— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №134341
Listen, but it’s true – if men in their 40s are going to marry 20-year-olds, live with them for 20s, and then get divorced – then these 40-year-old divorces at the peak of sexuality will be looking for 20-year-old lovers and touch them so that they won’t have time to be upset that they didn’t get 20-year-old peers. Then, when these boys are 40, they will find 20-year-olds and teach them everything from the height of their experience. That’s what I invented, I’m a genius! And up to 20, of course, all sex should be prohibited by law, because it is unfigured.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №134340
Train with Arsenal fans crashed into a herd of cows: 11 animals died

First thought: Well why call the poor fans so, sorry for the dead... Then I realized that they were about cows.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №134339
The perfect argument is when strangers argue. As they say, nothing personal.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №134338
The Caribbean Crisis. The relationship between the USSR and the United States is far from ideal. Exercises in the Far Sea. Two flying Tu-163sh tankers. Suddenly two NATO fighters approach. Hanging on the tail. They look. (Thanks to take the tankers for bombers.)
The pilot of one of the Tu-163s connects radio communication and openly communicates to the second:
Calmar-4, let go of the electronic touch.
A moment of confusion, then the lead comes. A long fuel hose with a cone at the end begins to run out of the tanker. Fighters, of course, hear everything on the radio and choke.
I am Calmar-4, the release of the electronic capture is completed. Ready for task!
- Calmar-4, attention... catch the right!!! to
Both fighters immediately fail down one and a half kilometers and leave. The hell knows these Russians.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №134337
In the state:
Hi, I am Volodyn.
We are all Volodymyrs, name me.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №134336
There is a Russian-language newspaper in Israel "Our Country". Then there were elections in Israel.

In the night of 29 to 30 May 1996 this newspaper "differentiated". She had to surrender to the printing room before midnight, and the first reliable results of the elections were expected not earlier than two nights: exit polls pointed to nothing, and clarity eventually appeared closer to 6 o'clock in the morning. Therefore, the main political researcher of "Our Country" raised one-and-a-half bands about the results of the elections, never naming the name of the winning candidate. She wrote that the winner is a well-known, authoritative politician, not by chance he received the support of the majority in the elections, having defeated a very serious rival. Now he will have to fulfill his election promises in the sphere of economy and security... and so on, for 12,000 signs. The target audience has not noticed any understatement: the missing information in the text about who won, readers already knew))).

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №134335
42 is Gurchenko’s waist range (according to the first calculator), not the diameter. And the cat's waist range is 55 cm, by topicstarter, which is surprising. I don’t like Gurchenko, remember 90-60-90. 55 is almost 60. Where have you seen such cats that they have a belly like a typical model? This is not even a meinkun, it is a gepard!

You forget that the typical model is the narrowest place, and the typical cat is the widest!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №134334
One day my student, who was sent to the city geography Olympiad, did not come to it because... he was lost and did not find the school where it was held. This case forced me to make serious adjustments in the methodology of selection of Olympians, paying attention not only to theoretical, but also practical skills.

[ + 23 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №134333
Oh my homeland!
LGBT people are worse than Stalin.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №134332
I’m a 32-year-old man, but I never change my 28-year-old wife for a 18-20-year-old. Because of my work, I periodically go to institutions and communicate with them - to say that they are a little different in intelligence and communication - nothing to say. Everyone has their age and if a man attracts young people, he or she wants to self-affirm, because. A young woman is easier to shoot, or wants to feel young. This is my opinion.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №134331
The boring grandmother
One person cannot give everything. Therefore, falling in love in marriage or immediately after it is most often the opposite of the former partner. If the husband is a tyrant, then the lover is a cableman. If the wife is gentle, the mistress is a straw. It’s very simple, but I hope it’s clear. The energetic and untouched also leave. Boring and correct. Because they are tired, looking for tranquility, certainty, a well-established life, etc. Anyone can get bored and tired. Many people fall in love in marriage. Someone paints a magical picture and leaves. And someone understands that this is just a mirage that will soon evaporate. And you will see the ordinary person, but already with other shortcomings. You can choose options for a lifetime, but you will never find the ideal. But thinking with your head before the wedding and talking to your partner, discussing problems and not watering him with shit if you suddenly split up, is not such a bad option.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №134330
A child named Akaki
Easy to find in kindergarten
He usually sits separately.
Dreaming of Killing Everyone Around

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №134329
This Aunt from the Aramachevo Museum told yesterday that 30 students from France came to her, broke the ballay and spoiled the petroleum lamp.
yyy> did everything right
yyy> what else remains to do for French tourists in the Urals

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №134328
A sick child - a banal cold - sores, a day later cough and all that, even without a fever. My wife now writes:
In the morning I did inhalation with euphylline, gramidine, remantadine. Onion with honey, now lies with a compress of barley fat and propolis tincture. Suprastin and Acypol. The throat was treated with chlorophyllipt, cl 15 min inhalipt, cl 15 min imudon

Then the question is, do you think she will survive?? to

I sit here and think, who? Children or bacteria.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №134327
A colleague named Anton has returned from a friend’s wedding. He tells us:
- Imagine, consistent Anton - the Bridegroom, the witness, I...
Reply from the room:
I wonder what the name of the bride was.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №134326
XXX: Here is another story. 10 years ago I flew with Chloe from the United States to the Russian Federation to my parents, Chloe never flew on a plane until this point and was slightly frightened. In the aircraft, each passenger had a card "How to behave on the aircraft", it was drawn a carved mobile phone, as well as a CD player (it is not clear why). I myself flew several times and knew that CD players were not forbidden, but Chloe, seeing the player, said, "Maybe not? It is written that it is not ". I calmly answer her, don’t worry, I’ve done it 100 times and I press the PLAY button. At this point, the plane gets into the air hole and it begins to cough, the cry of Chloe then remembered probably all the passengers, and I then a week before her apologized.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №134325
From the actual report of a police officer:

In such a number, in such a number, a citizen was transported to the territory of a protected object under the form of a transport vehicle a car of the brand VAZ-2105..."

It reminded the old saying: "The victim was shot down by an object similar to a car."

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №134324
Episode 8: The Pirates Are Out
XXX: The trailer has arrived
YYY: They will never end
Then there will be the descendants of the vortex.
XXX: The Pebble

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №134323
Today I realized that I was disturbed by sex when I put on an electric cup, then put lunch to warm up, heard the cup off and the microwave was running with it. Then I thought "Oh! At the same time they ended..." The first time I was ashamed of myself.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №134322
>> How did they manage to train the fly, how? The computer is resting.

I don’t know what happened in that western, but my grandmother (a well-known entomologist in narrow circles) told such a story.
The case was in the middle of the last century, a movie about war was filmed there, and the operator needed flies to crawl on the pillows and the face of the wounded. But in winter, where to get the flies?
They were taken to the grandmother, and she kept these same flies for her needs. They slept in the cold.
She brought them to the set, landed them from the box on the pillow.
“Well, you just take a quick shot while they wake up, they barely crawl as you should, and then fly away!”

We filmed quickly and from one double, and where to go.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna