— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №132319
From the forum:
My three-year-old daughter asked me how I came up. I told her that I came to the pharmacy, selected the best girl from the catalogue, I was given a pill, and then you came out of my stomach.
He comes from the garden, crying. She says I cheated her. Sereza (a boy from the group) said I came from Pisa. I proudly demonstrated her a scarring from Caesarean and said - it was Sereza from the scratch appeared, and you from the stomach.
The next day Seresh cried over the injustice of this world.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №132318
Theme of the "transport company "Odyssey". Let us not forget that "Odyssey" is literally the evil of the gods, yes. But the point is not even that, I myself had a slogan for them: "Twenty years in the maritime transport market".

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №132317
Oh, babies, babies... ZAGS is not an expression of love, remember it once and for all! Maybe we want to buy a new apartment? Property transactions are better done without being married. This as an example.

Of course, what love is there, if "we want to buy an apartment" so that the temporary dormitory does not get anything in any case. The fact that it is temporary is by default, and the fact that it is a shelter is also. What is there on the Fig "Love".

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №132316
It is scary actually. Even worse, there are still blurries who consider this to be the norm, and even require that all others submit to this norm. In a normal country, this fool would be jailed for inciting, inciting and organizing mass crimes. But our intestines are thin. Sounds day and that’s all.

He already turned on the rear transmission, a kind of joke. But in fact, human rights organizations are interested in this and are going to ban it at the legislative level.
It was thought that this anachronism remained only in the countries of Africa, it turned out to be very common in Dagestan.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №132315
How to correctly translate to English "Doctor"?
I need to write a issue to someone on GitHub.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №132314
In our main office suddenly started to repair the toilet. All toilets were removed from their seats and placed in the corridor. There was a note on the toilet door:
Is it related to the package?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №132313
What was studied at the Institute of Noble Virgins:
The daughters of nobles from 6 to 18 years of age studied at the Smolny Institute. The subjects of study were: the law of God, French, arithmetic, drawing, history, geography, verbality; in addition, dances, music, craftsmanship and various types of household were studied. In the Smolny Institute, subjects of secular treatment were also taught.

And after Paul's coming to power, his wife Maria Fedorovna further changed her education toward "women's duties."
Do you really think that with this education, you can grow a scientist? Three haha. Women are taught as future mothers.No one ever thought that a woman could do science.
A woman must be the perfect sewing, weaving, carpentry, and cook; she must divide her existence between the children's room and the kitchen, the basement, the wardrobe, the yard and the garden. End of quote.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №132312

As women so immediately take care, women know how to make noise. And men should bow for themselves and for them. The fact that men die so early is their fault. The fact that the organism is worn out of overload has nothing to do with this.

From alcohol overload, their body is worn out. My grandfather was 90 years old - all his life until retirement, he walked to the far north, crawling, as you never dreamed. And his neighbors, healthy men, did not live to 70, sitting on the couch with a bubble. By the way, the grandmother at the factory for 40 years, a year younger than the grandfather - nothing, lives. Only the uterus had to be removed, or it fell out.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №132311
I bought a bottle of famous soda, I come to work, there are two employees at the entrance, smoking. I ask for politeness, say, no one will drink? The answer is no, we care about our health.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №132310
of female scientists. Want examples of the 20th century? Okay, googlem Rosaline Franklin. It was 1952-53. Rosaline decoded the structure of DNA, the double spiral. Who was awarded the Nobel Prize for this discovery? Watson and Crick, the men who used Rosaline’s data but forgot to mention it. She died of cancer in ignorance. Rosaline was remembered only in the 21st century, thanks to the same evil feminists. And even now, no one has condemned Watson and Crick for unethical behavior (in fact, for appropriating other people’s data).
Yes, there are no female scientists.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №132309
The manic girl caught up.
on the 25th floor
Why did I not want it.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №132308
To the shit about the institute of noble girls: before comparing it with higher educational institutions for men, at least take a look at what the girls were taught there. The law of God, foreign languages, Russian verbality, history, georgaphia, arithmetic, dances, music, vocals, drawings, secular etiquette, housekeeping, craftsmanship, heraldics. For the townsmen there was a reduced course with a focus on household. Later, the duration of education for the nobles was reduced to 9 years (instead of 12, as was the case with Catherine), and for the townsmen to 6 years. And now think what would have happened if Lomonosov had taught on the same program.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №132307
I went to the park with a quadcopter yesterday. Quadricle in hand. I pass by the bench on which the alkashi (man and woman) sit, and the alkashi with an internship. And I hear behind the back: "" how many jobless people run with toys instead of working".

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №132306
Who is here?! to

>They are disgusting that they were late to start teaching, or they would be uh! Move the science.
Thus you recognize your own inferiority as a species.

As far as I know, only people can print booklets on the internet. Not everything, I probably know. What kind of kind will you be, dear? There is such a thing as a privilege. But it is very difficult to see the privileged, because the same has everything, which means that everyone else complains because they are stupid or something else. To your attention, literally a few years ago, some gunmen pulled 200 girls (not women and not even girls) from one African school, because according to their worldview, the place for girls is not there, but a bed, a servant and a babysitter in some hall. Very young girls, 10 years old. People who want to learn despite the danger. Call them incomplete, so why are you showering?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №132305
I know the worst story!

Do not want a man in the ZAGS, does not love, you will not be fortunate.

A girlfriend left her after years of relationship. He cries at his friends and they ask her to come back to him. She just wanted marriage and children, but he didn’t want it. She said, “You won’t be forced. and left. Find someone with whom your interests match. The man wondered why she didn’t want to live with him. The only question remains: why should she, in the opinion of men, put off her hoodies and forget about her wishes, and the man is the victim in any case? Even if you push him to the Zags, go there with someone else.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №132304
A dictator easily disposes ignorant people because of the radicalism, determination and scale of his actions and discourages those who are able to see the ambiguity of their consequences.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №132303
Inesa was hungry for violence.
Drinking vodka, drinking tea
I watched Artemisia in the movie.
He gave me money and fell asleep.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №132302
Meeting with friends...

How good that you both came!
We have arrived in Poland!
...??? to
Me and my half. Is it one and a half?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №132301
Childhood Misconceptions

I was convinced in my childhood (the distant naive 80s) that if something was stolen from someone, or broken, or lost, the militia will repay the lost, (which is remarkable - how much the victim will say) and that, in fact, it (militia) exists for that. And only then will look for the thief to reimburse their costs.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №132300
He was born in 65 in a small working village. We had a phone at home and needed to tell the telephone worker which number to call - I was five years old, as I remember now. You had nothing at the end of the 90s. Are you from the planet Earth?

In the mid-1980s, a new building. I had to wait four years on the phone. I don’t see anything criminal in the original.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna