— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №146024
The PFF!

Unfortunately, very many people do not read the theory and have to drag them on a single lane road at a speed of 60 km / h until they turn somewhere.

Unfortunately, many people believe that the speed limit in the city was invented from a bull and to sink a pedal on a single-band road in the city is the norm. People will run away, you will always have time to slow down, and so on all your arguments. The point is not that there is a plus of 20 km/h to your speed, as a mistake for cameras and radars, but the danger of surrounding your car and padding between the steering wheel and the seat.
And with an instructor to stand out - the easiest way to extend your ride on the site in the auto school for a few more months.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №146023
Have you watched Ninja Turtles?
YYYYYY: Yes I liked Mickey Angela.
I always played for him in Dundee.
And Mickey Angela?
Miyuki is?? to
The angel?? to
YYY: Did you write wrong?
XXX: Go ahead
The Danny Body
Leo Nardy
by Rafik El
by Arhi

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №146022
Did not enter:
>>> Many would have treated homosexuals normally, unless they were such piddars.
"Pirates" is it about "many"?

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №146021
What is the policy of double standards? When you’re a kid, everyone is upset that you don’t sleep, you run. And when you grow up, everyone is upset that you are sleeping and not running!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №146020
Friends in the bathroom. A friend wraps a towel on the belt, in the manner of a kittle. He stands up in an epic posture and asks:
Well what? It looks like a cruel Viking.
Not very harsh. The rough should squeeze a little from under the kilt.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №146019
xxx> Phone automatically changes "binary" to "pork". Someday there will come a moment when I will not notice this replacement, and one of the students in response will receive sharp criticism of his work.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №146018
Author's commentary on fashion on Skyrim with the bandits:
If your fight lasts for more than 4 hours, kill the hiller.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №146017
xxx: I recently got a two-sided scan of my card from the seller himself, with a fully visible name, expiration date and CVV. And here is only the card number, and not to whom, but to the employee of the bank.

yyy: when I was issuing a visa in the travel agency, my employee took a card and printed it on two sides (with a number, name, CVV and validity date) I didn't even have time to hide it.

Zzzz: Nothing... you’ll still be able to.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №146016
I so understand, the essence of the claim to the man was to horror banal - he was instructed to buy, and he performed them incorrectly. All of. In principle, with whom it does not happen, especially if you have been at work before.

And it would be nothing, if he was also bothered in other matters, for example, would be confused about how many football tickets to take for the whole honest company, or there to a friend in the garage would be attracted by dispersion not a dome, but a perforator... but strangely, in the words of us "family" - the most important thing, and in fact for husbands and fathers, the family is often obtained on the residual principle. Money brought, and all away from me, "Yana’s work was fucking". But with all the other "the word silk", "I will break up in a slice, and I will make" and other vivid male speech.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №146015
In front of the White and Red store is the Light and Dark store.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №146014
And the man, who confused the doll, is busy at work, he just has no time to figure out who of them is who. If you have made a mistake once, who does not?

And to turn on the brains and record the information that his wife tried to convey before him, who forbade him? He was not even asked to understand, they laid everything on the shelves. I have been surprised by people"forgotten" in the last few years. Everyone has a smartphone, each other is better. In each calendar, all kinds of applications for notes, cameras and so on. Why do you use them if you do not know how to use them? Enter the calendar once and for years ahead all holidays, birthdays and memorable dates that you can't remember. Write down everything your wife says and let the saleswoman listen to it. Call again if something is unclear. Would you do that if you had a bad job from the boss? And why not do the same thing for the most native people, as you like to praise your wives and children in conversations? What, "and so will come"?

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №146013
As a child, my sister and I never thought that Daddy could know what our dolls are called, what they look like. This is my girl’s business. But with him so fun and interesting to walk, cycling, skiing. He explained so clearly and simply why houses don’t fall, how cars drive, and much more. And we were confident that Daddy would always support us and give us advice.
Of course, when I lost my virginity or became pregnant, I first shared it with my mother, but I finally decided to get married (sorry, Serez, I was nervous then) only when my dad said, "You still have a guy."

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №146012
I am 30. I dress as I want, I do not hide my tattoo, I am not going to shoot piercings, I listen to rock from different directions, my daughter is also listening to him with pleasure, I experiment with my hairstyle and I do not even try to be embarrassed. The father, in the past stylist, pleased to tell how he brought to tears the teacher, who demanded to shave by shaving the hair.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №146011

Oh, another with purchased rights (or one with pumped ones?))

I think this is insulting!!! to
Why can't I, a healthy, young man, afford to pump on the rights?? to

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №146010
It was five years ago. A client comes in and begins to load. I explain how everything is arranged and what documents are needed. And suddenly she stated that on television the deputies were saying something completely different.
I say :
Bring a TV and I’ll watch. And my parents were promised on television that they would build communism.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №146009
And, as they say here, the cherry on the cake, the former fellow girl, now a fierce struggle with corruption on TV and on the Internet, actively supports all sorts of prohibitions. How she raises children - a separate song
Mother of Abortion is Elena Zivova she is Dora Pest in the recent past, right? The fucking fact.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №146008
xxx: "flows - does not flows"
xxx: Or "do not drown".
xxx: Which of these options is "optimistic" and which "pessimistic"?
XX: Logically, they seem to be equal. And terminologically?

yyy: Here are two pessimistic options for you: "The cockroach flooded" and "The cockroach did not drown".

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №146007
About cabbage and age:
7 Years: You Hate Cabbage
10 years: you tolerate cabbage
20 years: you love cabbage
37 years: you chew the cabbage)))

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №146006
None of the former stylists, punks and others I encountered during my life, now wears jeans, does not grow paths, does not listen to the Beatles and others who were then popular, and on the street you can't see the patched retirees in the shells.

You fucking give. What retirees in the shells, if the boom of the punk movement fell on the 80s / 90s, and in the Russian Federation then there were mass and metalists. They are still at least 20 years old, and so far at any concert men over 30 can meet in a sufficient number.
And of the old, stylists mostly left, and it is easier to see them abroad in Russian diasporas. Grey hippies can be found if desired. Well, every little thing like Mitchell before did not come to everyone's eyes.
Generally speaking, this environment in you is such that you are afraid of the achievements of your own youth.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №146005
Sometimes children make terrible sounds. For example, they ask for money.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna