— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №137241
The world is full of injustice, in the cars of the VAZ there is a pedal of gas, and in the cars of the GAZ there is no pedal of the vAZ, in the Ozhegov dictionary there is the word "del", and in the dictionary of Dalia there is no word "burn"!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №137240
My New Year meetings.
What were they?
Very different service at the "Support" with a call a little bit under the curants, I remember that the patient endlessly apologized - for what?, and his company walked in the neighboring room, meeting the New Year.
I saw newborns and New Year's Eve in the operations.
One New Year I met a nurse in the resuscitation — where all the nurses and all the doctors were drunk — except for one doctor, whom I respected and consider an example of duty and conscience.
“Misha, we will not leave the sick at will.”
And we fought for them back to back, all in soap – two solitary warriors on a bowl of severe illnesses, did not lose one – did all appointments, he helped to breed antibiotics – hundreds of small pediatric doses, mistakenly sent to adult resuscitation with giant doses of intravenous antibiotics for septic patients...
They stood up, the clean clothes came to an end in the morning - I scratched the curtains between the sick, cut off and put everyone in the clean. Since then, we have had great respect for each other – and I have ceased to respect some of my colleagues who have forgotten their debt forever.

However, the most memorable for me New Year-I remember so far, many years later I met with my classmates, in the sleeping area of the suburbs.By this time we had friends for many years, passed the LOTOS, KVN, suggested each other, exchanged works for drawings, and romantic relationships were already established.
The boys cooked champagne and the girls cooked champagne.
They passed the old, met the new and loaded with something.
And then Valke and came the thought - he started, all these years - and let's walk around the neighbors, songs to sing and congratulate people, type-call?
Said- done, Valka and Jansik were quite bad guitarists, people we were singing for many years of self-activity and KVNov, a large box of chocolate candy we had, went...
Five floors, a lying skyscraper, a neighboring entrance - and we started!
They ringed at the doors, introduced themselves to know the names of the neighbors and sang their majestic songs, feasted children with chocolate, congratulated them on the New Year...
Lord, how glad we were!! to
Instead of getting stuck in TV-live communication, jokes, laughter, guitarists try, songs, improvisations.
And to the table we were invited and on the staircase cage danced and hugged and grandmothers kissed us, guests take with you.
And then the door opened the poet, invited to the table and poured vodka into the crystal glasses, raised for the New Year - and he began to read poems, his own, other people, read decently, by the way, in memory.
Further brotherhood I remember worse, I remember only the feeling of happiness and celebration, the unity of such different people..." Sbitjen varim "- genially invented Zvanetsky - this was the feeling.
And well in the morning we heard Bonnie M and were able to watch them on our TV.
Sitting for a few minutes and falling asleep, of course.
Many years have passed, the boys have become grandparents, the girls grandparents.
And I remember that New Year as yesterday, glad that I had it.
I wish everyone the coming New Year so that you will remember it for a lifetime!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №137239
What is our life? Seven years before school and three years after retirement.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №137238
XHH: From my communication on the hotline with consumer protection I realized that:
1st I am a fool.
2nd I am a fool. I bought something in that store.
Three I am an incredible fool.
4 is I cannot help.
They wished a good day and did not say goodbye.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №137237
The chief decided to send me to the executive committee for an ideological meeting on the topic of food problems in the Republic of Belarus. I asked if I was ready, knowing in advance that I didn’t know.
I: Of course I am ready.
Chief: Is the speech ready?
I : Of course. I will take the Old Testament. I can tell the story of the five loaves and two fish that fed 10,000 people.
What was there...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №137236
The children came into the house,
My father’s name is:
by Tatiana! by Tatiana! Neuroscience
Replacing the Seller

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №137235
The school holidays are approaching.
In a week, the flow of expert assessments of professionals in the field of politics, military affairs, sexology, etc. will increase on the Internet.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №137234
XX: By the way, did Serega and Lenka argue on Halloween? There was another party.
Strange that you remember her. So much I drank!
xxx : xd
Yyy: Yes, in short, Lenka decided to dress up as a witch. Makeup, costume and hair. I even got the meth somewhere. Well, and asks Seregha type "How do I look?". Well, you know him. I decided to joke and replied "Has something changed? Did you decide not to wear a suit?"
I am an idiot 😉

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №137233
I remember when a friend once complained to me that it was very difficult to carry a suitcase. I was sad, and decided to remove the content to make it easier. She found the forgotten coat of cabbage, which she had been carrying with her for four days.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №137232
I ask Yandex: Delphi how to set a variable so that it can only be assigned a certain set of values

I enter in the search line: delphi how to set a variable to...

Yandex automatically offers the end of the query:...was pleasant

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №137231
For the New Year in Krasnoyarsk brought 8 tons of Thai fruit
Commentary :
I: Well it is cool. For the New Year, each red lighthouse on the holiday table will have about 7 grams of Thai fruit.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №137230
The Irkutsk administration of the SC prepared a method for saving people from the Internet, and people took and died not because of the Internet, but because of a cracker.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №137229
When I was a child, I had a black and white TV. I was given him to play in the seague. I watched it when my parents were already asleep. Okay, I will keep silent that my games were colorless, and the Rangers I had were not blue, red, green, black, white, gold, but grey, light-grey, a little greyer, dark-grey and again grey. That’s what I’m doing... Well, here’s a new trailer. Everything colored, all like the fucking Marvel, it flies and flies and explodes. I hear my heart beating.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №137228
I am now coming to the kitchen for a cup of drink, and there at Mommy's TV is shaking, preschool children of celebrities of our pop-series show. They are there singing, dancing, and demonstrating their other achievements with confidence. Well, what to say, genetics will not be fooled, all like parents - no talents.

[ + 36 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №137227
Why should a woman always fight against a stranger in a coat and a coward?

Yyy: Because a lady in a coward looks much better than a man in a coward.
Even someone else knows about it.)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №137226
Response from the book seller's website:
I tried to download the book “Don’t work with m*daki. And what do you do if they are around you.” A familiarity fragment. The fools. I no longer work with you.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №137225
(Lambersexual is a woodcut, which does not cut the forest, but carefully monitors its image: whether the beard is correctly cut, whether the credit card is picked in the tone of the cut, whether the Iroquois is not shaken - so that other woodcutters do not laugh at him for the bad taste.)

In the original was: to like other woods.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №137224
The inscription on the billboard: "Mandarin is sweet as first love! 1 kg to 50 kg"

Walet: Love at 50 Re per kg. It is cheap!! to
Rated: 2500 to 3000 r. For average love, somewhere it works.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №137223
They say that for the new year everything is always sold, even the fact that the whole year does not sell!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №137222
We need to cross the border of Brest-Terespol on January 1. But, probably, everyone on this weekend and electric buses do not go and it is unclear what with the buses.

Electricians don’t celebrate New Year’s Eve with fireworks, champagne, olives and dances until morning.

The electricians may not celebrate, but the machinery...

Zzz:...they are only with beer and sweets, fast :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna