— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №135001
The drivers did their job. We removed the discussion from the original claim: put the car on the PDD. The lack of places is your problem, not the pedestrians.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №135000
The next phase of automation:
Your car, having contacted the services Yandex.Probok, Yandex.Parkowok and Yandex.Weather, having checked the balance on the credit card, breathing for traces of alcohol and updating the current fuel prices in the database, refuses to start, displaying a recommendation to walk to the subway - because in yesterday's purchases there is a lot of beer, a household budget deficit, the weather is good for a walk, and near your office there is still no place to park. Well, by the way, and the toilet transmits that you would be good to add physical activity, so go ahead - and don't think about trying to get on the bus, your transport bill is temporarily blocked, payment will only take the metro terminal! After that, of course, as the stepper in the smartphone will confirm to him that you went energetically enough and burned the recommended minimum of calories.

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №134999
XXX: In the box from under the chair that I was brought today, there are not two programmers, but one is wrapped, and the box is closed.
XXX: How are you at work?

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №134998
After 9 p.m. all work is done.

Listen, people from the cities, they are busy. In the villages (there also people live there) does not work. Up to 8. And the job is the nearest in the big city and there you have to get there.
And in general, I want to say: you can wash your hands, avenge with a hammer, walk, extract water from a well and other delights of everyday life before electrification. But everyone wants comfort, and someone wants more than others. Someone is driving, someone is buying a car. Someone buys a robot vacuum cleaner, someone buys an ordinary manual vacuum cleaner. Someone is buying a dishwasher, someone a new sponge. Some people don’t work at all and hire a housewife and a driver. So stay away from people who are as comfortable as they are. Not the cost issue. The main thing is that your comfort does not interfere with the convenience of others. But sharing honestly is, forgive me, a communist infection and nonsense.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №134997
When a man does not work, he is longing for the non-recognition of his amazing talents, so he sits and chases the dancers - and even if the wife who works on two jobs tries to hint on contemptible help at home, he is still bad, he has a difficult period, he could feel.
When the wife does not work, because the child is smaller, and she squeezes with the ass in the soap, she no longer remembers when she slept for more than four hours in a row - this insidious grandmother has done well, she must meet her husband with carpet paths, shining cleanliness and dinner cooler than in an elite restaurant - and the husband will also cheer that he works alone, a hero.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №134996
The news:
The swimming pool will appear on the Moscow river. It is a reservoir that is placed in the river waters. This creates the illusion of swimming right in it.

The commentary:
We have set you a pool in the river so that you can swim in the river while you swim in the river.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №134995
It’s hard enough, I just don’t understand why the division of jointly acquired property in marriage during divorce is beneficial to women? Why is this fictional fact used as an argument against the official marriage? People, men, in what country do you live? Have you watched the films?
Let’s look to the truth – if you are afraid that a woman will take away the apartment you already have before the wedding, so don’t be afraid, it won’t take away, it’s in your property. But if you were with the naked ass before the wedding, and in the marriage already got an apartment / car / house, so the woman in these purchases invested no less than yours!even if you personally carefully put all your salary in cubic - it does not mean that the apartment / car / house bought personally you and only you. With the wedded salary you ate, bought clothes and paid the rent of housing. And they have no less rights than you have. Take off your pink glasses and look at the world sober.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №134994
From the English-language forum, where the previous Olympics were discussed:
Despite the fact that English athletes for the gold medal do not receive any privileges in their country, German athletes for gold are provided with a lifetime supply of beer, and Belarusian athletes - no less amount of sausage.
Yyy: In this case, the marriage of a German and a Belarusian athlete will be a divine combination for both!
Zzz: Something tells me that their children will no longer be gold medalist...

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №134993
The Babylonians

You are, of course, in a white coat and not a grandmother. I have only one question. And you are not embarrassed by the fact that your friend is an intelligent and free-willed creature? No one is forcing him to live with a lady and fulfill her desires. He lives and performs, so he likes and wants it. And so much he values your relationships, relationships with other women, regardless of how some left-wing hysterical grandmother (you) relates to it.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №134992
>>> I don’t understand at all what kind of retirement should be delivered by postmen. Why not give each pensioner a debit card and transfer pension to it? There are still holes somewhere, where the cash is dragged by a postman without any protection, like a sub-incasator?

Yes they remained. About two-thirds of the territory of Russia. My ancestors in the village only this year had a store accepting card payments. I have never heard of such a thing as a bankomat.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №134991
In every work I do, sooner or later, somebody gets into a pissuard. Sometimes several times a week It was especially funny in a team that arranged a scandal with the cleaner why she doesn’t clean the dirty dishes behind them. They don’t like to live like pigs with dirty dishes in the kitchen. And in Piszuar fucking is not like pigs.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №134990
Why do I marry?
1) It is more pleasant to call yourself a wife, and his - a husband, than a cohabitant / cohabitant.
2) to sign a single paper certificate of marriage is easier than
a) with each born child to travel to the ZAGS must be two, pay a state duty for establishing paternity, etc.
b) with each major purchase to rewrite a will. (All people are mortal and suddenly, and then to share jointly earned property with his relatives - well his naphig)
3) do not have to long and boring to explain to all the thirsty why we are not married and present more papers in all instances
In general, when you feel OBA that you want to live together all your life (well or most), the stamp only works to ease the bureaucracy, and if before marriage there are many thoughts about leaving/divorcing/sharing property, then yes, it is necessary.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №134989
Are you so strange today?
yyy: I went to the interview, the pattern in the chlam... I’m ashamed to tell (
Xxx :?? to
Yyy: I come, therefore... I am alone in my position (lawyer). I was interviewed by only two people: a lawyer ichi and a timlid (the passport of local programmers). Well, we talked, talked a lot about licensing, delivery and contracts. With a cup of coffee, everything works. And at some point I’m asked: "And what languages do you know?"Well, I’m all so relaxed and on the positive take and crack: "On Python'e I write, C# I know a little, JS so, for the box, well and Java I suffer in my free time". Well, we stumbled, and their timlids are here! Give me the tasks. It was strange, but I was caught.
I guess I’m going to ask stupidly: Who?
yyy: Python Developer's
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx And the SP?
yyy: 40k higher than I could get from them as a lawyer %-)
I am so happy 😉 😉 😉

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №134988
And now you come and say, "You have surpluses! Give half of the random alkasha with 3 classes of education, who throws the streets and lives in a shelter. Everyone should be equal"

No one said that everyone should be equal. But that the minimum wage and graduate scholarship should be greater than the minimum level of living, and it is not necessary to speak - and so clearly.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №134987
Strange, the USSR collapsed 25 years ago, and I still have no sex.

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №134986
It is very funny to read how various inadequates constantly self-confidently argue about normal people. How do you know, dear ones, what are normal people and how do they behave?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №134985
I live separately from my parents, in another city, rent a house. Periodically, we talk on the phone or on Skype, they are interested in my business. I talked to my dad on the phone:

"Bla-Bla, I have changed housing, I rent a room from the owner, a man older than me, lives in this same apartment, I am happy, in general.

Father gives the phrase:

He is a pedophile, and suddenly he is a pedophile.

I’ve been in Kabbalah for 40 years.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №134984
Broadcasting about hysterical babes and the fact that she is all the thread in a white coat is beautiful, you miss one obvious, at first glance thing: a man is not a calf, whom you drag, he will go there. Just you and your five-year friendship with him is not worth the shit, and he at the very first opportunity demonstrated it, preferring you a “hysterical grandmother.” By the way, this behavior is not only characteristic of women, and since we already have examples from life here, I will bring my own. I in a similar situation for my best friend held to the last: translated the claims into a joke, explained that nothing between us was and was not in seven years, asked not to be jealous, begged - and yet after a while we and the guy broke up. Not because of a friend, but constant aggressive attacks on his side did their job. Because I can’t just take that and limit the communication with the person with whom we have experienced so much together, who pulled me out of different life shit and whom I pulled out no less. And your friend and friend of your girlfriend could, preferring you, such a smart and good, hysterical. You’t blame hysterical babes, not very good friends and not very smart people in general, but you don’t want to see the situation completely, right?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №134983
The cigarette is not the soldier’s best friend, but the sniper’s. I was even taught to shoot light at night.

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №134982
Manufacturer Durex recognized Russia as the main brake for its business:

Unwise - here and without them Gondons are enough

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna