— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 39 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №155956
Xxx: I remember working with a friend in a good company. But at some point, problems with paying wages began. The circumstances forced me to go to another company, and my friend was persuaded to stay, raising his salary one and a half times. After that, he was paid half a time.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №155955
Fifteen years ago, in my past beautiful life, full of terrariums, a young man and I agreed to become bird-eating spiders. Lasiodora parahybana, if anyone is interested. I have a commodity - a boring lush lady with a height of legs of 22 cm, his merchant - a petty virgin, consisting of one leg and swollen from desire pedipalps.

I lived on the last floor of the 5th floor. To me, only on foot. As I remember, it was Saturday. The neighbor’s daughter was getting married. Clearly, all the stairs, starting from the first floor, are decorated with balls, pink ribbons, flowers and empty bottles of champagne. And before entering our floor there is a huge stretch "Happiness to you, young people!"

And here’s how much water has leaked, and still the picture in front of my eyes: I open the door – there’s a completely stunned boy, a garden with a bird-eater in his hands. And almost with tears in the voice: "Sorry for God's sake, you're out as prepared, and I didn't even bring the cake! We just have it for the first time.”

c) Svetlana Kotelkova

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №155954
In the struggle between good and evil, hard-earned good rarely triumphs.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №155953
Dima, our old friend, who got married late enough, desperate Childfrey... It’s late enough – it’s after forty.
Married two years ago, and a year ago decided to move (according to our example) from the city to the country.
And in the neighbors, a two-year-old boy, Eliseo, - who melted Dima's heart to such an extent that Dima put a boy in his car, allowed any buttons.
He himself went out.
Eliseo pushed until he locked himself in the car (the key was left inside the car)

Duma our ran around the car, tried to break the lock, became nervous, and even called the service to open the locks.
Then came another neighbor, a former military officer.
Quickly getting into the situation, he asked for a lamp, and simply devoted to the locking button.
Two-year-old Eliseo as a command pressed this button, and unlocked the car, thus saving himself)))
The neighbor explained that he previously worked with service dogs, and children and dogs have the same thinking.

A brilliant neighbor in my opinion.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №155952
I received a letter from the FNS. I don’t know who they are, but they are demanding to pay them 13% of last year’s income. They promise free education, security and quality medicine.
I think divorce is something.

[ + 38 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №155951
xxx: The fellow group's father went out to take the garbage in his tapes in November, returned for the next new year.

Yyy: Now you will find an empty urn

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №155950
Dmitry Peskov has denied rumors about another increase in the retirement age in Russia.
And he thought of himself: "We are not idiots - we must first win the elections in the Duma."

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №155949
Financing of terrorism

The headbuster, who flew into the chief executive’s office, clearly fled with bad news.
Finmonitoring has blocked our bank accounts! After rest, she told me.
Why is? The director surprised.
They say we are financing terrorism.
What kind of terrorism? International or local? The director clarified.
“I don’t know,” replied the chief, “you better know! Can you talk to the bank?! to

The financial institution told the CEO that the banking transactions of the firm are very suspicious: the company receives funds from many companies and sends all the money to only one legal entity. And so for several days in a row.
What kind of company do we pay for and in whose person we finance terrorism, have you looked at? I asked the director.
- No, the recipient's account is in another bank, - not quite sure answered the monitoring employee.
"This is the Baltic Customs," explained the director, "our firm is collecting money from customers for customs payments for a new batch of goods arriving in the port. And about the customs we ourselves suspected something like this about terrorism, but thank you for your vigilance. You finally clarified the situation.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №155948
Never tell a woman that no one will ever love her with children.
There are men who love them even with their husband!

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №155947
xxx: On the street, of course, the schedule is offgenic, but this is the story - so for yourself. In the computer, sooner or later you pump, change the inventory, weapons and transportation to the top, change several locations, and on the street you will remain a sludge Seroga with alcoholism, low salary and rust, forever broken by the Volga fifth, with permission to say, the automobile factory.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №155946
The old woman put before the young man an empty bowl:

The bank is empty, right?

and yes.

And now? Using large stones, she asked.

“Now the bank is full,” the young man replied.

Smiling, the old lady poured sand into her and questioningly looked at the guy. He reluctantly sneered, agreeing to some errors in his previous words.

Smiling even wider, the old lady took a glass of water and began to pour it into the already seemingly filled bowl. The boy could not withstand:

“Yes, grandmother, you are right: the bank was never full. But stop telling me, moving the half empty plate away from me, I am really already full.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №155945
This story was told to me by a guy with whom we were lying in the hospital. The boy was from the village. We were 16-17 years old.

Last year, he says, we were resting with his brother at his friend’s house. There were no parents, all the Spanish people gathered from neighboring villages. I was quickly taken away from a pair of glasses of samsung and I did not notice myself asleep where I was sitting. I woke up at night and my whole body was drained. In the darkness, I saw the silhouettes of the bodies with which the floor and all the available furniture were filled. There was nowhere to go, I decided to go home. He touched the body of his brother, threw it on his back and carried it two kilometers to the house. He threw his brother on the bed on the veranda, went into the house himself. At lunch, he says, I get up, I go out of the house to the veranda, I look at my brother. This is not a brother.

In general, it turned out that he was hooked home by some left-handed boy, whom he didn’t even know.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №155944
Why not...?

And did you know that now the football judges in the championship of Russia began to check on the polygraph, even to the "non-football" judges the hands reached!

© Dmitry Sviridov

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №155943
Once a long time ago, a drunken husband stumbled on me, as it is, and turned to my mother. He did not find his favorite shirt (they are all his favourites, but most of all those he can’t find) thrown into the laundry.
He came and sadly asked:
Did you give my favorite shirt to my lover?
Then he was completely upset and fell to sleep.
In the morning I washed, the shirt hangs, dried up. Take, I say, I’ll smooth out and boil to my mom.
He started looking for the washed socks.
As always, a couple is missing.
Where is my favorite socks?! to
I gave her lover.
and pause.
Do you have a single leg?

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №155942
And the maniac sat down with Putin and went out with Putin. Putin has even surpassed the maniac.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №155941
One of my friends decided to take account of his life. It appears at the beginning of November. And he told me today how he tried to implement it and changed his mind. His name is Anton. I haven’t seen him for six months. The story is short and sad. When the damned virus began to fucking our poor economy into all the cracks, his modest business in Peter broke up. Projects did not agree, potential customers jumped one after another, and already existing ones froze and did not pay for contracts. And all this humiliation hit Antoh at once, gradually driving him into a state of apathy, and then plunging him into a heavy autumn depression. They say if you look at the fire for a long time and do nothing, you will be expelled from the Emergency Service. Each week, Antosha watched his affair sink and did not do the exact nichuya for his own salvation. Thirty-year-old unloaded by the family, a non-drinking man, decided not to turn to anyone for help, but simply to get rid of life in the arms of the grey Neva. At eight o’clock Antonha walked from Ladoga to the bridge of Alexander Nevsky, taking the time to think about the road. To think of a good nihui did not work out, and the autumn Peter's Sky in no way contributes to optimism. In short, he reached the middle of the bridge and crossed the fence to do everything quickly and without thinking. Nihua quickly failed, for five minutes he stopped, and then a sharp sound of a braking car was heard behind his back. Antonha turned around and saw a toyota, from which a large body-built man jumped to him, shouting, "do not think, fool." The man turned out to be quick and strong enough to pull out and take the deceased Antonh to the car.

“Sell, dumb, fast,” he commanded and forcefully struck the suicide in the car.

After the bridge in the car was warm and comfortable. The driver was quietly driving along the coastline, and Antosha melted from the thought that human love and elementary co-participation had still remained in the people, and guessed what the mysterious savior would offer him until they arrived at the Grenadier Bridge.

The car stopped and the man finally spoke.

In short, if you want to fuck up, jump here, let the Petrograd department be responsible for you. I’ll see you again on that bridge, I’ll eat off, so that my mother won’t know. I understood? Go to Nashville.

In short, after this incident, Antocha gathered forces and thoughts, and things seemed to go to the mountain. It turned out that customers were pleased to deal with a person who was energetic and self-owned, rather than a depressed man.

[ + 28 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №155940
The foolish peoples, covering up their foolishness, fight with their neighbors.
Absolutely stupid nations are fighting all over the world.

[ + 33 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №155939

Petersky, the institute companion, often dragged me to the country. We helped his grandfather in the farm. Some rotten boards were ripped away from the house, and in their place others, just as rotten, were grabbed. Grandfather – Pavel Alekseevich, strictly controlled the process, screaming at us and we tried. My grandfather fed us well. Salo, home eggs, a bottomless barrel of fermented cabbage. For the hungry nineties, it is not bad at all.
One winter evening, my grandfather was lying on a tap, and my friend and I were throwing wood into the stove and my grandfather spoke:

I was summoned at the very end of the forty-first, brought to Leningrad, there accelerated training, such as the course of a young fighter before the front.
So, I made friends there with one guy, he himself from under Vologda, named Sasha Stepanov. I remembered the name all my life.
Service in the school we were not brought, lords, as I remember, until I don't believe that he was alive. It was even harder than it was on the front. We were feeding worse dogs, apparently stealing a lot. We didn’t complain, the Leningrad civilians lived even worse.
During the day class on combat training, at night in the warehouse the boxes were tapped, or the mountains of bricks after the bombings were dismantled.
I didn’t sleep every night. Many people were sick, almost everyone. I suffered pneumonia on my legs. Some died of hunger. Apparently, a healthy guy, blood with milk, and you look, in some two months, it's all. So what did you think? If you are almost not fed at all, but only to give hard work, and even in the barracks sometimes the water freezes, you knock your teeth in your sleep.
There was no hospital for us. I recovered – well, no – sorry.
We had a rotting boss, now I can’t remember the name. I once knew. After a slight injury, he reached us, had time to fight. He was a bad man, a bad man. We were all very afraid of him.
Imagine a company of about 150 people and almost every morning one of us didn’t wake up.
The senior approached, saw that the student died and ordered him to be thrown into the yard.
That is, naturally, they opened a window in the barracks and dropped the poor man from the second floor right into the yard. So fast that you do not drag the stairs and circles around the building. People get used to everything, we were not surprised by anything.
And here one day my friend Stepanov Sasha was seriously ill, Maybe a cold, maybe from hunger, and most likely, all at once. He was getting worse and worse every day, and was afraid to confess to the senior, could easily be shot, as a sabotage and deserter. There were cases. I helped him as I could, even from my bread.
In the morning, the chief cries: Race up!
Everyone jumped, and Stepanov lies, silent, can’t even move, but he breathes hard.
The senior saw, approached, bended and commanded us: - Open the window, take, take out!
Well, then he was picked up, pulled, and I grabbed Stepanov in the shirt, I don't let it go, I pulled back, I began to beg the senior, say how-so, Stepanov is still breathing, alive yet. Maybe wait until he dies first. The senior was angry, of course, hit me in the chest, began to scream about the failure to execute the order in wartime. I was lucky, only with a broken rib. Sasha Stepanova was thrown into the yard. Yet another living. None of us did anything more to the senior. Even though I was dropped...
How sorry I was for the guy, still in nightmares. not let go.

Grandfather silenced and began to sneak in the dark. One minute later, he continued unexpectedly:

But that is not the whole story yet.
Fifty years, I don’t remember, ten years after the war. I lived at the time in my village near Tossno, I’m digging in the garden, there are two men: one younger, the other older, 60 years old.
They say goodbye, they say, are you like that? Yes, I say, I. The older one shows me a photo and asks – who is he?
I looked and immediately found out, I answer – this is my combat companion, Stepanov Alexander.
The older one says, “All right, Pavel Alekseevich is Sasha, my son, and this is his older brother. We have never been able to get from the military committee how he died and where he was buried? They say that in the training unit, and how and what, it is not known. Some archives have disappeared. There was only one letter from him, and here it is. Here Sasha writes that he has a friend — it’s you.

I could, of course, “tell them” that their son and brother fell to the death of the brave defenders... but I couldn’t. Who am I to hide the truth from them? He also told me about the boss as well.
We drank all night for the memory of the soul of Alexander. The guests stayed with me, and after light, said goodbye and left.

Maybe two years later, maybe it was the 60th. Again, the father of Alexander Stepanov came to me, at that time he was alone, greeted and began without preface: - Pavel Alekseevich, I could not write to you about this, but you also have the right to know it. Here, specifically, I came to tell you: - Everything you told us then, the chief confirmed. Confirmed and repented before death.

Grandfather was still breathing in the dark, then told us to close the inflatable in the oven and go to bed.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №155938
All Pfizer vaccinated are asked to approach the 5G peak and stand for five minutes to download updates against the new strain of the coronavirus.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №155937
Xxx: Teenagers with blues columns? pffff

And you were lying in the chamber after surgery with two vivid and sociable, but deaf old women over 70 with memory failures and old nokia on a loud connection?

The same thing!

Yyy: Fuck, I was lying with such a “builder of communism” a month in the summer. Former Party Officer. He hasn’t slept since 5 in the morning. And he could talk all day about how they had led everyone, and now it’s all shit. For 18 hours a day, this radio "Country Hour" worked. Requests, excuses and threats did not work.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna