— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №156036
Every theorist’s dream is to put his theory into practice. The desire of any practitioner is to stay away from these vicious theorists.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №156035
Horses and Horses

I live alone, on a PMJ in the country, in a fairly deep suburb of Moscow, so it happened... I work remotely.

There are some retirees around, and those are mostly when there is no snow. And suddenly, last summer, a couple of apartments from me, a family with children (three) bought a house. They are also going to live on PMJ (which prompted them to this, a separate story, but still not mine, and it has nothing to do with the matter). I admit honestly - I was restrainedly happy, though some people around + Light and Lech (names changed) - approximately my age, will be at least someone to talk to.

When they arrived, he helped to pull large equipment into the house a couple of times. Then I was invited to the shelter. Then I had to unload the fuel for the boiler - called Lecha, he came, helped. Then I invited them all to the chess :)

In the summer we went fishing and for mushrooms together. and fun! I’ve always tried to keep a reasonable distance – they’re a family, anyway. I will call, I will come. I have my own business and entertainment. He did not refuse to help them, but he helped them a few times. That is idylly!

Last week, my sister asked me to take them with my husband to the airport. Long time not seen, and my beloved sister, in general, agreed. Giving us small, as they say, the earth will be filled with rumors :) I met Leha with Svetya on the street, they ask, can I not throw them to Moscow, since I am still going? They go to a family holiday, leave the car at home because of the upcoming flooding. It was so good that I went too. They are back in a taxi. It will be more fun on the road. But I immediately indicate: relatives are taken to the airport, leave strictly at 7 a.m. (since otherwise the risk of being late for departure). I say to them, "I open the gates at seven, you stand waiting for me, ready. Sit down and go. Okay?” They say, “No problem, wait until tomorrow.“”

The next day, at 7 in the morning, I open the door. There is no one. I call her, her phones are turned off. A small reserve of time was, I sat in the car, I approached their house - broke a couple of times - the windows are dark. Well, little... Time pushes me up. I go away.

In general, yesterday (two days have passed since the events described) they both stopped and arranged a scandal. I did not expect them. That I had to wait for them because they have children. They spent on a taxi. While waiting for a taxi, the kids were frozen. They were late for the party. I don’t want to pay for a taxi. To confess, I was so upset that I didn't even send them immediately, first stood and knocked my eyes for half a minute.

I sit here, I drink a cup, and I think it was.? to

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №156034
"Yagmothers" usually have children from "apples"

[ + 42 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156033
Do you know where the crazy people come from? The last year with a small I live in the center of my beloved St. Petersburg in the old-fashioned house, and also on the second floor. Previously, cats were kept in the apartment and the sharp mouse was not a problem, but it was worth the apartment to stand a little empty, as the cat smell, apparently, went out, and the mice began to get in the warehouse.

After a day of panic, all the gaps were sealed, the traps with mouse glue dismantled. In the morning, a small mouse was found in one of the traps. She clung to a cardboard smashed with glue. To get rid of the uninvited guest faster, I took her in pyjamas to the washing room near the house. I put the trap in the garbage tank, but the mouse was sorry. She clinged, can't get free, and I decided to cut her stick from the cardboard.

Picture of oil. 9 o’clock in the morning, winter. A girl in pyjamas is forged with a stick in a garbage tank on the street. A heart-sick woman approached me and asked, “Girl, what are you doing?” To which I replied without thinking back, “I caught a mouse, look!”

And the woman ran, first in the whole slope, then just a quick step without turning. I then shouted, “I’m not crazy!”

Forgive me woman.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №156032
XXX: Don’t go out. In my youth I was loved and admired by ladies. But Seiko wasn’t out of the word. How can we be friends... We met one and unique, 30 years together. Scandal, ran away and here it is me butt and pierced. For a year I communicated with everyone from youth, and to a bunch that is generally moving around...All their time)))

by p.s More beautiful crocodile.

YYY: I was also loved and admired by ladies in my youth. Then I went to school and it was over.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156031
A country where people who earn their lives naked on the Internet are considered to be successful,
Sooner or later you will get in the ass.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №156030
Late in the evening, taxi

- And here, you understand... whatever I will do - everything is not right for her, - twisting in a journey, a next passenger tells me the story of his life.
Carlisle is hanging! The nail that was struck is not in that place. Even if we’re in the car – not in that lane! And so in everything!! I am always dissatisfied!! Always criticized it.
misery – misery
- And then he started to lay the laminate, so she stood up over me, controlled me, and at some point began to scream that I was doing everything wrong again, picked up the laminate and started laying it!! to
Yes, the problem, I am breathing.
That is not the problem!! The problem is that she really puts the laminate well!!!! to

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №156029
Nabiullina explained inflation by the excess of money in the Russians.
The names of these Russians are published by Forbes.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156028
In the game, all the rules are simple and understandable, and most importantly, transparent and honest. In life, a reader on a reader, a donor on a donor.

YYY: Where is Donat that? All currency is domestic, earned on quests. Or lucky to get into the guild, and here, of course, the currency is better prepared, and the guild quests are more interesting.

xxx: Yes, but only somebody in this world will fuck a zero level, and somebody has a VIP account.

zzz: There are no VIP accounts here.

1) There are random fractions. Whoever is lucky and is born in a successful world, whoever is not in a poor world, is in a poor world.

Change is possible, but difficult. Everyone has their own language, documents and so on.

You can move to another without it. But it’s not the fact that you won’t be sent back. Yes, the quests in this case will be shit.

2) Characteristics are randomly distributed. Who is lucky and has a lot invested in his intelligence from birth, who is in strength and bodybuilding.

If desired, it can be removed. Most people have no desire.

Because fucking in the sports hall or reading books. It’s harder than a couple of clicks.

3) Starting capital is randomly given. It is only your choice where to invest it. Or in new skins or in self-development and point 2. In production and trade.

In fact, the only problem here is that any action is more difficult.

In order to point the skill, you do not need to click the mouse for half a day. A few years to study and a lot of books to read.

Whatever to do. For example, to scrape a knife that can be sold for a lot of money, you do not need to scrape the mouse. And fuck the hammer at the real boiler, in the heat. He has been studying for several years.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №156027
I finished high school and a few years later went there in class 8 to study my cousin (the names are the same with us). And suddenly started getting pairs in Geography. on a permanent basis. Mom began to do lessons with her, chasing for knowledge: she seems to know everything. The situation is getting worse with the estimates. They called the director: she said, "the last chance, control work, no so no." On this control sister appeared with her mother, whom the geography teacher, whispering with her heart, let go to the last party. The work is done and immediately checked by her geographer - she writes everything red, takes out 2, cuts and breaks leaves and accompanies the family with speech. Mom picked up the broken leaves and folded. He reads what is written. It is right there! No one mistake! Do you know what happened? This teacher, a graduate of this high school (my year or a little younger), was in love with my boyfriend from that same high school, wanted his attention and was upset that he was “running after me.” Fuck and get revenge. Revenge in the Second Generation

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №156026
What do students do on rainy Friday nights? is correct. They go home to their village. This evening was no exception. Although Saturday and promised to be more interesting than usual, because my mother's brother will come to visit us, i.e. Uncle, whom I will see “alive” for the first time, but now – as usual. Three hours of talking on the bus, running up the stairs to the third floor, opening the door, taking off my jacket, stretching the button on my pants and shouting, “Hello Mom! I’m getting rid of it!” I broke into the toilet. And from there the uncle comes out and says, “Oh, hello, pelmeška! I just made you warm.” He pits me into the toilet. So we met.

P.S My uncle was a long-distance driver. I arrived before, and I was not told a surprise.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №156025
A few more years of the same "optimization" of medicine, and in the shopping centers will not only be carried out vaccination, but also all kinds of outpatient surgical operations.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №156024
In the Rus region since the Soviet times there was a small hydroelectric power plant, feeding nearby villages. Now, of course, for the Moscow region, this is a drop in the sea, and the local authorities decided to make another, but there is simply no other suitable river. Therefore, the project was ordered for several lags: a mine 90 m deep, where water falls, the bottom of a turbine with a generator that gives current to the network, and at the same time feeds the pump that pumps the water back - up. Coincidentally, our neighbor, a well-known engineer, was talking. He squeezed slightly and said about "perpetuum mobile". The foreign words did not understand, he said, “This is the eternal engine.”
- Well not eternal, you need to lubricate bearings, change brushes.
Have you heard of the law of energy conservation?
Is it federal or regional law?
Hearing that it was not a Russian law at all, the engineer was kicked out so as not to spoil the atmosphere.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №156023
U.S. President Joe Biden has postponed a number of sanctions against Russia because they have already been introduced by Roskomnadzor.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №156022
In the early 1970s, in the unit where my father served, Major Kornev was the head of staff. Among his duties was the organization of regular journeys in some purely military affairs of the automobile to the nearby city. This happened a couple of times a week.

In the city wanted to come and officer wives, so for these trips assigned civil transport of increased passenger capacity. The departure of the car from the unit was to take place at eight zero, but the officer wives were an undisciplined contingent and in fact the car left much later.

I remember myself - you were sitting in the car with your mother, and the ladies stretched one by one along the track, or they were still staying on that track, stuck with their tongues. In general, it is good if at half nine the car from part off. And Major Kornev looks at this ugliness from the window of the headquarters and in his interior all the contents boil. He spoke separately with these wives, and in the women’s council partly raised the question.

In general, one day he appointed himself the chief of the car and waiting for a magical time of eight hours zero minutes zero seconds commanded the driver - we leave!

Oh yeah! The wives were shouting that they had time to get into the car - this is Manya and Anya ten steps away from us, and Glasha and Dasha wanted to go today!

The Pooher! “Major,” he said, “you have an army here, not somewhere there. We went!

And the car went off, and Masha and Glasha were left to scratch their eyes on the track. Upon returning to the part, Major Kornev said that from today he plans to execute older cars for violating the schedule and do not give god again someone will wait.

From that time until ten eight, all the departing people were sitting flat in the car and waiting for departure.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №156021
xxx: I first met my uncle when he came to visit us 10-12 years ago. It happened that I was in the toilet when he came into our house. He comes in and asks from the threshold, where is his favorite nephew?

He is in the toilet. responded to him.

After that, he confidently steps to the toilet and pulls the door pen. Naturally locked up. It is like a burst:

Andrew, the door is closed! Don’t be afraid, I’ll take you out!

Let’s break in the door. I have never had a brighter first impression of dating again.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №156020
I am 32 years old, but I was still in kindergarten. We had a teacher, Ludmila Konstantinovna, as far as I remember. When one of the children hooliganized, she never screamed and especially did not raise her hand, but preferred to be ashamed, could put in the corner. Overall, she was very kind and we loved her, but she had one peculiarity. When none of us confessed to another child’s “crime,” she built us up in a shelter, sat down on a chair and forced us to approach her in turn and look in her eyes. “I’ll see it through your eyes,” she calmly said. We were all very afraid of this procedure because we were 100% sure it worked.

We had two boy hooligans in our group. How about the hooligans? I could get rid of it and take out a toy. I have always considered myself an exemplary boy. On a winter day, I stood in the garden near the window and accidentally pierced a paper scotch with which insulated window frames were glued for the winter (the case was in Tomsk in the early 1990s). But, I remember, it wasn’t so accidental. I was just wondering what would happen if I crashed. He nodded and didn’t tell anyone. Later, Ludmila Konstantinovna discovered this and called on the responsible to come to her with guilt. I did not have enough spirit. And then she pronounces this phrase: "Well, then I will now know everything from your eyes." The panic that enveloped me then is one of my first childhood memories. God... I think through the years, I still remember her look in my eyes when it was my turn. She said, “The next one.” I waited for the announcement of the results as a court verdict. And what was my surprise when one of those two shaloppies was named guilty. We were both in shock. We were the only ones in this kindergarten to find out that the damn system didn’t work. But he couldn’t confess, because he’t be believed, and I couldn’t... Well because he couldn’t... The next day his grandmother came to the garden to glue the window...

It’s been 27 years, but I’m still ashamed.

If you are reading this, I hope this has not affected your life and, moreover, you don’t remember it anymore. And yet... forgive me.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156019
The President called for a serious fight against corruption. And 20 years ago, the struggle was not serious?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №156018
This story happened many years ago. In order to remain anonymous, I completely changed its scientific part (so please don’t judge strictly, I’m doing other things, and Irka too) and the names of the two heroines.

A long time ago, three young women colleagues went to a conference in the UK. Two of them were under thirty, but they looked twenty. Irka - a tall light-haired beauty with a child's face and voice, touching blue eyes of the colour of the Volgograd sky and a good look, I - a medium-sized chatenka with long hair and eyelids, glowing eyes and round red cheeks, a positive appearance note excel. Marina was slightly older, thin, rapid, with an amygdala-like cut of serious eyes and a dull smile. We were very pleased with the trip - the conference promised to be interesting, the place was beautiful, and I wanted to see friends and colleagues.

The plane landed, the line for border control we stood, and we were going to go further. We always crossed the border quietly: the French joked when they saw our serious science in the "profession" item, and, having thrown a couple of mysterious looks and smiles, placed a stamp, the Dutch missed quickly, the Spaniards laughed and wished good. But this border guard was not a shirt. When he heard that we were going together, he called all three together. He made the expression of the receptionist of the Soviet laundry and began to ask various questions in a prosecutor’s tone:

Where are you born?
In Leningrad.
This city is called St. Petersburg. He told the accuser.
Yes, but then it was called Leningrad, so it is recorded in the documents.
In which country?
I currently live in Russia.
The date of birth?
Such a number, month and year.
Are you sure?
I had the feeling that this was not a border control, but a yellow house. I say, I am sure.
Well well well. Where are you born? He turned to Irka, who looked at him with wide open blue eyes. Irka informed and spotted something about the conference to which we are heading.
Do you work where? What kind of institution is this? Suspiciously he asked, holding in his hands our work certificates.
Even after a couple of rounds, during which he asked some questions twice, he decided to learn more about the purpose of our trip. He studied invitations from the organizers, documents on financial support, hotel reservations, theses of reports. We talked about the conference. He struck us for twenty minutes. The sense of stupidity of what was happening increased. Having taken my theses into his hands, he decided to ask me about the subject of my work.

At that moment, I was already full of talking in my throat. I love my work and am willing to talk about it in detail. I asked – now listen.

You know, of course, that your great compatriots Thomson and Tate formulated at one time the theorem of the stability of systems with gyroscopic forces. Later this theme was developed by Raus and Lyapunov. Raus’s theorem with the addition of Lyapunov, I believe, is of a philosophical nature. It states that if there are "hidden" movements of cyclic coordinates in the system, such as rotations of axisymmetric bodies, which do not affect the potential energy of the system, but give an addition to the kinetic, then this addition serves as an additional effective potential energy of the reduced system, in which "hidden" movements are absent. This means that the rapid rotation of axisymmetric bodies can serve as a sprinkle that gives additional stability to the system.

The border guard had a difficult expression on his face, he wanted to say something, but I, not allowing him to insert words, not translating the breath, joyfully continued:

I had the idea that by controlling the speed of these hidden movements, we could get various interesting effects. Especially if you connect the appropriate feedback to the object, say, if it begins to lose stability, then increase the speed of rotation, when going into the desired mode, reduce it, so as not to lose energy. In addition, the question arises, what will happen if these coordinates are not truly cyclical, but are them in some mediated sense. What then happens to the sustainability of the average movement? Can a multi-scale method be applied to its analysis?

“Thank you...” said the border guard.

No, I think you got, a fascist, a grenade! I won’t take you for the button, of course.

“Sorry, I haven’t explained it to the end,” I said decisively and went closer to the window with enthusiasm. “We are considering a specific task for the system of bodies with wolves, and one of the questions that we are solving is about choosing the representation of the tensors of the corresponding bodies. It is dictated, it turns out, not only by the geometry of the task, but also by its initial conditions!

Irka and Marinka stood with impenetrable attentive faces, showing sincere interest in my speech and readiness to dialogue, and looked with their big eyes to me, then to the border guard.

I understood! The border guard said. Enough is enough, thank you!

Are you sure? - I wanted to tell me, but I decided that the alaverda here will not serve anyone for the benefit.

He asked the names of the reports of the girls, and, only Irka was going to devote him to the secrets of paradoxes to Penlev, said darkly:
No need to explain the content. And when we shrugged our teeth, the clouds missed us.

We walked away a little, and the girls began to sneak. I was still angry.
What kind of donkey was he, what did he want from us? I asked them.

They looked at me with pity and said something I just couldn’t think of:
– Lenka, he thought we were going to do prostitution. He couldn’t believe that three young girls were going to present at a famous math conference.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №156017
Public opinion polls showed that they were not asked.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna