— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №120192
slav4eg: I recently drove a little to the clinic, and while waiting for the turn, watched the wardrobe.
slav4eg: I noticed that when she puts on the jackets, she takes a few numbers with her to quickly give them to the visitors, and only then put the clothes.
slav4eg: The first thing that came to mind - l1 cache

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №120191
and incomprehensible:

Article about the deadly:
"The tram crashed on a pedestrian crossing the passing part in an inappropriate place, under a overground pedestrian crossing"
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Are there no pedestrian crossings in your village? It is like this: _/

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №120190
A couple of years ago, the Arabs once again decided that they had too many missile reserves and should give a portion to us by firing nearby territories. Well, as always, in principle, closed institutions, schools, panic attacks in the population. The girlfriend's daughter at the time was 6 months old, in two weeks of shelling she learned to cry one-on-one as the "tube of hell" - the air alarm sirene. I admit honestly, when I came to visit them, at the sounds of her cry began to look for a bomb shelter. You say a whistle.

[ + 50 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №120189
StarCraft: Something happened yesterday. You can say, the apophysis of my astrological practice. Writing a lady.
Salavat, help, the husband went to the mistress, the boss pressures, debts. Ready to pay any money for a quality forecast. I thought about myself, why would this "any money" not go to pay the debts, but remain silent. Ask the date and time of birth. Call the month and day. I: The year? The lady reads me a lecture on the subject "not good for a woman's age to ask", but calls. I : the time? Lady: "Well how do I know?"

Emissar_4: Waleev, well you are like the first year you are working with dudes)))

The star: WOW. I struggle about myself, but I make a map. Correction of time for Pluto. And here the picture opens up simply stunning. Long to explain, the essence: the lady is very bad on the tongue, and this is the root of all her problems. I sit, I think. In the end, I politely explain everything as it is, listen to the gossip and go to bed. Of course I did not pay.
The next morning the orders were dropped. 10 people. It turns out, our correspondence the lady laid out with her evil, full of the most edible sarcasm comments. I washed up my ears. But now I have orders from the mistress of my husband, the daughter who fled to Moscow, and - then - the head of the office from which she was washed out.

Emissar_4: It was the most awkward feeling when even the stars tell a person that he is a fucker XD

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №120188
Alcoholism is incurable, so fishing is a lifelong hobby.

[ + 49 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №120187
We go with a friend in the center of the city, a friend complains that he cannot find a girlfriend. I show a person of the fair sex sitting on the bench. And I said to him, “Come and just ask if I can meet her?” Not thinking for a long time, my friend takes the course towards the bench and such a dialogue took place.
The smoke:
Hello girl, can I meet you?
The girl:
and you? Do you want to meet? With me? Have you seen yourself in the mirror?
To which Dima responds with an indignant face:
Unfortunately, I saw it, so I decided to go to you.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №120186
“Never laugh at someone who speaks broken English. That means he knows another language.” Jackson Brown Jr. is an American author.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №120185
xxx: gygy, Ivanov from Serdyukov crucified: (link to film.vru)
xxx: it may, of course, be a game for the public, but Ivanov himself on the AS is washed all his bones in connection with his statements about corruption in the East: say, in the fur itself, and in general there in the East are only the representatives of different clans.
zzz: I adhere to the opinion (per too categorical) that in politics, everyone has a rifle.
xxx: + and hole
zzz: People of the other kind just don’t go there
XXX is +
zzz: so yes, I believe that anyone who is in politics 5+ years can be boldly planted. It doesn’t matter what, just 146% is for what.
XXX is 😉
xxx: how does it matter, but how to determine for what period of time to plant? :D
zzz: well, here’s how much I’ve been sitting in the "calm", so much I’ll have to sit on the roofs

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №120184
Life hacker with refrigerator:

It’s all long ago invented. I don’t know how you do, but we have built-in cabinets with grid right on the street in all of the Khrushchevs of the 50s. In the people is called the "Ural refrigerator".

The Chelyabinsk region, if any.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №120183
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle of releases states that you can know exactly either what the software will do, or when it will be launched, but not both at the same time.
vvv: The principle of Pauli releases: two or more identical releases (releases of one product) cannot be released simultaneously by the efforts of one team.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №120182
Here to this: I met a man by the name of Yezhov.

My name is Ezechiel’s. At first I didn’t understand why my husband said the name was so difficult. I was not referred to in writing. And Yeshua, and Yeshua and Yeshua. And the culmination of all this was - Izhova. So I understand the guy :)

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №120181
News is burning

In Chelyabinsk, a swimming pool is burning

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №120180
Description of one of the EvE-Online updates:


- Corrected a number of grammar errors in the descriptions of tasks of agents


[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №120179
You mean alcoholic?
XXX Why?
YYY: Did you see how many games I have in the steam?
This is called game.
Yyy: The game is if I played them.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №120178
Yesterday I drank coffee, I watched a telecome, the cartoon about Winnie-Pooch ends voice after picture: And what the rabbit thought nobody knows, because it was a very educated rabbit.? to

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №120177
What if a healthy pitbull walks in a leash, but without a spine? Is it reason to complain? It may be dangerous...
XH: without a trunk
What I am writing...
WOW: I think, when you are going to... more precisely, it is like that, then you will think of the first thing not about the thread)) I think it is worth not to complain, but to look for an exorcist)

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №120176
There are other vegetables.
YYY: What is worse than me?
xxx: not
The worst is impossible.
You are the vegetable standard.
Zzzz: Worse than you are just the bacon.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №120175
If you believe in the law of karma, considering all that happens to me in this life, in the past I was at least a rider of the Apocalypse.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №120174
There will be no problems with the presentation. We have a projector in the stream, just come with your laptop.
Colorful slideshow: I, Gento and the Nounemovsky Pre-Top projector in various sexual positions
Sorry, I don’t have a laptop, only a stationary. But you still have time to solve your problem.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №120173
Mazenrad: Today I dreamed of all the flies! Irene is unrelated.
O-o-o: Did I have dreams?
Mazenrad : No.
I never dream of you! I dream of you, but you don’t. You do not love me!
I love you, Angel. very strongly. I remembered that you dreamed. It just flew out of the head. Do you believe I love you now?
Oh, you don’t like it! I am a heresy for you and all kinds of shit!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna