— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №132119
>... in view of the market...

I was crying. This is a quote from a website that sells Swiss watches for crazy hundreds of thousands of backs.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №132118
Q: How did you go yesterday?

WOW: So for yourself. There are few mushrooms, the internet does not pull. Of all the entertainment only the movie "Lera Croft - the rapist of mushrooms". I didn’t get bored in two hours.

HH: Isn’t this a game? A form with forms?

Wow: No, this is a comedy about how our Valerka is afraid of spiders and spiders. The waterplane under the beard itself, the sleeves are tightened with rubber, the bottom is filled in leggins, they are in golf, and all this tightened except that it is not a latex tile that runs out of huge tourist bushes. The hair in the cushion + frozen under the bandana. She steals quietly, sitting and curving, not to hit a branch or a spade, and periodically freezes, like a statue, for a minute, listening to whether anyone is crawling on it... And if the check is failed or it has stuck somewhere the web, it with an ultrasonic whisper jumps from place to air, wildly repelling from the invisible enemy. I can’t describe it, I have to see it with my own eyes.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №132117

here here :
And I am annoyed by pidaras and pidaras that I even have near the rubbish pipeline between the floors.
They do not smoke.
by p.s Smoke to them in the apartments does not get, and I smoke at night, when no one carries garbage.

Oh, forgive me generously, pigeon, how will they know that you smoke there? Can you throw the bulls on the floor?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №132116
Vidos on YouTube, where the fish in the store itself jumps into the basket to the buyer. He puts it back into the aquarium.
The first stone pleased:

"We have to be human. Buy this fish and let it go back into the forest.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №132115
I took a new passport yesterday. The institution was called: “Emergency photo for documents”. The photographer for five minutes put the light, troubled his tongue, asked to raise his head, lower a little, turn a little, smile a little, smile a little, be more serious, etc. He made a piece of 20-30 frames. The filming took 20 minutes. I told him I could wait in the studio while he was working. ! ) with photographs. At my question, why work - choose the most successful and print - with contempt whispered: "Did you see your bags under your eyes? Do you want the border guards to accept you as a terrorist?” I was forced to agree not to hear the other "compliments" about my appearance.

Kren knew what he was doing, but he looked very concerned at the monitor, pushed out his tongue, pressed his mouse intensely, and breathed bitterly. At the end of the hour from the start of the visit, he handed me pictures.

From there, I was looked at by a donelza photographed absolutely smooth rose. If it were not a hint of a nose and a red mouth, like a vampire’s mouth, the most appropriate definition would be a ass with eyes. On my silent question, the photographer shrugged his shoulders:

“Sorry, of such material, nothing better to do!”

There are no words. She went and sent him to that very ass without taking a photo and not paying a penny. Two hundred meters later she went to another institution, and in 15 minutes she left there with decent photographs.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №132114
Our mayor, a good man, decided to run for deputies. He hanged banners around the city listing what the mayor had done. Yesterday I watched a picture: the paladins in orange vests, grumbling for the whole day, barely sitting alive on the border to rest, consider the poster with his image:

“I cleaned 40 parks and squares.”

One, heavily relying on the butt, breathes:

Oh shit, he cleansed it.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №132113
I go to my younger sister’s room. She sits and plays with her grandmother’s coat. As soon as he sees me, he shouts:

– Oh! Let’s play the Hunter and the Duck! ... →

And, directing the cocktail to me in the manner of a two-step, he quietly adds:

and fly.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №132112
I have two bad news for you.

Unite them together.

Your girlfriend is deceiving us both.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №132111
They come to me for my birthday with a friend. They smile mysteriously. I expect.

Son: (confidently begins, holding the envelope in his hands) - Father, congratulations! You have 47, so we decided to give you 47 cents of money.

I: (with false humility) - Yeah, you are what! Why so much?

Son: (with noticeable relief) - But we have not completed 40 so we only give 7 pieces!

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №132110
It was at the end of the 80s. During the Soviet Union, schools were required to strictly comply with rules, such as the compulsory wearing of a school uniform, a pioneering tie. If a girl has long hair, then they must be assembled in a tail or wrapped up in cracks, or if you are already in high school, then don’t give god you came up with makeup.

The story happened when Yulia was in primary school. Their teacher was such a woman of communist hardness. Well, as usual, she had favorites, and there were students she did not like. Julia was somehow in the last, despite the fact that she did not learn badly. It wasn’t good, but it was also a trio. The teacher did not miss the opportunity to showcase the students of this group in front of the whole class on any occasion.

There was some control. Yulkin's mother left in the evening to the neighboring city for a session - she studied off-site at some institute. Yucca went out by herself in the morning. She gathered her hair in the tail and slapped the brick with a fist. When he sat down to write the checklist, the unskillfully blown blade constantly slipped out of the blade and fell on his eyes. Yulke had to constantly repair her, and she scratched again. After a while, the teacher noticed it and said, “Julia, go here.” Jolly has arrived. Does the hair bother? Let me help you.”

Here, this creature takes such large scissors from the table and just before the whole class, it cracks Yulke’s tail.

The tail. with knives. In front of the whole class.

Don’t ask why the tail and not the brick, nobody knows.

“The hair should be put in order at home, Julia, not at school.”

Julia turns into tears and she slowly returns to her place.

Yulka quietly cried behind the party, but the worst thing was ahead - in the evening she had to come back, and Yulka was afraid that she would fall heavily for this incident. Therefore, coming home, Yulka didn’t come up with anything better than changing clothes, but not taking off the winter hat. When my mother returned in the evening, she naturally asked why Yulka was in a hat, but she replied that something was cold, ears and head frozen, so she is still in a hat. Well, my mom didn’t really bother, but it was time to go to bed and the hat had to be removed. Mother naturally wept and asked what was going on. She cried and told me how it was.

My mother did not argue. Mom just called Yulkin’s grandfather and told him about the situation.

The next morning, Julia went to school with her grandfather in the hand. Yulkin’s grandfather was a kind man, but at the same time he was very demanding and strict, as he worked as a boss in some factory. When they arrived, the lesson had not yet begun, but there was already a teacher and 2-3 children in the class. The grandfather went into the classroom, introduced himself to the teacher, said there was a conversation and asked the students to wait in the hallway.

She heated her ears at the door. She was interested in listening to what they were talking about, but through the door it was unclear. I heard the bass grandfather say something to the teacher, and then her whispering voice responds to him. The conversation was heated, they spoke louder and louder, and then at some point Yulka heard the sound of a delicious straw. This is rain! And it all silenced. Then the door opens, the grandfather comes out, behind him a teacher with such a crassy cheek and a purple ear.

“Sorry to me, Julia.”

Her apologies were not needed, but her purple ear clearly smoothed offensive.

And Yulka and her mother then went to the barber, and she made a careful equal punishment.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №132109
In school years he grew up as a fairly intelligent child, and therefore in high school was defined by teachers as an Olympian for all occasions of life. There were four in our class, if there is a contest, then we go. If we need to “defend” the honor of the school, then we go.

Here is another Olympics, but there, according to the rules, it was necessary to send 5 people. The fifth wheel was chosen by a girl who for the first time in her life won 5 in mathematics (they thought the Olympiad would be mathematical). In the end, it turned out that we competed with a class from another school a year older than us.

The Olympics went well, we won, but our fifth wheel took no part, even a couple of times arranged hysteria about the fact that it does not understand what to do. The award took place at the school. Participants receive a certificate and a office set. Oh, how I wanted such a set for myself, because at home I had an ordinary box under my fingers, glued with Hubba-Bubba stickers. I stood and waited for him to be handed over to me. Everyone was rewarded, even the fifth wheel, and I didn’t. I quietly approached my teacher and asked why they didn’t give me anything.

The answer was this:

-You know, we only bought 4 sets, so we decided not to give you literacy too, so you don't get upset.

I always go to competitions. Why did they give it to her and not to me?

She is a girl.

The only satisfaction was that these office kits broke in their first week, and my parents on the day of awarding bought me one that still serves 8 years later.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №132108
World Championship in Football. I am standing in the store, choosing water, in the south we are very hot in the summer. A man stands next to him, turning a bottle of Baltic beer in his hand with our footballers on the labels. Baltica, as you know, was the sponsor of our national team, TV advertising was rotated in the type: "Maybe if we want."The man crushes the bench and says: that beer is shit, that the team. I put the bottle back and left. As they say, neither to give nor to take.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №132107
My driver told me this story. He served in the Soviet times in the army in Moldova. The military unit was located near a large village, so it was quite boring to go to the dismissal.

But this is not the point.

My friend and I went to the shop in the morning. There are two men who come to us and ask:

Soldiers, buy us wine! The locals don’t sell us here, they’ll sell you. Here you have a three-liter bank and money - and three rubles. “Won,” they say, “can be purchased in that house!

My friend and I go into the yard.

Lord, we say, will you not sell us the wine?

Show the bank with money. The man said something to his wife, she carries cups of wine and three cups of healthy. The man ordered this bank to hide, he poured wine into our cups, he drank with us and did not take the money. We go out with an empty bank.

Not sold here! We are talking.

Come into this house! You can buy there. Men are shaking from the Bodong. We enter the second house. There is a woman of forty years, washing in the yard. She saw us with the bank and cried:

Oh guys, my son is also in the army, so what are you standing, let’s get to the table! He gave us food and drinks for free. We get out of there... The red mouths are already in both...

We do not sell wine here. We are talking. The men changed their faces.

You are drunk! They scream – we see!

Well, so fill - it fills! Selling is not selling! They gave them a bank and three rubles and went on...This is the story.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №132106
Yesterday I met a friend with two cute girls (as it turned out, 10 years younger than us). We were lucky to drive them around the city by car. They turned on the music and opened the windows.

And then a friend in a serious voice said to me quietly:

They may be sick, and I am afraid to get my back cold. How different are our thoughts!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №132105
My friend’s cat is called Felix Allergene Mc'Schrödinger. When asked whether it is wise to call a cat, she answers:
His grandmother called him Felix because he was allergic to me, Mac because he was a Scottish whisker, and Schrödinger because he was a cat, and because I was allergic to him, it was not clear how long he would stay with us. Well... Or I..."

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №132104
In life, it is not important to sail in the current or against the current, the main thing is to have a yacht.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №132103
A friend (let’s call her Natasha) complains: “I sit in a cafe, I drink cleansing smoothies with beets and I hate myself – because the taste is rare shit. Next to the dumb babency passes the eggs of Benedict. And cuddling, the shit. The hand, you won’t believe, pulled herself behind the fork (to knock her in the bowl!) Here somehow I became thirsty – I am here sitting all of such an offgenny in a stretching DKNY shirt, a pot like a nuts, hair on the belt, burned and... alone. And she puts the mayonnaise sauce in cholesterol and smiles. I’ll call the waitress to order an omelette with double bacon, a piece of Napoleon, and... End it. For whom do I keep the shape? Why Squats and Diets? Who wants my ass? The Despair! The Disappointment! Thinly!
But here I notice a guy taking pictures of me on an iPhone. Drunk with this taste. and smiles! Such a cute one! On the table is the Maxim magazine. Well I think, Ave Maria! Madonna heard my prayers. I sharply grab the smoothie and take a straw in my mouth. I invite you to dialogue. I pose in the best traditions of the Via Gra. I photograph, but it doesn’t fit. Well, I think it’s definitely a pervert! Jack is sweat.:) I can't stand shorter, scratch the patterns and fit myself. I say, “Hi, you’re probably photographing for Maxim?” He lifts up his beautiful eyes, almost tearing from enthusiasm. We silently experience the pre-orgasmic Zen of the first acquaintance. I lower my eyes to his iPhone to see myself with his eyes... And there... There, the fox, the Pokémon. No, do you understand? He fucking caught the Pokemon!!”
© Evgeny Chereshnev

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №132102
Barrymore, what kind of wave is this in the swamps?
You never took your grandmother to the sea, sir.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №132101
The Cidels were talking here with the Google Capsule, and we were born with ideas for the future Capsule:

Prove that you are not a robot, create a smart life.
Prove that you are not a robot, hurt a human being or allow him to be hurt by your inaction.
Prove that you are not a robot, leave the Matrix

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №132100
Do you really believe in the existence of such stupid women?

I am a girl. I know those individuals. Breaking a hand because of a quarrel is easy, swallowing pills because of insults is easy, marrying a sadist - with pleasure. God told them to get pregnant. And here is the famous thing: you give him birth, and he will stop chasing on the grandmothers.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna