— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №136001
From the discussion of the picture:
This posture is anatomically impossible.
WOW: It is absolutely possible if you break several bones.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №136000
I broke my leg by stumbling on the plaque, carefully wet floor.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №135999
I worked in a call center. There are a lot of people, you don’t know everyone. The cup is always the turn. One dissatisfied girl advised to pour hot water out of the refrigerator. She returns and says the water in the refrigerator has not warmed yet. When asked how she found out, the answer was, “I touched a bottle of water.”

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №135998
Please bring a towel. 3 words, 26 letters, 0 problems. Learn how requests are formulated.

And two fucking stuff!! to

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №135997
E: picked up adequates in the chat, do not breathe
A is a chicken. So is better?
E: No, this is an apolitical statement. at least the rate of the ruble should be added, the HIV epidemic, sinking entrances and hCG. For alternatives armat, Syria, Trump and Kuznetsov.
A: Kurlyk because of the Trump armada raised the course of the ruble in Syria, squeezed through the gkch and got infected with HIV, Kurlyk.
E: You mixed the contexts, burning hearts so that you don’t gather in a crack clone and don’t arrange a bird bowl.
A is fucking. I am too adequate.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №135996
News: “The most beautiful pop of Brazil, Suzie Cortés, was photographed naked with the 2018 World Cup talisman drawn on her chest – the wolfwolf Zabivaka.”

The comments:
vovkaibnalesha: Is it true that on her ass you can depict the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest on a scale of 1: 1?

Disik: Unpatriotic, let the Bordeaux panorama paint

Deutscher_stolz: No, better than the feat of 28 Panfilov Heroes. Only so that all of the 50, or as many as they were there according to the Soviet version, the Foshist tanks could fit.

vovkaibnalesha: Liberation of 33 miners from the San Jose mine.

deutscher_stolz: I would still suggest that Fyodor Konyukhov dive to the bottom of the Marian Falls, but it would be even more pornographic than rescuing the miners.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №135995
Tag: put on commodity
Ivan: It will not be comfortable in the commodity. I’d better put you on the table.
Tagged with: Nakomode Like a Japanese name.
Ivan: Attack of Nakomode.
The Sun: Aha The horse.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №135994
Unxed: You look like Princess Leia in these headphones

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №135993
One of my friends (let’s call him for the conspiracy Maxim), while studying at the institute met a girl from a parallel faculty. Let’s call it the conspiracy of the Light.

They had a common couple. They talked while standing in the hallway. Sitting together. And somehow it happened that in this couple they were held together almost all the time.

The relationship was practically friendly. On the verge of flirting. I will note that the light of my friend was not a friendzone. In the sense that she did not pour out complaints on her boys, did not ask for help with the transportation of furniture and did not try to manipulate them at all. She was just very nice, sociable and welcoming.

Maxim quickly noticed that he was waiting for a couple with some unhealthy for the student-sweeping anxiety. Listen to the feelings. Eventually, he confessed to himself that he fell in love.

During this time, he had a paper with his mobile phone number in his pocket. And every weekend, Maxim was scratching his hands to call and invite Light somewhere.

There was no 100% certainty that the Light would respond with reciprocity and would not offer pioneering friendship. There was a fear that after rejection, the joint couple would not turn into a complete discomfort. In other words, it was a stupid insecurity.

In the meantime, it came to summer holidays. The couple also ended. Then Maxim decided that he would wait for the end of the class, and there was pan or disappeared.

And here, when he finally got out of his jeans pocket a promised paper, he found that the number to the dog heroes was erased. He was in his pocket for too long. Like a stupid melodrama.

Max did not give up. He tried to recover the memory numbers. For five weeks he intimidated strangers with his sudden calls to the cell phone with questions, not whether they were the Light.

He tried through fellow students to get on to fellow students of Light and thus get on to someone who knew her phone. But he only achieved a platonic love with the old-age girl of the Svetina group. She had a recorded number, but it turned out to be old and unworking.

Max has memory. I remembered that Light once mentioned the number of the school in which she was studying. I remembered this number and called it several times, appearing as a lawyer, then a journalist. The directorate of the school did not give the number and, probably, was surprised for a long time - what the Light distinguished that attracted so much attention.

Eventually, the parents invited Max to take a trip to the south. Max realized that he was almost fucking out of the summer and agreed. The entire family arrived at the airport loaded with bags.

And when Max was already going to land, his cell phone ringed.

The Maxim? Hi to you! Going to the cinema today? A sound of light came from the tube. Max looked at the bags, on the parents, thrown mentally into what would become a romantic version of the development of events. Then he guessed how many percent of his soul would die if he chose not with his heart, but with his head.

"Sorry, it won't work today," hating himself, he answered on the phone.

Fate loves such jokes.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №135992
About the series "Game of Thrones"
XHH: A very good series. But you have to look at it thoroughly. I turned off the first season.
The first is unclear.
Everyone is fucking.
We need to go on)
HH: And then they will stop?
I’ll do it too, but you’re already used to it.)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №135991
If bribes are placed in cages along the Kremlin wall, the revenue from tourism will cover the cost of bribery.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №135990
Connecting the homephone. Kids are running around, as usual, they are all interested. A lot of questions, the answers come up by themselves. One boy asks:
Are there many apartments?
I answered:
- You will help me offgenically if you run away and count how many!
The five men were a girl.
These bulls were broken to count. I wanted to breathe calmly. And then this little girl cried out:
Where are you? Look at how many mailboxes, sheep!! to

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №135989
Ulyukayev was charged with receiving bribery in a small amount, which is incompatible with the position of a Russian official.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №135988
XX: now read the note "reality of relations in the 21st century". There are a lot of books, but I gathered my strength. A note from the guy.
“We [the girl] could spend together 8.12 and 24 hours for dozens of days without breaks and were not tired at all.”
She closed the note, realizing that the guys didn't fuck at work, this is the root of all existential problems. The comfort zone, blaze.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №135987
A guy learns to love a girl without filters on Instagram.

(Short description of the cartoon "Shrek")

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №135986
XXX: What is Emotion?
YYY: Emotions arise in the process of friction of the inner world about the external.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №135985
Hubble, discussing tags "my computer" -- "computer" -- "this computer"

xxx: Always crawled from the inscription “This computer.” In Russian, a sign with such an inscription looks strange.
yyy: It is elementary, Watson – after a very short period of use in the middle will automatically appear the adjective on Y... ;)

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №135984
Learning to program in 21 days is very easy. It’s like turning the clock. The solar. Through the road. In the Portuguese.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №135983
GK, discussion of the ethics of genetic interference in the human genome:

Why is it unethical to change the color of eyes, skin and hair?? to
YYY: It will be inconvenient for racists to identify the object of hatred. Here is a white, blue-eyed blonde, but he is actually a black man. What to do with racists? Why doesn’t anyone care about racists?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №135982
There was an order from the administration to raise wages. Therefore, I was cancelled the supplement of 3500 rubles and added 3500 to my salary.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna