— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №155936
Love all ages are submissive, what can't be said about sex

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №155935
"Widespreadly known in narrow circles" (B. Slutsky)
I live in Costa Rica, I work in the shooting field. I went to the beach this weekend. There a Russian family holds a hotel, they stayed there. Before dawn, he took a camera, promised to return by daytime and went along the ocean.
The beach stretches 6 kilometers along the way, I photographed landscapes, various slides and sleepy pelicans. Silence, people of no one, shit! Halfway, a river falls into the sea. I calmly forced her, the depth did not reach the belt.
He swam, swam, and went on. At the end of the beach, the border of the reserve, the place of turtles, the entrance is crowded. Okay, and so well.
Bradu back, the sun is already roasting, time for 10 p.m. Here is the sentence. Oh, only it flows back, from the sea, and has become three times deeper!!! The tide is yours.
I had to swim only six meters, but I was afraid to wet the camera. We had to rush back to the reserve, a guard was seen through the grove. Was there an eagle (or a forest) in the guard? He greeted me as a native, named me by name, poured water...
...the environmental protection is armed, a couple of years ago the guys came to pop up to us on the shooting field. I don’t speak Latin, I remember, Costa Rica is a small country.
Well, I complained, he left sympathetically, remembered the high tide this year, called somewhere. A police car arrived. Snoop, gave up to the cops?
But the policemen cheered me on the back, asked about Raul’s health and where to go.
We rushed to the gate with a flash, five minutes of farewell, inviting each other to come again. The owners of the hotel were very tense - the police did not look at them when they were born. When the situation clarified, the hostess nervously whispered:
You are Python! I said, I’ll be by the hour, and here’s not fifteen.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №155934
How to catch a tiger in a cage?
Nothing at all. Tigers are only in the strip.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №155933
What a quiet dog. I cut my leg a week ago. Everyone in the blood, neighbors in shock. We have to wait another week to get out of the back and continue the execution.

YYY: If you see blood, you cut it wrong.

XXX is my blood.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №155932
A boy came to me in the hospital, aged 5-7. I started to look through my shoulder into the phone, to see what I was doing there. I don’t like when people look at me on the phone, so I turned away carefully. He started twisting his head, as if hinting, “Well, show me, right?”

His mother came, and he immediately came to her:

“Mom, he doesn’t let me look at the phone!

Mother :

Show him what you’re sorry for.

I am :

I have blood, murder and weapons here, do you not fear that a child will hurt the psyche?

The boy is happy:

I’m not afraid, I’ve played these games before.

I am :

You look at what he plays, there is blood and violence!

Mother turns to her son and is very angry and terrible:

Is it Maxim? What are you playing like that? Where is your blood and violence? Show me your games!

They go under the boy’s scream.

Excuse me, Maxime, I didn’t have to look at it.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №155931
A familiar therapist told me.

He was on the bus to work and was only thinking about how to buy a cake with kefir in the store.

And here’s his stop, he tries to get out, but he’s beaten down by the grandmother, who jumped sharply from the seat and pushing everyone away and all flew to the exit. Such a force will probably envy the tractor, dragging a 152mm haubice during the war.

My colleague, after recovering, goes out and goes to the store and then to a reception at the clinic.

And now guess who was his first to the reception with complaints and stones about how the body hurts and she barely reached the clinic.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №155930
On March 3, it was exactly 160 years ago that the bonding law in Russia was abolished for the first time.

[ + 36 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №155929
and Taxi. At the same time, he took the girl from the bus station. The luggage is an impressive size suitcase. I asked for help to load. and helped. We go. The girl says:
I have to get there in 15 minutes.
I: I can’t get a hundred percent. One hour, not less.
D: – Better you have time, otherwise I’ll make your fucking counterfeit rid of you.
All attempts to urge the chicken to adequacy were unsuccessful.
She calls and complains:
"I am here your driver when the luggage was loaded, all the crystal in the suitcase broke. Let’s make a complaint.
I mean, lying is not good.
D: I warned you.
I stopped. I open the luggage box and throw the suitcase away with the words, “Now everything is fair.” I sit and leave.
Is that what she wanted to?

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №155928
I am often accused that I live for my own pleasure. Sorry, but for whose pleasure should I live?! to

[ + 42 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №155927
xxx: you 6th mother a little over 30, father in power, he bought a month ago Zhygul-shoku, neighbors envy.

You roll on the veranda, you read “20,000 lieues under the water.” Then your root goes to the female with a scream: "Go quickly, I pulled a moth of capronny from my grandfather's garage!" You run on the swamp, cut fresh ribbons and make peeled bowls. Instead of arrows, the stems of the shrimp go, instead of the tips - small nails, which you pulled out of the shredder.

You and Zhenka run to the lawn in the woods, set up improvised targets and shoot from newly crafted bows, feeling like "robindups". In the afternoon, you run around the houses. The grandmother baked potatoes, smoothed with fresh milk, bought in the market. You catch a plate made of a cover from some straw canister, go out on the doorstep, sit on the sloppy stairs (grandfather didn’t have time to finish, he was lost by cancer). You look into the blue sky, eat the burning purple with a chicken foot.

Fuck how well.

[ + 12 - ] Comment quote №155926
Power and people always step together, just in different directions.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №155925
I live in Budapest and went to a Russian grocery store. Dialogue with the seller.
Are you Russian or Ukrainian?
I am a Jew.
P. Then you will like this cheese (showing Adigean cheese)
Why do you think I’ll like him?
A 30% discount on it.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №155924
The State Duma is considering a law that in the event of Putin's death, the entire state apparatus of officials, as well as the deputies of the State Duma from "United Russia" will be provided with a benefit for the loss of a feeder.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №155923
xxx: We got to work with a bagger, light with green eyes. When asked if he was clean, he replied that he was washing in the morning.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №155922
10 years ago I stood in the box at the train station. Behind me are two women and a boy. One says to the boy - don't go far from us, uncle will take you, hug you, tear off your hands and legs.

I am: 0 0

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №155921
As a child, I wanted to work with animals until I realized that I would have to work with animals anyway.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №155920
Once in my life in the U.S. there was a difficult period, year by year, when I could not find a permanent job. I broke contracts – they pay for them very well, but it’s not mine at all. And just when I finally found a job, on the second working day I was summoned to the court as a potential jury.

There, as usual, a hall with a bunch of people, a judge, a prosecutor, lawyers with a prosecutor.

To begin with, the judge asked all those who have good reasons to refuse to participate in the trial to raise their hands. I also raised. He asked me what was the problem – I explained that I had been looking for a job for two years, I just found it and I was extremely unwilling to miss it at the beginning.

He asked you what, are you afraid that they won’t do this job without you?

I replied, on the contrary, I’t want them to know what they’ll do without me.

The hall broke. When the judge was able to speak again, still suffocating from laughter, he shrugged my hand at the exit and shouted - go away!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №155919
I am working with an elderly parasitologist, whose level of love with the profession is "Drozd".

She comes into our office and asks from the doorstep:

Do you want to rest in Zanzibar?

We fell in friendship.

The good guys! Lyudmila Victoria continued joyfully. - From there, a group of tourists with malaria returned, three have already died, a few more in resuscitation.

He laughed with a wicked laugh.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №155918
A few years ago, while at a music festival (Metafest, if any), I woke up closer to four o’clock in the morning on a carpet under a bush. The day before I spent until late at the stage, and in the morning the sun "overwhelmed" me asleep. Unchested, with pine corners in long curly hair and clothes, filled with yesterday’s dances, he went closer to the kitchen.

- Timsagetdin, Timsagetdin, go here: I will introduce you to my girlfriend - a friend from his tent called me.

“Here, get to know: this is Olga, my girlfriend, and this is my friend Timsagetdin,” he introduced us to each other, “Timsagetdin, by the way, doesn’t drink alcohol at all. How much do you drink, remember?

Well, about eight years, probably, I am proud and embarrassed at the same time.

“You see, a man has not drunk for eight years, and then he suddenly changes his tone, and you can imagine, Olga, how much he has drunk before, if he has not drunk for eight years, and still looks like an alchemy?! to

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №155917
And let’s get even closer together around the new Yacht Usmanov!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna