— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №156076
- Vladimir Vladimirovich, and why did you first say that the retirement age will not be raised, and then raised?
The first word was eaten by a cow.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №156075
Like when I was walking under the table, I was about 5 - 6 years old, I really wanted one toy, the toy was expensive and I did not rush to buy it accordingly. And here in one of the evenings, when I again завël my charm, on the topic, what can we buy vsë so, my father, so that I don't distract him took the first thing that got under his hand, and it was a cubic rubik and said: - go here, collectësh, then we'll talk. Before that I never managed to collect it, but in exactly 10 minutes, I printed a Rubik Cube collected with my dad. My father struck out the newspaper from surprise, my mom looked and said, well, the wanderkind grew, it would be a genius and only I stood and thought that we got a ruby cube with glued squares that are so easy to glue, not painted with paint like in a kindergarten.

As a result of course moë cleaning was quite quickly uncovered, but for the clever toy I got.

[ + 28 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156074
A correct school history textbook is a weapon far more powerful than a hord of generosely paid propagandists.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №156073
Operation "Belucha": how in the USSR saved 2,000 whales for music.

At the end of December 1984, in the area of the island of Itigran in the north-west of the Bering Sea, a huge cluster of 2 thousand whiteheads fell into a western formed by crumbling ice. In one place gathered almost all the individuals who lived on the eastern coast of Chukotka. Attracted by the chase, the beasts found themselves in the shallow water, in the ice trap. They gathered in two small pebbles, were suffocated and starved.
First aid to the disaster sufferers were provided by the workers of the local Soviet farm "Zora of Communism". For many weeks, fishermen and hunters expanded the straw so that it did not freeze, carried the snow on tractors and fed the animals with ice cream fish.
Thanks to the dedication of the people who helped the whales even in the purge and frost, the animals lasted until February 1985, when the icebreaker "Moscow" came to the Strait of Senyavin from the Anadyr Bay. To get there, the crew developed the maximum speed possible.
At first, the icebreaker simply cut through large "bassins", where the whales were able to rest and recover. The beasts were fed and made alive, and began to play and whisper again. However, large pelynia would sooner or later be stretched by ice, so this stage was only intermediate. The main difficulty was to force the whale to sail behind a huge noisy ship, breaking their way to the water with diluted ice.
Many ways were tried, but they absolutely did not want to sail behind the "threatening" ship.
White whales were still threatened with death, but they remained there. "And then we remembered that these Arctic dolphins react very sensitively to music, - said the captain of "Moscow" Anatoly Kovalenko. - It is not in vain that they are called sea canaries because of the sound signals they emit, communicating with each other. We brought the dynamics on the deck and included a recording with the songs of Alla Pugacheva. The icebreaker moved along the canal in small turns, and the whales pulled after him.
The Chukotka whale population was preserved.
So in 1985, 2,000 Chukotka whales were able to escape from ice captivity only thanks to the recording of Ally Pugacheva.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №156072
Scientists have discovered a new strain of coronavirus - Russian.
It is dangerous during opposition rallies and absolutely harmless when voting for the constitution.
And during the parade on May 9, even a little useful.

[ + 40 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156071
When I was a kid, I loved candy. I could only eat them, according to my grandfather. One day, he decided to see how much his aunt and her five-year-old health could have. I went to the store and bought a chocolate bag. The candy was then called Kazbek. He sat his aunt at the dinner table, put a bag in front of her and said, eat a little girl. Aunt Ludda ate half a sack, walked around, came and ate the remains. In the evening, grandfather grabbed lilies from his grandmother and no longer experimented with food.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №156070
Once they sat on a Saturday afternoon family and talked about nothing and my mom remembered something about how she taught my older brother out of greed. I didn’t remember it because my brother was eight years older than me, and I... say five. And here my mom bought a cake, and in the times of the USSR such purchases were not done every day. She cut off us a piece and removed the rest from the table and from sin away to the refrigerator. As I moved away, my brother snatched both pieces. I understood the matter, and my mother taught him for greed, forcing him to eat the whole cake! Two kilograms of anything to eat is quite difficult, and oil cake is too much. The outcome, you know, was predictably obvious.

Here we sit, remember, laugh, people are adults already, I am about 30, my brother under forty already. He said, “You’d punish me like that now, Mom! My mom went to the store and brought a big cake!!! I said eat!

The brother poured a large cup of tea, and took a bigger bead, soup. I sat in front of the TV and put the whole cake in one bowl in 20 minutes!

In general, we had fun, we talked and all seemed to be okay, but only one thought turned in my head all night afterwards, and how crazy, when I was a child, I didn't get the cake again today!

[ + 40 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156069
It was in the famous Siberian city of Tomsk. I was working at the time on a petrochemical combination and got to work on a service bus that was running on schedule and at my stop was about 7 a.m.

I go out, I go out and I go to the stop, February, butterfly... Music in the headphones. I sneak on the snow, very hard... I had to go through the courtyard and get out on the road.

Here, by the edge of my eyes, I notice that a man stands at the corner of a cartilage, clothed on a wall and stands. Peace is worth it. I passed by and thought, "Well and Lujuji, they wave until morning and then can't get home without breathing, alkasha"... I go on. Then the picture comes to his head - his legs, their necklace so filled with snow, on the ankle exactly. “It probably has been around for a long time,” I thought. I turned and went to him with a quick step, I approached and said:

Why are you standing here at 6:45 in the morning? You have all your legs snowy!

He replied, “Son, take me home, I’m lost, I’m blind.”

Give me your hand, what address?

- The address is such (neighborhood house, it did not reach literally 50 meters).

He gives me a hand and she’s just ice. It was so cold that I had something in my throat and it was hard to talk. We went with him by the hand. I asked why it turned out that he was blind, at this time in the street frozen, lost. He will answer that when his wife died he almost immediately became blind and yesterday they had a anniversary and he went to church but on the way back lost and went home all night! They have children, but they do not visit him. We reached the entrance, he got the keys, I knocked on the home phone, entered the entrance. He asked me to put my hand on the staircase, thanked and said that he was already on his own. I ran to the stop and got on the bus, that day, from the windshield, he arrived later than usual...

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156068
How many times have I tried to go where my eyes can look? Every time I was in the refrigerator.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №156067
The Baptist has a birthday. Seven or six year old friends came to visit. Kids have fun under supervision.
Adults are sitting in the neighboring room at a separate table - already well greeted, relaxed, quietly talking. I stick in the phone.
Suddenly runs a man named with a clutch of Spider-Man, Hulk...
He addresses me:
Who was your favorite hero in the first class?
I didn’t get off the phone:
In the first class? Pioneer hero Marat Kazay.
The boy runs away. I raise my eyes at my friends:
What are you riding?

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №156066
The American drone that flew over the Russian military base has returned with the Yandex.Browser installed.

[ + 19 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156065
Yesterday in a shared company I met a friend, with whom I rarely see (and I absolutely do not regret it), and I had about the following dialogue with him:

I: How about myself, what is new?

Damn, I’ve been deprived of my right.

For the blue?

A: No, leave the place of the accident.

I: Oh, and you left the place of the accident?

Q: I was drunk.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №156064
I am easily offended. It will be hard to forgive later.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №156063
The child online engaged in chess, passed theory, practiced and today in their group were the first tournaments between themselves. Sitting next to the child, the program is new to help if anything. I see, the partner does not play as a child, not for 5 years. Go on, my son, I say.
We sit down, we cut it all, son canyut, I move it away. Here in the chat comes a message: - Can we let the kids play a little?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №156062
So you sit in front of the TV, listen to the monotonous bull of scabies, acid and salvia alternating each other about continuous successes and victories, a bright future, and suddenly you will remember that the cosmonautics is run by a journalist, a oilwoman - a philologist, an aircraft manufacturer - a music producer, a helicopter - a furniture merchant and... so the warmth in the soul will become, that at least the...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №156061
The child online engaged in chess, passed theory, practiced and today in their group were the first tournaments between themselves. Sitting next to the child, the program is new to help if anything. I see, the partner does not play as a child, not for 5 years.

Go on, my son, I say.

We sit down, we cut it all, son canyut, I move it away. There is a message in the chat:

Can we let the kids play a little?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №156060
I read the text of the International. What a modern song!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №156059
When a house burns, the instinct forces a woman to save what is most precious to her. A married woman rushes to the child, the unmarried woman takes a box with jewelry. Now I understand that for our lady in the house there is nothing more precious than what we are looking for. She saved just that.
Arthur Conan Doyle. Notes about Sherlock Holmes. The Scandal in Bohemia.

Dear Sir Arthur! I am madly sorry, but today the great deductive method of Sherlock Holmes has failed at our Trade Center.
We are a nice couple, dressed well (this is to understand the situation).
We climb the escalator. In front of us, everything is expensive and rich. The lady is talking on the phone. With her, a girl in a fashionable coat, three years old, which is not enough attention. He doesn’t even hold a pen.
Before leaving the ladder, the little girl fell down the stairs! The woman sees it and... He continues to talk on the phone.
The girl was frightened and struck.
We throw out the bags, the husband first catches up the child and we all get out safely. How are you? where is it hurt?
The woman turns and cries at us in the whole throat:
Don’t take my daughter for clothes, she’s very expensive!!!! to
Within a minute, we realize what is most expensive for her.

[ + 36 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156058
Traffic in the Suez Canal. Now again traveling, bread and eggs.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №156057
Today, young girls often go into prostitutes: beautiful - into elite, ugly - into political.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna