— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №136241
English translators

I noticed that in translation books, especially those translated from English, a lot of text is highlighted with a cursive, which is not typical for books originally written in Russian. In the overwhelming majority of coursives in Russian is unjustified. The logical emphasis on the given word does not fall, as you try to highlight it with your inner voice.

In English cursive usually distinguish non-English words (in Russian they are thrown in the eye without a cursive), titles of books, newspapers, magazines, songs, etc. (in Russian, they are usually indicated in clichés, so the cursive only adds clichés to the layer). Logical emphasis usually falls at the end of a sentence, so it is not necessary to highlight it with a cursive again. Sometimes it falls in the beginning, but there are conditions too. In English can be highlighted words that are not translated into Russian at all:

I _am_ happy (and pronounced with emphasis on _am_)
Korean translation: I am happy.
Good translation: I am really happy!
The correct translation is: I am happy. Oh I am happy!

The language of Yoda says:
Happy I am
It should be translated as
I am happy, I am happy.

P.S Per, whoever will need to graduate... Behold, I share my thoughts at four o’clock at night́tra.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №136240
To move the grandmother across the road on the zebra, on the green light, and not as they normally break - a worthy act. Yes, and for the courage a separate medallion is relied on - you can still bite and bite during the transfer, unlike a dog.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №136239
In the army in the neighboring company was a fighter, who was mainly engaged only in pumping an ack to one of the officers in World of Tanks...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №136238
It was in the early 90s. I was 3 years old. I went with my parents to my aunt in Ukraine. Late in the evening, they try to persuade me to go to bed, I refuse. Then the uncle says that if I don’t go to sleep, then the babysitter will come. And I said I won’t come, there’s daddy and mom, what I should be afraid of. He left and returned in 5 minutes. Gas in the head. I was terrified by this species incredibly (I did not see anti-gases in my life), the baby came. I could not reassure myself for a long time. As a result, I normally did not sleep as adults. Thank you, Uncle Igor, I still remember.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №136237
In the evening, I leave the bus station and go home on the last bus. Comfortably sitting down and warm up, he stuck in the phone and began to listen to the surroundings. I hear an interesting conversation the controller drives a student student out of the bus as everyone's favorite in the MO shooter as always glutes and doesn't break. The boy resists, not so as to bite, but simply asks to understand and give an opportunity to get home. The controller is stubborn and her arguments are correct. Control on the line simply wipes out then in powder both her and the driver. The guy realizing that his business is sewing calls his mother and communicates to her that the matter is shit and today he will spend the night on a driveway or call a taxi, the phone is transmitted to the controller and judging by the conversation the mother also tries to convince the counter to understand and forgive. The stubborn man has been taken out of the street. The bus went. Silently taking a paper I write on it my cell phone and standing up from the spot I approach the controller I give 100 rubles. I say this for him. Then I give the guy a paper and ask for those 100 rubles. Then put on the phone. The trip cost about 70 rubles. A hundred rubles fell on the phone. The next day he called me and thanked me. Faith in people gave me a plus in karma. During the student's dispute, the rest of the students were flattered. Who would say I couldn’t give that shit, and I think it’s better than being indifferent at all.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №136236
I live with my mother, but it happened that she was forced to go to a friend in another city for a couple of weeks.

After a couple of days, the foods in the refrigerator ended and I had to go to the TC.

It is time to go shopping at the nearest TC. Especially I don’t buy much, all the little things for a “breakfast”, because it is sometimes lazy to cook fully.

I buy lemonade, chips, all kinds of ingredients for pizza, and all slight things.

Everything from the "Fast Eat" section is stored on the box in one package, and the rest, respectively, in another.

I packed everything and started paying for the purchases. I gave the card, I gave the money. I wait for surrender. I paid, I am going to take packages and I see that there is no package. I looked around, I saw nothing, I went to the guard to describe the situation.

I looked at the cameras and saw that a guy (Year 12-14) just took my bag at the box office and went on with my mom on the TC. (I think I just got an extra package.)

After a couple of minutes of walking through the TC found them and I say, - You child my package with products took, please return. Mother looks at me astonished and says, What did I get? We have everything our own.

I begin to talk about the fact that the box accidentally stuck, the cameras looked, and also started to list everything that was in that package.

Mother checked the package and stated on the floor of the TC, "This is our package that you attached here.

I show the check and please show the package.

The mother refuses to return the package and insists that it is all her.

The child already understands that this is not their package and is going to give it to me, but his mother stops and asks him not to interfere.

Then comes the same security guard, who apparently lost in the process of finding the mother with the child, and tells about the situation, cameras with the child, etc.

The mother apologizes, asks the child to give the bag and "blaspheme" him for such malice.

When the conflict was exhausted, I again crossed up with her at the exit from the TC, and she said that I am a worthless person, and it would be better not to get along with her and her child at all.

I got home and there was no chocolate in the bag. But these are small things.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №136235
The laundry machine broke. Called the Master. He opened it, turned it, looked at it and said that the repair would cost 10,000 rubles. They refused.

The master gathered the tools and left, leaving a few bullets in the drum. Called another. He began to inspect and says that the drums in the drum are not just that. The previous master just removed the management fee, which costs about a dozen, although the size is quite small, i.e. he actually stole.

He suggested that if they do not return the fee, write a statement, but people bought a new machine and do not worry. Be careful with the aircraft.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №136234
On the road I usually do not stop, and here the young man almost jumped out under my wheels. I had to slow. He asked for a ride. I drove it safely and left. At the parking lot near the house I found this: 1) He stole my wallet; 2) He put it in his bag; 3) He forgot his bag in my car. With my wallet, my wallet and my passport.

[ + 38 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №136233
Hello to all, dear Pickups!

A year ago I visited a water park in Kazan. After bathing started gathering and needed to dry the hair with a moisturizer. As always before me was a line of 6 ladies, to one fan and a man 8 to another fan at the other end of the dressing room. What to do, we will have to wait. But suddenly my gaze fell on the fan, which no one uses and there is no turn to it. He hanged on a wall with a fork disconnected from the router. I approach the fan and hear a woman from the neighboring line saying, “And he doesn’t work! The other adds, “Yes, it doesn’t work.” But by connecting the device to power, the fan worked. At that moment, I felt the looks of an "achtighitrajopo".

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №136232
The advantage of living on the fifth floor of a five-story house: above you will surely not live any dust, which is loudly melting, constantly moving furniture, knocking something and arranging floods with predictable frequency.
Disadvantage: With a high degree of probability, this dude will be you.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №136231
The appetite goes by the price.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №136230
This story happened less than a year ago. I had a friend with whom we were close friends for a while. She lived with her parents at the time, and in their home lived an ara parrot. A large and beautiful bird of red-green color, the content of which in complexity resembled the maintenance of a Boeing. The spider was not very speaking, but in a very human language asked for food and sometimes wished for a peaceful night in response. One day, parents leave their daughter with their pet at home, and they go to Turkey for 10 days. A couple of hours after I left, I stood on the threshold of their apartment, and I didn’t plan to leave until the reverse plane’s chassis touched the runway. We lived there all three times. But sooner or later all the good ends, so that at the end of the holiday, all the traces of the stay of the guy were removed from the apartment, whom the parents did not know, and I rushed away in a hurry. And everything would be fine, but a few days later it turned out that my regular communication with the poppy in the evenings was not in vain. The head of the family drank tea, turned off the light in the apartment and on the way to the bedroom decided to say goodbye to the pet.
A peaceful night.
“And you, bird,” answered an unknown man’s voice from the darkness.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №136229
- Why for the stolen bag of potatoes in the SIZO, and for the bribe of 2 million dollars - under house arrest?
“Because dollars are not securely secured papers, and the bag is material value.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №136228
Read the news about who was chosen by readers and experts of Maxim magazine as the most sexy women of Russia. Looking at the photos, I am not the reader and expert of this magazine.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №136227
Suddenly she felt his jeans hardened. "Cold or something more?" - she guessed"...

[ + 25 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №136226
Tell me, how do you abate lo?
Registration: What is it?
How does he abate lo?
Registration: What is it?
He again: how does Abbott abate?
Registration: I don’t understand you.

Here, looking around, the guy sees the Lightning, which prints something intense, all in itself, works.

He approaches her, stretches out the phone: say "lo".
Lighting off the monitor: what?
He said "lo" say.

The lighthouse takes the telephone and, with an incomprehensible sight, says to it: lo.

Parnisha begins to roast and throws the phone, shouting: duo, you!!!! to

This guy is a fool! It should have been "otolaingologist" to speak!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №136225
xxx: I always remember what I did, but I never understand – naphiga?! to

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №136224
Yesterday I received a laser instruction.
My cats are very thoughtful now.
I found a way to park.
xxx: stop the point on the door when the cat runs to it and sits down to group for a jump, turn off the hint.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh The car is parked for 20 minutes.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №136223
We had a boy at work one, categorically not pronouncing the letter "r". At all, he just didn’t have that letter in the conversation and that’s all. Everyone who has worked with him has long been used to it and has not noticed it. One day, his wife asked to record her to Laura, by phone. He did this from the work phone in the office where we worked, everyone was sitting doing their business, nobody paid attention to him.

calls to:
Tell me, how do you abate lo?
Registration: What is it?
How does he abate lo?
Registration: What is it?
He again: how does Abbott abate?
Registration: I don’t understand you.

Here, looking around, the guy sees the Lightning, which prints something intense, all in itself, works.

He approaches her, stretches out the phone: say "lo".
Lighting off the monitor: what?
He said "lo" say.

The lighthouse takes the telephone and, with an incomprehensible sight, says to it: lo.

Parnisha begins to roast and throws the phone, shouting: duo, you!!!! to

When we all knew what was happening, we walked up the whole floor.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №136222
A friend after divorce from his wife and a year of depression invites the girl to a restaurant. The main thing is not to let her know that he has children.

Or order a dessert?
If you want a dessert, eat vegetables first.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna