— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №136361
MaXiM: A girl is sitting playing in a sandbox, a boy is twice as old as him, breaks the cushions and pouches sand on the girl's head. I say to the boy, the puppy went out, the boy runs away, the mommy runs up and begins to scream that I insult her son. The question is, is it normal that he poured sand on my daughter’s head? She responds, of course, they all play like that. Well, I answer by picking a child's shoulder of sand and pouring mommy on the head. My mom whispered like an uncut pig, and my daughter and I just left.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №136360
Should I go to a psychiatrist, I asked myself. Opinions are divided.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №136359
So I’m going on a trolleybus today, not the most crowded, but I’m standing.

There is a woman of indefinite age (40-55) but clearly not a retired woman and clearly with a pronounced menopause.

I stand near the free seat, because I understand that sitting in the trolleybus is not suitable for me by age and gender. This madam cries me off and shouts (I’m not joking): Where you go, but now my place has been ceded to sit down. Well, we are not proud.

But more amusingly, she raises her face on me – than the face of a bulldog and speaks.

- What do you say you are standing here, you are bothering me (I’m just shrinking from this), well, I’m moving away a little.

And then she begins to get upset that smells of cigarettes from me (Yes, I smoke, but I will not accept without a filter, dressed clean and clean and did not drink for a long time)

And here’s the grandmother, I’m silent because I don’t want conflicts, and here’s the conductor. I pay for the trip and this damn woman looks out the window.

The conductor goes on through the cabin, but I stop her and say

The woman did not pay for the trip.

Everyone who was around smiles, the conductor approaches the female, and is paid accordingly.

Her look full of hatred was simply invaluable and raised my mood for the whole day.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №136358
I remember, in the dawn of studenthood, in the time of the lack of dishes, we cooked potatoes in the teaker, on the gazplite. The trial lasted about an hour until the officer left. Just everyone who looked into the kitchen thought it was necessary to turn off the boiler.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №136357
The [...]
We were answered that the trunks are not alive, and like plants are not alive, so mushrooms are alive, read the children’s encyclopedia.
The [...]

The Dunning-Kruger effect in all its glory: the less a person knows, the more confident he is that he knows everything. Plants, like other cellular organisms, are surely alive. any of the definitions adopted. With viruses, it is a matter of taste.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №136356
The "good time of the day"
Do you know why they started talking about it on the internet? Yes, because it was very often that in some chat there are people from all over the country, and someone from Moscow, for example, comes and says, “Good evening!” and he is answered from the Vladik: “What a evening, just come to work!”
This is the form that satisfies everyone: "Good time of the day!"
Whoever is in the morning, whoever is in the evening, everyone knows what he needs.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №136355
As a student in the 1st course, at the very beginning, I learned that we are studying a Venice person. After the classes went to drink a beer with fellow students, where I shared the news: - And who has seen in our course the crown prince of Laos? Standing next to me, in sight - a Kyrgyz named Fanka - we have just met, with an insult in the voice said with a thick southern accent: - And I'm the sho-her dog? It turned out our Fanka Sufanovong Fansaem, the king he never became - uncle pushed away his father, and stood on the path of democracy - but immediately after the end of the uncle appointed him minister of chemical industry...
and c)

[ + 31 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №136354
(Comments to the news about the publication of the list of NKVD employees, with the note that "they are all cowboys!")

YYY: At the domestic level, I often encounter people who claim that their grandfather, grandfather, or grandmother had been repressed on a political basis. And so the USSR is a bloody regime that deserves its own “Nuremberg.” At a closer examination, it sometimes turns out that the whole "politics" was reduced to the banal theft of a bag of grain from a public cage in the year of famine. That is, all the same "I have the right to a hamon!", as is the case with the present.

xxx: In our factory, the archives were collected, we reached the documents for 37-38 years. There were many repressed. I started reading the details of the case, was surprised. In some places, the punishment is very serious.

YYY: Wow, and I’m talking about...

xxx: Well, I found a document that the engineer of the factory was shot and his subordinates in the camps. I started reading the details. Instead of checking the steam car, they went to drink and play cards. The steam car was released without inspection and the boiler exploded, there were victims. The punishment came accordingly.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №136353
I study in auto school. Yesterday was my first trip in town. The instructor is a man over 60. I'm not in a hurry on the street, I'm not speeding more than 40 km / h. We go out to the prospectus and the instructor says to me, “Switch to the fourth, hold the turns.” I switched up to 60. Let him be baptized. I didn’t feel well, I dropped a little. I ask :

Is it all so bad?

and no. The church was simply

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №136352
Worked for a while in the state office - in a way a very convenient place for a student overtime: the salary is socialist, but the training leave is given without problems. In general, we were three in the department – me, the boss and Katya. And it immediately happened that the boss spoke to me in the tone of "we are smart people with you", but Katya he did not especially appreciate, so he did not entrust her with responsible tasks.

After six months it turned out that I actually do half the functions of the manager and somehow quite a lot of the work of the ordinary employee, and Katya only fills in numerous tablets and orders crafts, because she is stupid and will not cope with anything difficult.

In general, in order to understand that the stupid here is not Katya, it took me a lot of time, and to the stories about "I worked a lot, pulled everything on myself and became the general manager" I have been skeptical since then, at least because the deputy general director of that state firm five years later became Katya.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №136351
The market. In the middle of the crowd is a man with a dog.

The dog’s waist is so thin, just chewing.

Pulling my wife into this spectacle.

Suddenly the man stops and loudly, to the whole market:

I feed her, I feed her.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №136350
Wut: He’s under the eight. By the eight, Karl!
Lily is Carl.
Lilita: – Karl – when you can’t say ‘bl@d’!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №136349
Mike O'Leary: Being a controversial figure, Fidel loved nature. He loves to feed sharks between Cuba and Miami.
Deplorable Michael: Osama bin Laden is a controversial figure, but his contribution to aviation security is unprecedented.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №136348
XXX: And what will there be in the 3 yotaphone?
It will be smarter than the iPhone 8
zzz: but will be released simultaneously with the iPhone 10

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №136347
A dozen boards lie on the path by which people go to the store. On the side of the path there is a free space of 20 meters wide. During the hour of work, no one turned and didn't get around - everything went on the usual straight route along the boards.
Then came the cyclist. It miraculously did not fall, moving the boards.

Dick how many people trained - placed boards in the pit to pass was possible)

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №136346
I am saddened: the cat has learned to urgently stop screaming when I approach...

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №136345
About Tuesday or Wednesday, I saw a man in the business room who literally ran into the store and said loudly from the threshold: “I need a perforator.” I wrote about this post in the social network. The first comment: "Well, and how has he been in a hurry, until Saturday still a little time!".

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №136344
I didn’t expect to miss our military films so much. It seems that since the time of the “Brest Fortress” (which, as if in general Belarusian) nothing good looked, and then understood that it does not seem, and so it is.

I will start with feelings. It was very unusual. I don’t know what the domestic cinema has done to me, but I’m not accustomed to good war films. It seemed that it was about to start a joke about the breasts, about the good Germans, and about the chicks of the Soviet commanders. But the minutes of the movie passed, and it didn’t appear. And only by the second half I was able to forget all the shit that was filmed by our Bandarchukomi and Mikhaloskaromi, and finally, to immerse myself in the storytelling with a clean head.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №136343
Normal people are somehow deeply upset whether they will celebrate the New Year or not.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №136342
Washed - dressed - dry hair. Simple scheme, what is incomprehensible?

Well, for example, I understand that your hair is very short. It would be below the pot - you would also have become clear that in the scheme, dressed with wet hair - all the clothes are wet - went to dry, dried the hair, now you have to dry the blouse, jeans, trousers, and a shirt.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna