— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №138361
I don’t understand, I’m really “getting.” You don’t want her, leave her alone. There will be (usually not on the internet) a virtually unlimited number with the same figure, a smile and a feast of spirit, but in whom the blessing of a Korean random is you reducing the stomach to a spasm.

Some love people not for matching an existing fetish - a certain figure, there, or a type of sense of humor, but as a whole. Here is a specific person. And to advise to find the same is just stupidity. I don’t know where you get the same girls or boys, even twins are very different from each other.
Yes, dependency is not good.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №138360
The fish is free creature and it is wrong to eat it.
The fishing combinations are a little in the aquarium.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №138359
Tagged with: saddles

A hundred-year-old vampire, dressed in a female dress, by mutual agreement, tied a naked fifteen-year-old to a tree in the park with his socks in a grid and raped him. List the distortions. and

“Lesbianism, homosexuality, masochism, sadism are not perversions,” Ranevskaya explains. There are actually only two perversions: hockey on the grass and ballet on the ice.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138358
XHX: The planet of phobias – nothing can be done to prevent someone from getting hurt.
You can’t think – foolish people are offended... that is, people with a slow intelligence. You cannot walk - people with disabilities are offended. You cannot be alive, for those who have ceased their life by means of spirit plates are sending offenses from that world.

[ + 8 - ] Comment quote №138357
A failed marriage is when you get married and work.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №138356
There is a bearded joke about how, using logic, the presence of an aquarium with fish determined a person's sexual orientation.
I had a case of something similar. More precisely, there were two cases, the first, so to speak, "training", and the second, on which I have already applied the logical skills I have acquired.
The first case was somewhere in the early 2000s, I was still practicing then.
I was consulted by a patient, a 45-year-old man from a suburban village, with no special education. He was lying in our clinic (no matter what), and was noticed by nurses in virtuously cutting all sorts of figures, toys, etc. from the tree. Cut - and gifts neighbors in the chamber, nurses, doctors...
When he got to me, I ask him how he was so good at cutting a tree, he got some education, or he came (and he worked, conditionally, as a guard in a settlement store, i.e. It has nothing to do with “art.”
He first somehow beat, and then he broke, he and told me that five years ago he became a complete impotent, the relationship with his wife broke up, she does not consider him a man, insults daily, and there are suspicions that she cheats him with his neighbor on a regular basis.
He says that at first he was drunk from all this, but then somehow cut out a toy on his son's request, realized that he does, and now he does this every day, which distracts him from sad thoughts and unrealized desires. Again, drinking does not pull anymore.
I tell him:
How about Viagra? He had never heard of Viagra.
It was not heard at the time in our province. Although this was not my case, I advised him to go to the appropriate doctor. He was pleased that "the doctors invented the pill", ran away from me wrought, I don't know if to the doctor or directly to the pharmacy.
He comes to me in six months (he came for some scheduled inspection, and looked around), almost worshiped, red and satisfied. “Thank you doctor, the pill helped! I am very happy with my wife, life is fine.” I ask him, “Are you cutting the figures?” “Doctor, do I have a figure now?”
Well, I nodded, I was glad that the man helped. And with the figures, God is with them.
And recently one of my divorced classmates decided to boast of her potential fiancé. He also lives somewhere in the suburbs, has his own village house, so he painted his entire facade with some cockroaches, deer, bears, Russian flags and Georgian ribbons, carved out of a gesture, and brightly painted. He is 50 years old, his wife left him 5 years ago. A classmate sent me a photo of the facade of her cavalier's house to boast.
Seeing the volume of work on the photo, I guessed how many hundreds of labor days were put on all this beauty.
Immediately asked a classmate the question: “Impotence, what?”
She said, “Well, not quite, but... often there are problems... Why did you decide that?”
Yes, I am saying. I have a little experience. Go to the doctor, go. Let Viagra go out, or something else.
Then, as I understood, she hinted to him, he to whom to go, that they wrote out - bought, and actively applied. She got married to him officially, they live normally, only then she somehow complained that the cockroaches he abandoned, the last time he renewed them just before the wedding, and then forgot it entirely, and they have already rotted pretty much...
Well, God is now with them, with the cockroaches.
But when I see now on the internet some three-storey house built of milk bags, a leaven in a public hallway, or something so unusual, swallowed by a man of 45-50 years over the last 5-10 years - well, you understand what diagnosis I immediately think of?

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №138355
Psychological maturity is the understanding of how many things in the world need neither your comments nor your opinions.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138354
Who would have thought Trump was such a fan of Game of Thrones? The wall against the Mexican Walkers is cool)))

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №138353
Two neighbors were unable to share a parking space - the conflict ended with a foot-down.

A neighbor parked in a colony of strict regime

There is an underground garage box made of wood.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №138352
Payment of hospital services. The service ends with "the removal of the tomb with the body". Logical conclusion, something to treat there was spent :)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138351
I read the news in the film: "Robots made a new series about animals for the Air Force".
First thought: Why do the Air Force need series at all?
Then came.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №138350
Grit so that doctors do not work with electrical monitors...who got to work! My classmate - a shop with cowards in the market, girls are sitting in the offices paper translated, two cosmetologists are working, one comprehensive boy legal off-site completed, so that the babble to crack, the second - a red diploma, talent, dissertation, such hopes... began to shoot the wedding on the video, and now he has a photo-video company...In general, from the group of 15 people the smartest - left medicine immediately. Two girls are working as therapists in the clinics - former twin girls who hate their work, but they are difficult to re-qualify, it is terrible and long, they have not yet mastered the computer, although they are enthusiasts, ready for free days to smell, and also all the responsibility to bear...they died in the 90s from hunger...

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №138349
The smart!

Well, so they said - fools inadequate, and even frightened by terrible stories. Well, not almost in the real of the rapists, and so on, and the chance of rushing to a handful of those who are, disappearing small!

Tell it to those who have stumbled. Or those who have a close person, and if with a fatal outcome - then they will be especially interesting to listen to.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138348
Valentine N: If you eat the first apple, does it mean you should have eaten the zero before?
Maristo: I always do that.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138347
What’s wrong with American movies?
Yyy: Well, the kind there all go to psychologists from small to large. Everyone has stress and everyone gets rid of it for angry grandmothers.
zzz: Nuuu stupid, there would not be there to eat after work like a pig, to break a wife's rod to reassure, to take off on children, to kill someone in a drunken fight, that's life, that's what I understand.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №138346
Transmitting the next cathedral to the RPC, the school is explained by the fact that it was taken by force by the Communists and therefore illegal.
My great-grandfather took six cows and two horses from the oil battlefield during the sculpture, about which there was even a reference. Per it should be found in the documents of the grandfather this certificate and demand the state to return the stolen?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №138345
As an office plankton

So the office plankton - you are not working at all, but the advice to give is very good.

I am with you, comrade. My husband worked in the resuscitation. We walk - he has a shift, we sleep - he is at work, we have a vacation - he passes the session while there is time.
The office is not a job at all, but a complete holiday compared to medical activities.

[ + 36 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138344
I sit in a row to the service center, the movie shows, nobody pays attention, and here the heracles talk about couplets and compot, the entire male half, hyax, and all the heads from their smartphones to the telephone.)))
This is what men mean.)

[ + 38 - ] [8 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138343
When he was in the subway, he met a funny case: a man came in, sold a package of life in Russian, he was touched by a bald creature with the slogan: "Ty чому ruską rozmówljaš?". Here you are not Russia!", read: "That I will say to you in Ukrainian: You think that if I speak English here, you would have a salary in pounds?", and came out at the next station...

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №138342
As the correspondent reports, at about 16:00 on Saturday, January 28, the sale of tickets to the museum "Isakievsky Cathedral" was suspended. This is due to the fact that the church service began at the central altar. As explained by the staff of the museum, this is the new rules, which were insisted in the diocese of St. Petersburg - to close the museum during the holding of Orthodox rites. There are about 30 believers at the service. 30 and Charles!! to

Tourists who are already in the museum are not expelled. Guides continue to work with excursion groups. But they are becoming less and less, because new ones are not allowed. It is also noted that the service will go until 18:00 - the cathedral will not be opened for visitors today.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna