— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №129459
We had a donation box in the store. Every month, two women came, took money and made an act. The director told that for the year of her work always in the act was the same amount - 1000 rubles. A year of coincidence?

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №129458
Daveca, returning home, decided to order a taxi to the house because at night there was no desire to return by foot, he lived in the area with a sadly known contingent. I called, the order was accepted, there were no cars for 20 minutes (I will not say what a taxi, but it is on the ears of everyone).

I decided to drive on the fact, next to me was a car, with a scarf. The dialogue continued and continued.

Are you free?

and yes.

How much to Malinov?

– 200

By the way, driving to me is 10 minutes, so it’s expensive for taxis.

Go to 150?

Are you going to negotiate? Go to walk.

Which taxi are you from?

What is?

With a taxi, I say. You have a chest.

What is the difference? Go away from here, I say.

I wonder, what are you?

and Taxi ***

Well, I decided to try, as it was on a pick-up like this, when they called without leaving the box and booked / bought the necessary. I call my phone number and order a taxi to where I am.

In a minute comes the SMS "You are waiting for such a car, the price of the trip is 120 rubles (!)". Guess who was waiting for me? The same driver. I sit in the car and talk.

So we negotiated. Go to?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №129457
about the mythical hamstring of patients the most screamed hamstring nurses
Because they are healthier in every sense of those sick who are haunted.
And they consider hammer even stone after the operation
What hurt you there? Lie down and don’t flip.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №129456
In the working chat:
1: And the question of the sink - how to know where the north bridge and where the south?
The compass, right?
3 in the north!
4: and in the southern ants...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №129455
As a man, I’m not interested in anyone – for men because I don’t drink, for ladies because I’m married.

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №129454
Some people are upset that they are beaten. There was an incident in the bus. with me. I sit quietly in the back of the bus. Places for everyone. My aunt is 70. He tells me, say, young man (I, for a minute, 40 knocked) give up the place. Exactly so. Without "Please" I answered:"Why is this happening? Are you a disabled person? So for you places in front of the salon." And here began the monologue about the youth’s humility and generally for half an hour. If she had just quietly approached, I would have also quietly ceded her place.So be polite yourself and you will not be fooled.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №129453
Emm, do you ask how much of reading, and do you read a lot? So that’s what you have to tell people how much you get from reading.
At least this is an interesting way to spend time without leaving the house, it is a lot. Source of information - and not only references and textbooks, but also fiction can be considered as a source of information. Only to the matter it is not so immediately adapted, well you can think about (another way not to miss), to discuss with people.
There’s something about culture and intelligence, but it’s not all books.

Have you tried not to tear the words out of context?
In the source, it was meant to force a man to read from under the sticks.
Just what of this? If there is no desire?

Do you sleep with a girl under the sticks, what’s good?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №129452
And about the puffy girls in general can be forgotten because of these pimples (You will not stretch out of the shell with ticks)

Start with compliments comparing it to recognized masterpieces of ancient art. Praise the smoothness of the body lines, again. If you want, you can tell any woman how beautiful she is, if you show a little imagination.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №129451
Kira-sa: So it fell the puff, goo to play the guns and stick the puff?

[ + 33 - ] [22 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №129450
And my sister always on "Hello" answers "Hello". She’s always angry that she’s everywhere.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №129449
Why do you need to walk on a wheelchair on a bicycle trail? And okay, if there is not usually a path nearby, but if there is a pedestrian sidewalk nearby? And what do you need to think about walking on a hill descending, and also turning along this path? And not only women suffer from this, but also men. They are also upset when asked to leave their territory.

Cats and mutual understanding

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №129448
Commentary on the article on the clash of fans at Euro 2016:

This is the best street fighting championship in Europe without rules.

The answer:

Here we are in front of the entire planet.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №129447
I distribute the Wag-Wai at a speed of 1 Gigabidze.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №129446
Hubble’s article “10 Rules That Allow NASA to Write Millions of Lines of Code with Minimum Errors”
xxx: I heard that the spacex UI is written in HTML. Per it all proves that it doesn’t matter which language, the most important is which programmers?
YYY: And what’s the difference, what’s the interface to deny?
zzz: Well you are flying to the ground, and on the landing page the landing button has left.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №129445
Yesterday I observed a picture that I think reflects the depth and breadth of the views of a significant part of modern graduates:
There is a stack of graduates at the department who will defend themselves this year.
He witnessed the following conversation:
Ruby Blonde: "Well, I have a plagiarism in my university? Yaaah, did he write from books, not from the internet?and "
What a more intelligent brunette answers: "Now all the books are on the Internet.".
The idea that it is worth opening Wikipedia and reading what is "plagiarism" did not come to anyone! I hope they get their diplomas this year.
There will be qualified managers.

[ + 21 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №129444
Yeltsin accepted the country with collective farms and left it with mobile phones!

Zzz: Yeltsin took the country with the bandits, and left it with the Chekists.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №129443
XHH: The little things are all. In the army, in the midst of colds, we were ordered to hang garlic over the barracks and carry a piece of garlic on a thread on our neck. Part looked (and smelled) like a special unit to fight vampires. There has never been such a good smell in our camp as then. Any soldier could eat a head of garlic like an apple.

[ + 28 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №129442
The Elector:

The book is 300 rubles, a bottle of beer 40. For many, the choice is obvious.

I probably don’t understand something, but why not a noble before... adult after work drink a little beer while reading a good book. With materialism and empiriocriticism, or with Engels’s correspondence with Kautsky, it is unlikely that it will go into the right throat, but with fiction, Mark Twain and even Chekhov, in my opinion, it is quite possible to combine and get double pleasure.
Personally, I don’t drink beer, I don’t like it, but I can drink tea and sometimes even cognac while reading.

You can already tremble from indignation and anger.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №129441
And I also like thin cubes on the press and dull funny fat ones. Small breasts and big ones. And brunettes and blondes (they also like red). Women are small and very tall. And in the Provocateur underwear and in cute cotton trousers. I don’t like stupid people.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №129440
XXX: children in kindergarten in the police car cataly with sirenes

YYY : Why?

XXX: in the inner yard, prevention of PDD

YYY: and how?

XXX is OK. Two hours of sirens.

YYY: Many people liked it?

XXX and so on. They cried up and tried to escape the police! How I love this country.

YYY: So small, and already joking

YYY: Mentality

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna