— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №139463
It is no secret that friends do not grow in the garden, even if they are buried there.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139462
In 1974, he was on a two-month business trip to Belarus. There were often rabbits on the road at night. He was chasing, but never caught. :unknw: And then, many years later, I’m walking around the city at night and... I see "that’s jumping " by the side. White is like that. The rabbit? Drive to the right and.... to the left :shok: :shok:. Athlete in white shoes. :crazy: Since then I have not reacted to "country".

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №139461
Classes in the mine-explosive case were conducted by the “invited star” – Colonel Vinodov, whom we called the “Bond” for his manner of appearing: Vinodov. Colonel Vino of... du".

The first lesson took place in the classroom. Bond, presenting himself in his corporate style, put a diplomat on the table and, rubbing his hands, began:

In Japanese folklore there are very interesting and unique monsters. For example, Sagari is a horse head hanging from a branch of a tree in the forest.
Sirime is a ghost with an eye in his ass.
Hitosume-Kozzo looks like a bald and one-eyed boy, and Hoonade is a ghostly arm flying apart from the owner.
I will not say exactly, but there is a suspicion that the reason for the appearance of such strange creatures was that the Japanese early enough to take the powder from the Chinese.
So, the theme of our first lesson: "Security techniques in the handling of explosive substances."
Sgtmadcat ©

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №139460
<yum> Have you ever watched the show?
<plumbus> is that which every day rotates on the first channel, with Malakhov?
<yum> ah... no. There, in short, about crazy monsters who prove to be much more ugly morally than outwardly.
<plumbus> yes it is.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №139459
To this...

Buddhism is to enjoy what you have.
I have osteochondrosis... I am happy!! to

So is yes! Rejoice that you have ALL "osteochondrosis".
Not the cancer of the rectum.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №139458
Dog:...For example, there was such an interesting custom – to grab a jacket. A pair of needles of sewing and blades (not English) solves the problem. And the cylinder from the motorcycle in the bag with the second shoe solved the problem of waiting after school. Security and detectors? Chinese foods are not used.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №139457
I love holidays, but there is also a place to hate. Early in the morning, congratulations begin. No, thank you, of course, and you too, but let’s sleep first, fucking!! to

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №139456
Wife: Imagine, Tanka, a goat like that, she posted photos of the Maldives on Instagram, sunrise there on the beach, and we are frozen here with you! I am so jealous of chewing, I also want to go to the sea <3.
I: Well suffer, suffer
J: And what will happen?
I : Nothing. Just endure it.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139455
From geektime'a:

In the 1990s, BMW customers (naturally, men) opposed that the built-in GPS-navigator spoke with a female voice. They admitted that listening to the women’s team’s driving was unbearable for them.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139454
And not to sue us for three hundred years of occupation and the yoke of Mongolia and demand from it... And what can Mongolia demand? At least a trillion horses.

[ + 15 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139453
In Nizhny Novgorod, a whole micro-region, a hundred multi-storey buildings with a population of 120,000 people are disconnected from gas for three days. The matter is necessary, and you will not turn away: they are moving the main pipeline, because they are building the metro next to the stadium for the 2018 World Cup in football. But there is a nuance: there will be no gas from 9 to 11 March inclusive. With the holiday of March 8, dear women, feed in the kitchen, prepare food for three days in advance!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №139452
Proger: How would I explain to you... These integrators... Proposes to save money to make a hammer and sink on one pen.
Basist: Is this the type of branch with a sharrer?
The loser: No! It is on one end of the methole, on the other - a slide!
The bassist :)
Proger: I say: "Ofigenic marketing! Give me two!" – They don’t come in. "On the contrary, it will be a single integrated solution."
The gunmen like to do that.
Proger: On the question "you know how to use it?" they answer "A, yes. The problem is clear!) then you can make a connector handle on the chain."
Bassist: ROFL Wait, I have to do it!
Proger: Guy, it was an illusion.
Fuck the illusions! A servant armed with knives from the venues! It will destroy anyone! I want to see this anime!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №139451
I can even find a story in Lola
The story of Tetris Go
XXX: Restructuring
XXXX: The Metaphor of Constant Change
YYY: Humm...
The Soviet Game of Soviet Time
xxx: Simple people constantly die under the oppression of those who are above = removed filled stripes
The typical 90s

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №139450
The girlfriend has too active Jewish parents of her husband. He complains that the mother-in-law came early in the morning (stopped young people at an uncomfortable time).

XX: I don’t know what language to explain that!

“Daddy, if you don’t like how I fuck your boy, fuck him yourself.”

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №139449
Do I call my wife a warrior of light?
Why is?
She serves in the army under contract, her name is Holy.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №139448
<NEWS>: Chimpanzees "worship the created sanctuaries
It is really a sensation. For the first time, scientists have seen the birth of religion not in humans, but in animals! Namely, a group of chimpanzees in Africa without any sense began to build pyramids of stones in empty trunks of old trees. Cameras recorded how it happened.

Alco Pony: It would be fun if during the apocalypse it turned out that the only true religion was these chimpanzees, and all the other creatures go to hell

Versager: You find yourself at the gate of paradise, and the archangel at the entrance - scratches his naked ass with a machined hand and chews a banana.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №139447
XXX: There is no one. A paradise for introverts.
YYY: And if there are introverts there, will this place remain a paradise for introverts?
XXX: Some of Schrödinger’s questions are straight.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №139446
You are fighting against the base. And my dream is to teach people how to use the printer.
It is useless.
and AGA. And so you feel 3PO - you translate to people what the printer tells them.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №139445
xxx: well I don't like this expression "pop-nuts"
xxx: because the size is still more suitable coconut
XXX: and hair in many cases

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №139444
A warning system is being tested.
She clings and instead of all employees to leave the building says to all employees of the building.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna