— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №122193
Okay the pets. We no longer approach girls if we have the opportunity to cross the other side of the street. We do not ask questions and do not answer them, in the ultimate case we run away. Then the ladies will immediately see that they are real gentlemen and men of the highest class. They will find our email and send a letter with an offer to meet.
Everything for beautiful ladies. I will start today, hoping for your support.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №122192
The gender shit. You know, I am a professional leader and there was no problem on the street to communicate with the opposite sex (especially because I sometimes work at events). This is what I noticed. If you want to ask for time and get acquainted, boldly approach the "doubles" and "three men" - girls who walk with their friends. You shoot the phones and they will not be afraid of you three when you meet. If it's not a dark dungeon:)) 4 years ago I moved to another city (Krasnodar, hi), and there was a real problem getting somewhere sometimes. I asked the girls usually, as well as to get to know the option, and generally nice to talk to them. No one ever escaped. Rules are such - polite (girl, hello, please tell me how to go to the library), name the reason for the question (nearly moved, two hours walk around the circle, tried all the shaurma in the district, and there is no exit, turn the key and fly), polite interested, and not on the way to you (at least until the tram stop, or one walk in a strange city you are afraid, otherwise who will stick and meet). Well, and further on the situation) The road will tell you exactly, and in the rest how lucky. I always worked and not necessarily I asked for a phone number, since really sometimes needed help of a different kind:) So we include charm, sense of humor and forward, we prove that not all men are concerned rapists:))

[ + 41 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №122191
I do business on the road. At the window sits a girl (23-25 years old in sight), headsets in the ears, hands occupied with a smartphone. After 15 minutes, my companion started eroding, repairing her coat, and so on. Then, neither of this nor of this, will push me into the bowl.

Are you so stupid? I want to go out.

She really started kicking my legs out of place, leaning on my back to the board of the minibus. I stood up. She whispered.

I stopped because of you.

Was it not fate to ask? I would get up.

You are stupid!! I pointed to you for a moment!! to

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №122190
I am 4. My first conscious New Year. She prepared as she did not prepare for her diploma years later. Poems, the choice of dress, even the chair from which she was going to broadcast was decorated with mandarin skins. And here, the moment H. came home "costless" and he was, like a fairy tale - a beard, a hood, a shirt, socks... and I thought that he didn't have removable valves, well. I told all the 2 verses, promised to behave well and received a gift)) Stoiko, having gone through the separation with the "red nose", went to disassemble the gifts in the room. After 10 minutes, a neighbor came to visit, they and their mom and uncle sat in the kitchen, drinking tea. And then I run out of the room, to show my mom that Santa has put in a bag and freeze on the kitchen threshold with my mouth open, standing on the feet of the neighbor. The Socks! These were Santa’s socks! The neighbor Ruslan = Santa! No one could convince me anymore. So I learned that when you cheat someone, don’t forget to think about the details.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №122189
Sasha studied at the Naval University in Peter, and was born in Voronezh. He was brought to his hometown in the spring. The sunshine was already quite hot, but there was no order to switch to the summer clothes. Hated by all seafarers, the shaped "slinker", which instead of a shirt closed the chest and neck, became naturally unbearable, and Sasha removed it. He goes like a real sea wolf through Voronezh, and meet the patrol. “Where?” Without ceremony, the captain of the air defense, who at that time was the chief of the patrol, strangled him in the chest. “What?” Sasha was surprised. “Comrade, why are you not dressed according to the statute?” He made another attempt, the captain. “It is my fault, Comrade Captain! I do not understand!” He attacked Sasha. “Where is this here?” He helplessly ticked his finger. “Is it...?” “I honestly didn’t understand Sasha.” “You probably mean Knox?” I understood his face. “Yes Knecht! Where is he?” Solemnly and again horribly asked the captain. “It is my fault, Comrade Captain! I forgot to wear!” The seafarer. “The documents. We will write to your university," the captain was obviously pleased.

A month later, a report came to the Sashin Institute, in which the captain with a dry protocol language strictly reminded the St. Petersburg sailors of the inadmissibility of walking through Voronezh without a knight.

Not every sailor remembers the name of this wonderful detail of the toilet, and no one knew this name in Voronezh. Knecht is such a healthy iron piece for fixing the ends during the shipping of the ship. Sasha was not fooled at the institute. They read him this report with a stone expression of the face, but at the end did not stand, exploded it and sent it far away.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №122188
You just do not fall, take for something stronger... I have never rolled up with the question "how to go to the library", and in the forehead asked - "can I get to know you?" and never heard in response. I don’t know what it’s like, but looking at what you’re answering innocent questions here, I feel like my hair on my back is rising. I don’t understand what it’s about – disarming straightforwardness or female logic, but for some reason the fact is a fact. "No / do not stop!", a squeezed nose and accelerated step, "on the street / in the tram / in the subway I will not meet", "later - busy" and a cunning smile, "...Ola / Lena / Light..." - whatever, but stable within the label, sorry for the rhythm. And now let me quietly die in the corner of amazement.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №122187
How is your learning of Chinese? and :)
How to say. Chinese people already understand that I speak Chinese, but they do not understand what I am speaking.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №122186
Where is the landing bracelet at the regulator?
And why? He is well attached...

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №122185
She: I love you. And to sleep! But sleeping more...
He: Is it because I can spend 10 hours with him and I can’t?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №122184
How do you know that you have programmed a wild?
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'undefined' of undefined.
On the line, there is only a comment.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №122183
Darth Vader, the passengers
You asked me what you were going to do, so I will answer. Simply we, shit hamks, doher value and respect your time. As long as you'll get my mouse on the topic of herly I'm not dry off from the desire to get stuck with you, and if you have such a striking skin as I really have a guy, and even have, you can bypass, anyway I'm joking you miss from 10 to 50 potential candidates for dating. So I am sending you naked.
And yet, why did you decide that you suffer from loneliness and do not meet you on the street alone and harder females?

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №122182
I am always asked on the street only how to go somewhere or how long. No one is clinging, I’m sure. Do you know what my secret is? Thirty kilos of excess weight! Thirty kilograms of excess weight – feel safe!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №122181
By the way, when watching Star Wars VII was a witness to the unity of the audience - at the moment when Kyle Ren removed the mask, almost the whole hall of the choir said: "Please get back."

Didn’t anyone say "Daddy"?? to

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №122180
1915: Do you know who you are selling the car to? Was it this ignorance that prevented you from refusing to be an unemployed relative for seven years?

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №122179
Dangerously warm winter - don't let god the French or the Germans move to Moscow.
If the Turks move, they will have enough of this winter.

[ + 22 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №122178
I am interested:

The Dutch government has legalized paying for driving lessons with sex. This was announced by Justice Minister Ard van der Stein and Transport Minister Melanie Schulz van Hegen. According to them, such a form of payment for services to motor schools cannot be considered prostitution. Ministers called such payment “undesirable” but not contrary to the law.

How are taxes calculated and paid?

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №122177
The case was in the nineties. My mother - a school teacher - came to mind the idea of how to congratulate the boys before the new year. A good day was chosen, children on the bus were taken on a natural science tour to the nearest forest - bird feeders were hanged, traces were sought. Prior to the same forest was equipped with a team of three people - the driver and two teachers in the costumes of Santa Claus and snowmen, who dressed a cute tree tree on a slope and hid balls with gifts under it. When the excursion "accidentally found" a decorated tree in the forest and the REAL Father Christmas came out to them from the REAL forest - there was no limit to children's enthusiasm!

Santa was my two-meter-old father, and his costume was very colorful.

And in one year while waiting for the children, the father, being already at the full parade, went to the forest a little further away and hears: "Tyk..Tyk..." Looked out for the swarm - and there a man with a towel is broken up. Well, the father and approached him quietly, put his hand in the gloves on his shoulder and as a whispered bass:

“Why are you, man, stealing my straw?? to

Such protective eyes the father had never seen... Well, behind a tail and one wheel, that man never returned, as much as the father did not scream after him...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №122176
He followed me, I see, he went.
I took the elbow: "Listen, Lucia,
It will be very good,
I live in a separate luxury".
He has a thick mouth.
And eyes like two bowls,
I see the bushes.
Through the shirt door.
I am not Lucia, I say,
My name is Tamara.
I can’t tolerate that,
I am not a couple...

He was not embarrassed,
The clothes glow in the eye:
"I will pay for the night,
How much do you pay for"?
I played a handball.
for sports awards,
I was the center.
There was a throw, what was needed.
I am a sum
I moved out of my hand,
His cavalry
Between the boxes lighted!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №122175
A lot of stupid things happen in dreams. But the reality of dreams is slowly coming.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №122174
A short Japanese story:
One poor farmer, who worked very hard all week, earned money, went to the marketplace and bought a half bowl of bread and flowers. A neighbor asks him, "Why didn't you buy a whole bowl of bread, you could have been full for a week?" The farmer replied, “I bought bread to live, and I bought a flower to live for.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna