, they were there splashing out of the sprayer, and I went to the hospital.

I come.

Security: It is not provided! This is infection!

I: and if so (I show 100 rubles)?

Noah... Okay, go on.

I go into the room, asking Vitu what, how, what happened at all?

As a result, it turned out: he ate at the Kiev railway station and was so twisted in the subway that the people around him called the ambulance. They were hospitalized.

I said to him: I told you that you should eat the sausage, and you "throw it out, throw it out"... well, what - did you eat "fresh meals"? ? to ? ))))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna