— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №136401
of wise persons
The Mysterious Currents
Lost Love Juice
Going to Kefalonia.

I. Guberman

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №136400
A persuasive request to the watchman, to whom everyone who doesn’t look like him seems “slightly blue” to hold onto his sexual fantasies. Even if it is - personally you have nothing with them, you are gray, dumb and boring.

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №136399
Something in my life, I got the wrong zebra, no one white strip. So let it be a horse!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №136398
To the permanent discussion about the “nuts”, the quote of my beloved I.A. Efremov from the “Levy Brittva” (Girin’s conversation with the visitor of the exhibition of the naked sculpture): “Remember, if you, looking at the beauty of the naked woman, see first and foremost the “inappropriate places” and they need to be closed from you, you are not yet a person in this regard.”

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №136397
Don’t you know the joke about the average ZP in 1000?
111: in our country* in Belarus )
222 What is it?
111: I can't find the link, but it was like on the online that the old man asked the goldfish to live until the time when the average ZP in Berrusi will be 1000u. In this simple way the old man asked for immortality"
I even know the name of the old man.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №136396
In our municipality settled Chechnya Zarema. It must be said that Zarema, as the Chechnya, had a hot explosive character, but the family of neighbors was not inferior to her in emotion. Also, it is necessary to pay tribute - the doors to both rooms were almost not closed - relatives, friends, relatives of friends, etc. In general, as often as it happens, quarrels in such situations are inevitable... One day in the entrance there are insults - screams Zarema and so that the floor below it was heard: -... already the third person comes, I know what kind of cattle this announcement gave, I have them...

For the accuracy of the announcement in the local newspaper I do not guarantee, but it was approximately as follows: "I will give a young Caucasian shepherd, SUKU, in good hands for free, /address/"

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №136395
Don’t confuse the low prostitutes and the high noble nymphomaniacs.
A prostitute is when anyone can easily get to her body and not get to it. Usually a certain amount is enough.
Nymphomania is when not everyone can easily avoid her body and not get for it. And I will not get rid of her!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №136394
But in fact, the expression "Good Time of the Day" appeared because of the same aggressive idiots who, in response to "Good Morning", exhausted their bile, telling them that they have almost night.
The Conclusion? It is easier to send everyone than to try to please everyone.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №136393
I drove my mom on the train, got into the car, found seats, unloaded things and I decided to stretch the wires, despite the fact that it was unnecessary tears to look at the companions and how it turned out not in vain.

Two men not of a Slavic appearance entered the coupe, greeted and polently asked where their places were. Mom, one must say the best soul man, looking at the tickets that they have the upper shelves, but judging by the faces they did not like it and they decided to ask why, to which Mom polite and reasonably replied that the flat above, and the flat below, from this face they were even more upset, but they did not argue.

A few minutes later their company was broken up by another woman, well, and I had to hurry and I said goodbye to them, wishing them a happy way, although the men's faces were not very happy and as my mother later said, they cried and were angry with her, but behaved restrained.

The clarification was made by a neighbor when the men came down at one of the large intermediate stations.

As it turned out, while the mother was separated from the coupe, they complained to the neighbor that not a good and bad woman was driving with them, because she told them at the very beginning of the way that "black people should go up, not black people down."

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №136392
Dad, do you wear a ring so everyone knows you have a wife?
Father: It’s to make your mom know that everyone knows I have a wife.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №136391
You don’t know how I suffer. I am barely holding, afraid to break.
I go out, and there are people, and they are all naked, shameless under their clothes. And some of these people are also women, and they are also naked under their clothes. Totally naked. Here are the prostitutes. How is it possible. My eyes would not look at them.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №136390
Engineer: On the subject of coins. I also got silver coins like the Nicholas coins. Only people were more careful, brought me to the X-ray fluorescent analyzer. Yes, the brass, yes, a little (a little strong) silver. I have disappointed people.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №136389
Okay, I will translate:


Yes a little.

Strange is it, right?

The Huntsman wins.
In women’s dressing rooms, women are urged to walk in cowards, so that other women are not offended by the appearance of female nakedness.
The Middle Ages are near.

And why are women not delighted in contemplating the genitals of other women?

They should not be excited, but at least not react.

Ought to?

Appropriate girls come to the dressing room, suddenly, change clothes. And they are least interested in other women. Well, if, of course, you are not Milonov in the shirt ;) Available?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №136388
There are two cats in the house, one of these animals managed to hide past the pot. We cannot eliminate any of them yet, and it is not quite fair to punish the innocent. From here was derived a new proverb: "Not caught - not crumbled"

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №136387
You either wear cowards or put off the fan.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №136386
From the technical support forum:
- Hello, well, you have an animal registration... until you registered I almost forgot the question.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №136385
Flattershay : Ms. Somehow, the further you live in the surrounding world, the more you want to someday accumulate some amount of money, drop everything, go somewhere to Tibet and cut off as monks.
Freeman: When you have some money, you’ll want to go to Tibet.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №136384
Heroes are people who can fight not for themselves.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №136383
The office of technical supervision, I and my colleague are sitting out of vacation.
He has an impressive stack of documentation on his table for inspection.
He takes the first folder into his hands and such a "wow", turns the page - bleak, turns the page - "pysseeeeeets", another page - takes and rolls the entire stack into the urn. I called on my cell phone, no, nothing came. Unwaveringly opens the headhunter and begins to look at vacancies.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №136382
Do you want to bring two towels with you?

No, it’s not just changing clothes, right? My hair is shortening short and no problems, but here’s what makes you think that others should be stressed so that God doesn’t offend your eye? Well, it is easier to turn away from someone else’s ass than to pull one plus one with you to the armor.
In general, such an abominable rejection of the naked body is probably some sort of psychological hustle, it is worth taking treatment now. Little will come out over the years.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna