— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №126458
From the forum...

Lenochka: Lena, 17 years old, curved horn

Andrei is great))

Lenochka: What will you tell us about yourself?

Andrei: Let me tell you better about yourself.

Lenochka: What do you care about yourself?

Andrei, has it been long ago?

Lenochka: What is it?

Andrew: The Curved Horn

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №126457
Command and Staff exercises. The work boils, the sweat flows. My good companion, the chief encryptor of the Naval Intelligence, is calling the subordinate unit.

and allo! Captain of First Range N. Prepare to take a torpedo, 10 groups, to the Northern Fleet intelligence.

Okay well.

From such a telephone familiarity, tired of teaching, my comrade became angry.

What is OK? With whom am I talking? Who received the information?

At the end of the wire there was silence, then no less tired voice.


What is Kravchenko? Kravchenko has accepted. Position and title! I have so much salt that I can salt! Title and Position!!! to

Silence and a clear answer.

The information was received by the head of the Chief of Staff of the Russian Navy, Vice Admiral Kravchenko.

“Sorry, Comrade Vice Admiral, the number was wrong.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №126456
How do you check your mental and psychological health?
WOW: I also once had this question... Then there was a paradoxical case: two doctors who tried to explain everything to me are now in a psychic, and I am at home... Do not touch the psychiatrists, they do not have a stable psyche.
Oh yeah, it’s better not to ?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №126455
In the open space.
XXX: How about closing the window?
YYY: Let’s go, or I wanted to go to the server to warm up.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №126454
xxx about songs.
In the "Epidemies" there is the song "Blood of the Elves", there are the words:
"Your answer will not kill me,
You will be sentenced to death".
The husband was sure that there is a song: "I am not your answer".

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №126453
xxx: Among my friends, it is quite normal for a married girl to sleep in an embrace not with her husband. Well, the husband can also calmly drink with his wife's friend until dawn. And sleep with her. Or go to a couple of friends.
But except for anonymous chats, it is better not to talk about it anywhere. It would be nice to have swingers, but to do so is to be perverted.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №126452
I had a dream that week:
I’m driving in the city, alone. I conduct terribly, accidents do not happen only because others have time to react, and not I - to do something. I drive from the next bridge to the shore, almost entering the opposite stream, I brake, but I have time to scare the driver, he crashes and almost crashes into the car in the neighboring row.
And then I realize that I am not in a cozy iron box - a car, but on a bicycle, and the opposite stream of 3/4 - dinosaurs. The hungry.
That’s all you need to know about my attitude to motor school and upcoming exams.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №126451
05.04.2016 at 16:46
Misha, at the end of each statement you need to write: “ my opinion...” or “...I think so...”
05.04.2016 at 19:29
Do you think Misha should write that, or do you think that?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №126450
I had a girlfriend in another city, I went to her for a couple of days a month, constantly pulling some gifts, guided her through restaurants, but one day I learned that I am a COVERSEEN, because in the intervals between the movies, restaurants and more we stayed with her. He calculated that the cost of only the last gift would allow for a year to rent a hotel room.

As a girl from a poor family, I will tell you that when she barely has enough food, expensive gifts are not given up. Let’s say, a young man borrowed me money, did not return it – we are here all our own – but soon gave a chain on his neck for some celebration. I wanted to drown him: I sat on oatmeal and water for a week.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №126449
Olga is the mother of two young boys. I come to the guests in the evening, the apartment is drained up glowing, dinner is prepared (father’s smell from work), children with no traces of bites, scratches, paints, flamesters, plasticine on the body and angelic faces sit quietly painting (which does not happen to be reborn). In the bathroom, Olka stands with circles from lack of sleep and empty gaze and washes in the shell of scratches (Yapsel! She is washing!1 of 1).
My first reaction is to breathe out, bobber!! to

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №126448
Everybody has heard from psychologists, but the phrase "I’m giving you a pattern of crack!" just killed me.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №126447
Called recently:

Good day! You made a website, remember?

Yes of course. As far as I remember, about a year ago.

The problem arose... We changed the management and they absolutely don’t like the entire site. Can we make corrections?

Redirecting or repairing the entire website?

- Let’s call it “corrections”, they’ll go to us free then.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №126446
They renamed their native university, was FTA, now MGOTU. How to answer the question now?
Sorry, you are not studying at MOGTU?
Oh yeah, disappointment...

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №126445
You can go to the doctor at any convenient time. The doctor takes on Friday from 2 to 3.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №126444
Fuck the long-haired guys. Started dating with a bunch of guys, everyone is a good guy - working, smart, fun. No, my daddy was very upset by his curls. What is it, say, he walks with his tail to the belt and does not shave like a normal man? "I am prohibiting" - I am lying to a puppy. He thought, thought, remembered, saw, as a child, he broke a rod about me, but he could not insist on his own, shrugged his hand, and did not raise this topic anymore.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №126443
XXX: Do you have translations to the collection without a commission?
YYY: From Alain to a member without commission
Tagged: blch
YYY: from Sberia
XXX: It should be in quotes
YYY: Yes, I myself was out of this correction.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №126442

here here :
The long hair of men.
I lived in Turkey for a year with hair long to the shoulder. No soul has even asked me if I am comfortable or if I am not hot. The country is quite homophobic. I may have been lucky with the area. But in Russia, people of the same level of education from a similar background did not give me rest, demanding that I cut my hair, bringing the argument one "elegant" of the other.

We just love to go into our own business and give advice.
Recall an old Odessa joke: Do you know why you can’t rape a girl in Deribasovskaya? Advice is tormented.

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №126441
A living person may not breathe, for example, in a hospital connected to an IVL device. Every living person does not breathe until they are born, because the umbilical cord supplies their blood with oxygen directly.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №126440
With long hair, everything is simple and banal. If you are a puppy and a fighter (one point is enough), you can walk as you want. If not, then there will definitely be someone who is going to do something. My knife-fighting coach walked with long hair under his shoulders, but the tongues of everyone were in his ass. Another coach in the fight against the model haircut, and the stuntman who wanted to dig up before this broke his ribs and frightened his pants.
I do what it is, in the Russian Federation as in any wild society respect the force, without it anyone will oppress you, because it is so accepted, and with it you will lick your ass. And what you will have strength, trunk, muscles, xive, money, or all together it is up to you to decide.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №126439
As one woman asked, if you think you’re so smart, then why can’t you understand us, fool?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna