— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №119452
Last year, I was called today with...
The Imperial Coin Court. I blunted just... offered the reds of Nicholas 2, silver...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №119451
Two-time NBA champion found unconscious in public home

"...which is %$se..."

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №119450
xxx: Aska suddenly wrote me a letter, says something I haven’t been in her for a long time, hasn’t happened anything) ah-ha long ago...
I entered the universe and finished it, a job, an apartment, a car, a wife, I became a father in the summer! I am now thirty!
Icq, Icq, Icq, Icq

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №119449
Krovabhas4etverg: before the riding in Moscow is proposed to make Friday a day of sobriety. Prohibit the sale of alcohol.

Ugarikidze: What problems do we point to Peter, there is a day of sobriety on Wednesday.

I see directly the route of the alcoholic: Peter Moscow nn Saratov Voronezh

Krovbix4etverg: OK Google where today is no day of sobriety?? to

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №119448
Relative silence, interrupted by the crossing of the key, and here a colleague, thinking, says:

When you sit down, will you paint?

I must say - I am far from prison romance, but the first association from the question for some reason was in this direction...
Beating up, I clarify - Oleg Batkovich, from which I should sit, and, even worse, paint at the same time??? and 8 :

A second pause and then he, realizing what he smorched, cries and clarifies, gesturing - that he was sitting, gray, gray )))
It turns out, he saw the first apparent gray hair and read the question.)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №119447
xxx: By the way, African-American niggers in particular do not consider the Russians “white,” that is, antagonists to the “black.”
They think we’re blue.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №119446
From the Auto Forum:
What, winter rubber has the ability to make up for brain shortage?
YYY: No, the selection of tyres demonstrates their presence

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №119445
My son tonight:
Mom, we need to cut off the clenbuterol!
Okay, I found the pattern, I cut it out.
Must be beautifully painted!
Okay, they painted, the progestins even put his son's hands a little away from painting.
You have to learn a poem, listen.
I study, listen and check.
Only, Mom, you are all a surprise for Mother's Day at school, pretend to be surprised!

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №119444
-I like 10ka so much, there is such an offgenic fit, you can make virtual desks and hold some apps on one, on the other others, when your fucking Linux can do so?
20 years ago, somewhere.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №119443
In one of the bookstores in San Francisco there is such an unusual machine. For coins, he does not issue chews, but leaflets with poems.

And that someone eats leaflets with poems?? to

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №119442
Angel: Before going out, besides cream, I will apply tonic and powder
I think it will be warmer.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №119441
XXX: I dreamed of you.
YYY: what and what
You gave me a dish.
XHHH: And the suck drove me into depression
What is a little
Tagged: splinter
The next day I went and bought a record.
I am a sales manager.
A percentage of the splinter goes to me
I came home and remembered that I had nothing to listen to.

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №119440
Seaman: But they prohibit openly wearing a cross and allow hedges (in England for now).
ZonoID: I’m against, maybe inside a crocodile.
David: That’s exactly what a hedge is needed for.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №119439
Husbands, have you noticed that you are constantly childish and adulterous?

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №119438
Divorce by Uroboros.

I am borne by the current Russian mentality. I will give examples of quite indicative proposals that I received on the work mail over the past week.

The training. How to buy goods in China and sell them in Russia more expensive. Income from 30% to 100%.

Buy a thousand fake YouTube channels, which will bring an income of 10,000 rubles per day.

A letter from a friend who developed a scheme for how to make money from state grants by artificially lowering the price of services by using the labor of illegal migrants.

Here I sit, I look at it and think, “Well, fuck, we’re not right?”

Buying goods in China and selling them from us? It is genius! Support the Chinese production. Thousands of fake YouTube channels that catch bugs? Very creative! To beat out grants at the expense of cheapness and produce all kinds of misery such as disgusting roads, which we will then ride, and buildings collapsing on our own heads? Without any comments.

All according to the ideology: survive yourself, and let the rest burn with blue flame. Has anyone heard of practical wisdom? This idea is strictly opposite to what is prevailing in our country today. If short - to help the neighbor turns out to be (shock!) It is better than stealing. Yes, theft and divorce of people brings more money this minute. But then, when you buy a service, you will be divorced in the same way.

Are you a doctor and dropped out of the patient a lot of extra money for unnecessary tests? This money you will spend on endless repairs in your apartment, because you will be cheating materials and cheating with checks. A doctor in repair? You will then be informed by the manager when purchasing the car. Drawing a probation? Your income will be repaid by the boss, escaping to the United States. He fled to the United States with money. Be prepared that you will be treated as shit for the rest of your days, for thieves are not liked anywhere.

Why all these machinations? Why all this trick? Why do you hate each other so much? Go all in the ass, citizens, and take your schemes at the same time, how to breed a loch and how to make money without doing anything. I am already sick of that. I will continue to do my job, for the result of which I will not be ashamed later, and attract new customers. I’d rather invest in a farm or a factory (in fact, I’ve already done it) than in another pyramid or crab. I am happy to live and know that my actions are beneficial, not harmful. That from my actions will not then beaten my head against the wall deceived, guessing how to live further. And that the people with whom I communicate will not hate me and remember me with evil words.

and naive? possibly. And I’m going to anticipate a blatant response on this site, proving that I’m bad and didn’t understand anything in life and that you could earn 25 times more than I do. I am happy. I don’t need anything in life except happiness.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №119437
The Russians,, are the only nation in the world that can get five hundred kilograms of explosives into the blending window from a distance of one and a half thousand kilometers, and smash the ball on a football gate from 15 meters.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №119436
On the site of Roscosmos, there is a search. You start to hit the letter B there, it immediately offers you "valley" and "valley" and "valley"

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №119435
My son eats chicken.
Do you have clean hands?
In the chicken...

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №119434
Release of the minimalist set of system utilities BusyBox 1.24
The problem of 9999 has been solved.

The comments:
Who knows what the problem was? Could I use it in the year 9999?
I am from 9999. Believe me, not everything is so unambiguous. No one wants to use ls.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №119433
Have you tried the handcuffs?
NN: Oh, he stuck me and played Fifa on my iPhone for half an hour.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna