— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №126498
- Most likely, it is said that the calash 7x62 breaks the rail.
- 7,62 rather than 7x62)
- Well, considering that 7x62 = 434, it will not only break the rail, but also a three-meter wall of alloy steel =)
They say that the railway is pushing through.
"There is an opinion that a bullet with an AKM is able to break the railway to take off.
along the.
If you shoot the rails in Vladivostok, you can catch a bullet at the Yaroslavl station!
It is five
And five bullets?
In the fifth round, you only catch a bullet at the station when the speed slows down a little bit.
- if you try, you can also catch at the Kaliningrad station, but the bullets with the transplants will have to break through

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №126497
Talk about displayed on Avito tape studio magnetophone.
I have to take!!! to
Comrade: Oh, if there were another Technics, I would have cut off the puppets...
I: Oh, and with a fun curtain disappeared at sunset)))
And then... why not ?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №126496
to the hair. In fact, it is easier. Some have long hair and others don’t. Much depends on the face. Someone really with long hair looks like a cigarette shot. I have a acquaintance, a slashed machete. And try to tell him that he looks like a pitcher. There are still handsome guys like Brad Pitt in his youth. And here those with long hair really look like girls even from close distance. Although girls-anime girls like them very much, because they look like their favorite characters.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №126495
April 7th is Jackie Chan’s birthday. 62 years.

Thank you Comrade Chan for our happy childhood! and :)

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №126494
<Angelofnet> Red: A real Indian will not criticize someone else’s knot letter for uneven handwriting!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №126493
WhatsApp is introducing end-to-end encryption:

The whole internet is full of that nonsense. It is not yet known how it will actually work.

YYY: The economist (a serious British edition) wrote somehow that for a complete conspiracy, it is necessary to talk at night, naked, in the midst of the field in a thunderstorm. And it is not the fact that the interlocutor will not give you up...

I can imagine the next film about James Bond.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №126492
Best comments to the Vodka Museum in Smolensk:
" Was there a museum?"

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №126491
Problems of goat and cabbage in the usual multi-storey:

The child car lift did not drive alone, the weight small
She went to school with a self-driving car, so she drove.
I went to the library alone.
with selfie
Without a portfolio.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №126490
Looking for a cheaper metal rental?
Circle, six-sided, tube and square 95x18 is available. call me!
Yandex Direct gasoline, so terrible... Tube and square of steel 95X18!!! to
For me, as a welder, this is wildly fun)))

Wu: "A triangular hole with a diameter of 30x40, welded to the upper bottom of the tank". I announce today a day of fun. and ;)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №126489
The god failed with the election of the chosen people... thought that the son would be a god by his father, and he was a Jew by his mother.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №126488
Once after a heavy snowfall, I was driving to work, catching a girl colleague on the way. The roads have not yet been cleaned up, and they were all running in a row on a row. At the intersection with the main prospectus on it just passed in front of me a tractor, leaving the shaft, which I even broke, but knocked. In general, it was not possible to get out of him, put the girl behind the wheel, went to push. I pushed, I pushed - no, the girl is very bad driving, she can't catch the crack, she gases so that the grip starts to smell. And behind it is the turn, many bits, but help to push no one. In general, I drove out the girl, I am driving, I say, go, pretend that you are pushing, only bend more later - and, six immediately came to help...

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №126487
After the appearance of Putin’s guards, Medvedev should create a company of musketeers.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №126486
I enjoy a clear sound with a light smell of flowers.
My wife washed her headphones.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №126485
XXX: I’m waiting for the master to install the curtains. We agreed for 10-10:30.
10:00 - No master, no calls either
10:30 is the same.
11:00 is the same.
I get up and go to training.
11:30 AM – SMS
You cannot even imagine.

What is SMS?

xxx: "I am waiting at 10:45 at your entrance"

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №126484
I go past the school, and there the big trees were ripped and laid there... the little thing 1-2 class with anxiety crawls through this "forest":
My friends, we are white people!
A thin, stubborn female voice:
Galia, and I am a hammer!
You are a hamster.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №126483
YYY: Your video sounds late
XXX: It should be so. The video is located on distant European servers, and as we all know from the example of a thunderstorm, the image (light) is transmitted faster than speech (sound).

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №126482
I sit with Laura and hear a conversation.
I do not hear you.
Good that you don’t hear.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №126481
>> It’s about the long hair.

Because the wrists against the hair themselves are the same pudders and fools.
The imagination is so arranged that if someone does not look like him (he / she) himself, then you need to be treated urgently.
Beware of the wall with your "authoritative opinion"(tm).

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №126480
You have strange feelings when you give a jacket for 3 thousand rubles to a cleaner for 2 thousand rubles.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №126479
And one of the worst awakenings in my life was when I laid off both hands. I wake up by the alarm clock, pull my right hand out of under my head, and it falls on me from above! Warm, soft and completely alien. The same with the left. The alarm clock. Sometimes I get up - my hands talk, like two spaghetti, chew. I turned off the alarm with my nose, sensitivity to the limbs in a couple of minutes returned, but I do not sleep in this posture anymore)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna