— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №153931
My wife’s brother came from the depths and we were sitting for dinner. Asks how life is, how things are, I answer that everything is fine, we went with the child to rest, we talk about school, well, not to tell him about the foolish boss and trouble at work, right? I ask him how he is doing, which he in turn answers that he barely had time to get on the plane, the duty was loaded. Further from his words.
Just entered, they immediately report that they were injured by the RZD, a person fell under the train, cut off both legs above the knees. They brought, immediately to the operating room, blood loss, shock, but saved. We sat down to drink tea, a call from GIBDD – two minibuses collided, many people were injured, they were taking us. The nurse “sits on the phone,” calls all the doctors and surgeons. It turned out that everything was not so bad, three bodies remained on the track, only seven people were brought to us. 12 hours in the operating room. I arrived at the airport, almost late.
- Yes, by the way, and where in the vicinity can you buy shoes, crox, like you, very convenient in such work to walk?
Going to crawl, and is it that I have the trolls at work? 24 hours in the operating room. And at the same time, clothes and surgical costume to buy at your expense.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №153930
The terrible times. People have to wash their hands, cook food at home, and communicate with their children. This can also happen when reading books.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №153929
Babakin: I was lying for two days with terrible headaches, a temperature below 40, the muscles are weeping, the head is weeping - everyone came, the ass.

I call an ambulance, I am taken away, in the abode of evil. Take a lot of tests, faces in masks.

The doctor goes in: thank God, you just have meningitis. They feared it was a coronavirus.

I’m happy with Kim’s son.

Free.flier: The type of glue from meningitis is not as shameful as from the coronavirus?

Innalya: If he dies from meningitis, the coronavirus statistics will not be ruined

Babakin: I’m still alive

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №153928
I traveled by train in Russia in the mid-1990s. The neighbor offers a drink, somehow he so well served everything: a bottle of good vodka, snack, snack.

I answer: I am a rather unprincipled person, but I have three rules. I don’t drink until noon, I don’t drink with strangers, I don’t drink in moving transport.

The man lost all interest in me, just looked out the window and did nothing.

It was twenty or thirty minutes. The crew crashed into the perron of a large station and stopped. The man immediately revived, looked at the clock (there was something like 12: 07) and extended my hand:

and Nicholas! ...”

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №153927
Yes I remembered. Probably 1991 or 1992. That is the beginning :)

I remember all the time broadcasting deputies on television, my father read "New World" and so on. There are discussions in the newspapers. Well, I was still in school.

And then the father cries and reads an article in a magazine. Example of a package vote.

There are three people: “A”, “B” and “B”. Not acquainted with each other. They are invited to vote for the following:

"A" is put in jail, "B" is raised twice, and "B" is transferred to a new promising position.

“A” votes against, “B” and “B” vote for.

“A” is in prison.

The next vote:

"A" is transferred to the best chamber, "B" is sent to jail, and "B" is raised twice the salary.

“A” and “B” vote for, “B” vote against.

“A” and “B” are in prison.

The last issue of the vote:

"A" to improve nutrition, "B" to transfer to the best chamber, "B" to put in jail.

“A” and “B” vote for, “B” vote against, but in the end:

All three volunteerly and democratically put themselves in jail :)

Then I just remembered this example as a joke, yes... Later, I realized that “package” voting is an extremely dangerous thing. And that, however, each proposal should be considered separately, and not a "package" to be pulled all the way.

Z is. I’m not suggesting anything, I just remembered.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №153926
When I was 5, I remember asking my parents for a dog. Or a cat. In general, something lively and furry that you can have fun playing with. The parents refused and then asked, “Do you want a monkey?”

This is not a dog, and I knew little about monkeys, but the offer still thrilled me.

I: The real one?

R : Of course!

I: And she will live at our house without a cage and can play with her?

R is yes!

Then came my brother.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №153925
The president noted that in no place in the world a manager earns less than his employees.

He probably does not know that there is no concept of revenue anywhere in the world, but there is a profit.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №153924
I approach the passageway, people are tired there: someone is passed, someone is waiting for documents, etc.
I sweep my hand into the pocket where the radio frequency label for the turniquet should be placed, and I just touch a pack of new crispy thousand notes. Before that, he took it off in the ATM, put it down and rolled it into his pocket. It is clear that the flat pass just found somewhere inside the package between the notes. Looking for and removing lazy. Even if in the center of the package - there is a thickness of only 1 cm, for the radio frequency label should be enough, and if it is shifted in any direction and you do not guess from the first time, I will attach the other side. These thoughts passed in a second. I approach the turniket, on the move I take out the folded package, without stopping, I attach one side of the package and the other, the turniket is open, I pass. I hear behind my back:
And what? Was it possible?
Look what the money makers do!

[ + 33 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №153923
Who would have thought that in the 21st century the world will again turn into the Middle Ages: America is closed to Europeans, the plague browses in Europe itself, and in Russia-motherly disputes between the Kiev and Moscow princeships, the opričnina and the boyars celebrating the tsar-batyushka...

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №153922
Beginning of the nineties. My father is sick, he is in the hospital, his mother is in the garden. Just planted in the greenhouse tomatoes and on you! and freezing. seriously and for a long time. At night, it was down to minus eight. For a couple of days, my mother was involved in saving the red-skinned, but decided that I should also work for the benefit of the family, the more Batty should write out and meet him.

Call me to work - come to the garden, I will teach you to save tomatoes from freezing. I came, my mother gives me her post - here is the stove, here is the boiler on the oven, the water boils and every half hour you change the boiler with cooled water in the greenhouse for boiling from the oven.

has left. I looked at those cages, scratched the tail and walked with my extended hand through the garden. The neighbor took a large boiler, went to a friend on a neighboring street, borrowed a wire from him. Forks - the sockets were their own and after half an hour of work there was a crooked, but reliable extender, which was enough to the greenhouse. He also found two bins of strawberries, each with 5 to 10 liters, poured into them coal from the oven and hanged it in the greenhouse.

At night the coal was shaking, giving heat, the boiler boiled water in the tank, and I slept, not distracting every half hour for any smoothie. Arriving early in the morning, mom and dad found a functioning system and shaking me. And comfortable plus five in the greenhouse.

It turned out that my laziness and little technical knowledge gave me significant advantages over pure humanities.

Like a cherry on a cake - the next year there were freezes too, and my mom used my scheme, but instead of coal, she drove all the burning garbage into the cans. The greenhouse was full of smoke and all the leaves from the tomato bushes fell off. Then they grew up, but it was later.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №153921
When I was still going to kindergarten, I was poorly hearing, was not communicative. Children are generally angry at those who see poorly and hear poorly, and one boy has insulted me all the time. He pulled his hair, pinched, called, well, the classic of the genre. And once I could not stand it, and I cut it off. I remember I was just covered by a white diaper of anger, and I... Well, in general, the next day we go to the garden with my mom, and we are waiting for this boy with his mom. And his mother begins to complain that your daughter beat my son yesterday. I was the youngest in the group, almost a year younger. And the boy is above my head and generally healthy. Mom says to this woman, look at her and her son. If she beat him, what was it for? The woman looked at her son, breathed, took him by the hand and left silently. It was my first victory in society.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №153920
Today I heard a compliment that I have a brutal face. The reason for this is a few visible scars. He immediately began to smile because he remembered the "brutal" origin of these scars. A scar on the eye - tried to break a rod to fight with a urticaria. The stick gave up. A scar on the eyebrows - played with a metal tube from a vacuum cleaner in a ninja turtle. has lost.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №153919
A healthy economy is when cows are more profitable than officials.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №153918
Dad decided to put the hamster on the table to run. The hammer of happiness first stumbled, then began to chew a bag of dry quas. Dad pulled him away, and then the hamster ran to the wipes, took one, stuck it entirely in his mouth, but it didn't get in, and so the piece was torn. Dad rattled over this and drove the hammer back into the cage, where the hammer first came to his house, took the towel from his cheeks, put it on, covered it and fell asleep.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №153917
The old Russian fun of sticking the expiration date on products today came to a new, state level.

[ + 42 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №153916
I regularly watch posts about the conflict between consumers and shops. I wanted to tell you about my experience. There were a lot of fun things, I might write about them. Now a little about something else.

The motto prefix, sadly, means that our buyers are unexpectedly deadly much more often than we would like. It happened that they ordered spare parts for a motorcycle, paid for it and disappeared. And then one day I call to tell you that spare parts have arrived and I am answered by a woman’s voice. I asked the employer, but in response, "He died, I am his mother. What did you want?” I try to explain that her son ordered spare parts, paid them entirely, but suddenly I understand that this is all in the form of spare parts and I just offer her to return the prepayment. Apparently the woman did not understand what I wanted, said that I should not bother her anymore and put on the phone.

I don't know why I was so itchy, but I put spare parts for sale, sold it, and the amount there was a lot. I call the same number again, but it’s already out of the area. Through social networks, I find a dead customer, calculate his girlfriend, explain her the situation, she gives contact to the customer's mother. For a long time the woman could not understand and believe that I was asking her to come to the store so that I could give her the money. I finally realized that I came with a cake. The store did not suffer losses. My conscience too.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №153915
I work in a bank.

The history of repayment of the loan.

This time there is nothing unusual, just let’s enjoy the person.

Today came a 43-year-old man who took a mortgage in 2005 already far away. I made my last payment today. In general, it is a very rare case when the mortgage is cancelled for the entire term, usually selling an apartment, making refinancing to another bank or simply making large sums and closing prematurely. The client has been here for 15 years. He tells us that in these years, he married twice, from the first marriage was born and a child has grown up, changed several jobs, lost friends, planted health, in general, everything like an ordinary man. He says: "So many years have passed, a whole life, everything has changed, even the president has changed (Kazakhstan), and only one thing always, I came to pay for the mortgage every month."

Glad for him, but also a little sad.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №153914
When I was fifteen, my father somehow became psychotic and cried out, "You read little!" he grabbed Remark from the shelf of "Three Comrades" and handed it to me, and it was a turning point. I really liked the book and aroused interest in reading. The side effect, however, was the interest in the use of strong drinks, which Remark described with his inherent skill. It’s strange that I didn’t get caught up with crooked prostitutes.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №153913
According to legend, during the time of colonial rule in India, the British became upset that there were too many cobras in Delhi.

To get rid of the poisonous snakes, the governor assigned a reward for each cobra killed.

At first, the number of snakes rapidly decreased as a result of their destruction.

However, soon entrepreneurial Indians began to breed the cobra themselves for the sake of the prize.

When this became known to the government and the reward for the killed cobra was cancelled, the breeders released the depreciated snakes, and thus the number of poisonous cobra not only did not decrease, but even increased.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №153912
Order and discipline in Russia are synonymous with lawlessness and arbitrariness.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna